DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation


Displays the status of active database users.


>>-SHOW ACTIVE-------------------------------------------------><


This command shows you whether a user agent is waiting for a data space page fault or the checkpoint agent is waiting for an SLD block. If a user agent is waiting for a data space page fault, you will see:

   Agent ... is in DS page fault Wait

The checkpoint agent is waiting for an SLD block, you will see:

   Checkpoint agent is in DS SLD block Wait


|show active                                                                     |
|Status of SQL/DS agents:                                                        |
|   Checkpoint agent is not active                                               |
|   User Agent:   1 User-ID:  SMITH    is R/W APPL   7B4                         |
|      Agent is     processing and is in I/O           Wait                      |
|   User Agent:   2 User-ID:  MICHAEL  is R/O SUBS   7B9                         |
|      Agent is not processing and is in communication Wait                      |
|   User Agent:   3 User-ID:  JESSICA  is R/O APPL   5A4                         |
|      Agent is     processing and is in DS page fault Wait                      |
|   User Agent:   4 User-ID:  TESTUSER is R/W APPL   7BB                         |
|      Agent is     processing and is in DS page fault Wait                      |
|   4    agent(s) not connected to an APPL or SUBSYS                             |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing complete                                   |

|show active                                                                     |
|Status of SQL/DS agents:                                                        |
|   Checkpoint agent is in DS SLD block  Wait                                    |
|   User Agent:   1 User-ID:  PETER    is NEW APPL   106                         |
|      Agent is waiting for log archive checkpoint.    Wait                      |
|   User Agent:   2 User-ID:  GENE     is NEW SUBS   107                         |
|      Agent is waiting for log archive checkpoint.                              |
|   3    agent(s) not connected to an APPL or SUBSYS                             |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing complete                                   |

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