DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation


Sets the number of modified pages the database manager allows in data spaces before it writes them to DASD.


>>-SET SAVEINTV--n---------------------------------------------><

Sets the save interval for the database to n blocks of 4KB pages (32 pages in a block). When the number of modified blocks of pages in a data space exceeds this parameter, the database manager directs the operating system to save all the pages in that data space that were modified by the database manager to DASD. Valid values are integers from 1 to 999,999 blocks. The default is 10 blocks.


This command lets you dynamically change the VMDSS save interval. It also displays your previous save interval and your new one.


|set saveintv 12                                                                 |
|Previous SAVEINTV = 10                                                          |
|SAVEINTV = 12                                                                   |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                               |
Note:This command is not allowed when no storage pools are using data spaces. For example, when the storage pool specification file specifies BLK for all storage pools. This is true even if the directory is in a data space, or if unmapped data spaces are used for internal dbspaces (if SEPINTDB=Y is used), or both.

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