DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Quick Reference

Preprocessing the Program

Program Preparation Command - VM Users

      +-,PrepFile=--(--| fileparms |--)--+
      '-| prepparms |--------------------'
      '-sysIN--(--+-| fileparms |-+---)--'
      '-sysPRint--(--+-| fileparms |-+---)--'
      '-sysPUnch--(--+-| fileparms |-+---)--'
                                     (2)  (1)
>-----+-| multiple-user-mode-parms |-----------+---------------><
      |                            (1)         |
      '-| single-user-mode-parms |-------------'


  1. Valid for DB2 Server for VM only.

  2. Optional for multiple-user-mode.


   .-,APOST------.   .-,NOBIND----.   .-,NOBLocK-----.
   |        (1)  |   |       (4)  |   +-,BLocK-------+
   '-,Quote------'   '-,BIND------'   |         (2)  |
      '-,CCSIDMixed--(integer)--'   '-,CCSIDSbcs--(integer)--'
      '-,CHARSUB--(--+-Sbcs--+---)---'   +-,CHECK----+
                     +-Mixed-+           '-,ERROR----'
     |       (1)  |   |        (1)  |
     '-,COB2------'   '-,COBRC------'
      '-,DATE--(--+-EUR---+---)--'   '-,EXIST----'
      '-,EXPLAIN--(--+-NO--+---)--'  |        (3)  |
                     '-YES-'         '-,NOFOR------'
     |         (5)  |


  1. COBOL only.

  2. Not meaningful for DB2 Server for VSE.

  3. Implied if STDSQL(89) is specified.

  4. Valid for DB2 Server for VSE only.

  5. COBOL, PL/I, C and ASSEMBLER only.

prepparms (continued)
   .-,NOGRaphic----.   .-,ISOLation--(RR)----------------.
   |          (1)  |   '-,ISOLation--(--+-CS------+---)--'
   '-,GRaphic------'                    +-RR------+
                                        |    (2)  |
      '-,REVOKE-'   '-,LABEL--(label_text)--'
      |                             (2)    |
      .-,PACKAGE--------.   .-,PERiod-----.   .-,PRint---.
      |            (7)  |   |        (2)  |   '-,NOPRint-'
      '-,NOPACKAGE------'   '-,COMma------'
      '-,NOPUnch-'   |                            (2)    |
      .-,RELease--(COMMIT)--------------------.   .-,REPLACE--.
      '-,RELease--(--+-COMMIT----------+---)--'   '-,NEW------'
                     |            (2)  |
      .-,SEQuence--------.   .-,SQLApost-----------.
      |             (3)  |   |           (2)  (4)  |
      '-,NOSEQuence------'   '-,SQLQuote-----------'
     |          (5)  |
                    |    (6)  |


  1. COBOL and PL/I only.

  2. Only meaningful for a non-DB2 Server for VM or -DB2 Server for VSE application server.

  3. C only.

  4. COBOL only.

  5. Implied if STDSQL(89) is specified.

  6. 86 is a synonym for 89.

  7. Valid for DB2 Server for VSE only.

   +-DBFile--(--| fileparms |--)--------+
   |            .----------------.      |
   |            V                |      |
                    +-L-+        '-PARMID--(filename)--'

Program Preparation Command - VSE Users

Multiple User Mode

     |                      (2)   |
     |                           .-.A----------.      |
     |                           '-.membertype-'      |
     |               (3)                              |
     '-| prepparms |----------------------------------'


  1. The x represents A for assembler, B for C, C for COBOL, F for FORTRAN, and P for PL/I.

  2. From 1 to 18 characters, and identifies the DBNAME for the application server.

  3. Same as prepparms for VM on page Program Preparation Command - VM Users.

Single User Mode

             V                                  |
      |                      (3)   |
     |                           .-.A----------.      |
     |                           '-.membertype-'      |
     |               (3)                              |
     '-| prepparms |----------------------------------'


  1. x represents A for assembler, B for C, C for COBOL, F for FORTRAN and P for PL/I.

  2. Same as prepparms for VM on page Program Preparation Command - VM Users.

  3. From 1 to 18 characters, and identifies the DBNAME for the application server.

Program BIND Command - VSE Users

                    '-collection_id.-'  '-package_id-'  '-)-'
      '- INfile--(--private_file_id--)--'
      |  .---------------------------------------------------. |
      |  V                                                   | |
      |    | '-REPLACE--+--------+-'                      |    |
      |    |            +-KEEP---+                        |    |
      |    |            '-REVOKE-'                        |    |
      |    +-OWner--(--authorization_name----)------------+    |
      |    +-QUALifier--(--collection_id----)-------------+    |
      |    +-+-NOCHECK-+----------------------------------+    |
      |    | +-CHECK---+                                  |    |
      |    | '-ERROR---'                                  |    |
      |    |            .----------------.                |    |
      |    |            V                |                |    |
      |    +-DBList--(-----server_name---+---)------------+    |
      |    +-USERid--(--authorization_name/password----)--+    |
      |    '-MSGQueue--(--name----)-----------------------'    |

Note:For any options not specified on the CBND transaction, the default option will be the option specified when the package was preprocessed, unless otherwise noted.

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