DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation

Internal Counters

VMDSS contains a set of internal counters that are primarily intended for IBM's use. However, if you have a good understanding of the CP Macros that control data spaces within VM/ESA, you may find the following counters useful.

The number of data space segments mapped. Data spaces are divided into 256-page chunks called segments. A segment is mapped the first time the database manager references a dbspace page that lies in that segment (the first time it references a dbspace, the database manager decides where in the data space the page will be). Mapping a segment consists of defining a mapping between every dbspace page in that segment and its place on disk. Empty pages are not mapped (because there is no disk page allocated for an empty page). Even if all the dbspace pages in a data space segment are empty, the database manager still marks that segment as mapped and increments ESASEG.

The number of calls to CP's MAPMDISK DEFINE macro to map the above ESASEG segments. It may take 0 (all pages empty) or many DEFINEs per segment, because one DEFINE can only work on a contiguous set of data space pages and database manager must skip empty pages.

The number of requests to remap a page. When the database manager gets a new disk page for a dbspace page (either when database manager shadows it or starts using a previously empty dbspace page), it must redefine the data space mapping for that page to point to the new disk location.

The number of MAPMDISK DEFINE macro calls done to satisfy the REQMAPPG requests above. The database manager tries to delay the requests as long as possible in order to group as many as it can into one DEFINE. In the worst case, there will be 1 DEFINE for every request. In the best case, 1 for every 256 requests.

The number of calls to CP's MAPMDISK SAVE macro to save the contents of a page in the Data Space on DASD.

The sum of "maximum runs". Before issuing a MAPMDISK SAVE macro for one or more blocks of 32 pages, a maximum run is computed. It is the largest number of contiguous blocks of 32 pages that are being saved. SAVEMXRN is an indicator of whether the blocks of pages being saved are consecutively modified (during a dataload for example) and determines the span length to use for the REFPAGE macro following completion of MAPMDISK SAVE macro (refer to SCBLKREF and SCSPNREF).

The number of 32 page blocks for which CP's MAPMDISK SAVE macro was issued. The MAPMDISK SAVE macro is issued for modified blocks of pages at checkpoints and when the number of modified blocks reaches the SAVEINTV threshold.

The number of times the database manager was forced to wait for a MAPMDISK SAVE macro to save modified pages on DASD. To ensure that all modified data is safely stored on DASD, the checkpoint processing cannot finish until all outstanding MAPMDISK SAVE requests are complete.

The number of times a block form of CP's REFPAGE macro was issued telling CP the reference pattern for a group of pages.

The number of pages for which a block form of REFPAGE macro was issued.

The sum of spans used in block form of REFPAGE macro.

The number of times a list form of CP's REFPAGE macro was issued.

The number of pages for which a list form of REFPAGE macro was issued.

The number of DIAGNOSE X'10' instructions processed that release the main or expanded storage back to CP.

The number of data space pages that have been released using the DIAGNOSE X'10' instruction.

The number of blocks of 32 pages for which storage has been released following the completion of MAPMDISK SAVE request.

The number of blocks of 32 pages for which a reference pattern was established following the completion of MAPMDISK SAVE request.

The number of times a block form of the REFPAGE macro was issued following the completion of MAPMDISK SAVE request.

The sum of spans used in the block form of the REFPAGE macro following the completion of the MAPMDISK SAVE request. The size of each span is based on the largest number of consecutive blocks of 32 pages that were (SAVEMXRN counter). As the number of consecutively modified blocks increases (during a dataload for example) the size of the span given to CP's REFPAGE macro also increases.

The number of save requests made by general agents when the SAVEINTV has been reached for a data space.

The number of save requests made by the checkpoint agent to flush the page buffers prior to starting checkpoint processing.

The number of save requests made by the checkpoint agent during checkpoint processing.

To display the counters, type the following at the operator console:


For example:

| counter internal *                                                             |
|Counter values at  DATE='07-23-91'  TIME='08:57:51'                             |
| ESASEG   429                                                                   |
| MAPSEGPG 432                                                                   |
| REQMAPPG 15                                                                    |
| MAPPG    13                                                                    |
| SAVESLD  1                                                                     |
| SAVEMXRN 1                                                                     |
| SAVEBLK  1                                                                     |
| WAITSLD  0                                                                     |
| REFBLOCK 860                                                                   |
| REFBPAGE 163912                                                                |
| REFBSPAN 68485                                                                 |
| REFLST   1580                                                                  |
| REFLPAGE 101120                                                                |
| DIAG10   1580                                                                  |
| DIAG10PG 101120                                                                |
| SCDIAG10 0                                                                     |
| SCREF    0                                                                     |
| SCBLKREF 0                                                                     |
| SCSPNREF 0                                                                     |
| SAVEGNRL 0                                                                     |
| SAVECHK0 0                                                                     |
| SAVECHK1 0                                                                     |
| ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                              |

To reset the counters to zero, type the following:


For example:

|reset internal *                                                                |
|Counters reset at  DATE='05-23-91'  TIME='09:26:15'.                            |
|counter internal *                                                              |
|Counter values at  DATE='07-23-91'  TIME='09:26:51'                             |
| ESASEG   0                                                                     |
| MAPSEGPG 0                                                                     |
| REQMAPPG 0                                                                     |
| MAPPG    0                                                                     |
| SAVESLD  0                                                                     |
| SAVEMXRN 0                                                                     |
| SAVEBLK  0                                                                     |
| WAITSLD  0                                                                     |
| REFBLOCK 0                                                                     |
| REFBPAGE 0                                                                     |
| REFBSPAN 0                                                                     |
| REFLST   0                                                                     |
| REFLPAGE 0                                                                     |
| DIAG10   0                                                                     |
| DIAG10PG 0                                                                     |
| SCDIAG10 0                                                                     |
| SCREF    0                                                                     |
| SCBLKREF 0                                                                     |
| SCSPNREF 0                                                                     |
| SAVEGNRL 0                                                                     |
| SAVECHK0 0                                                                     |
| SAVECHK1 0                                                                     |
| ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                              |

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