DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation


Resets storage pool counters to zero. Also resets the counters for the directory and unmapped internal dbspaces to zero.


>>-RESET POOL----+-*--------+----------------------------------><

Resets the counters for all storage pools, the directory, and unmapped internal dbspaces to zero.

Resets the counters for storage pool number n to zero. Valid values are integers from 1 to 999.

Resets the counters for the directory to zero.

Resets counters for unmapped internal dbspaces.


This operator command resets storage pool and directory counters to zero. You can use this command to develop a picture of database performance over time. At regular intervals, display the storage pool and directory counters with the COUNTER POOL command; then reset the counters with RESET POOL. The next time you display the counters, they will display the number of key events that occurred between the time when you issued the RESET POOL command and the time when you issued COUNTER POOL.


|counter pool 1                                                                  |
|Counter values at  DATE='05-24-91'  TIME='10:11:07'                             |
|                                                                                |
|Pool No. 1:  Data Spaces                                                        |
|Pages looked at in the buffer  LBUFLOOK:  1005                                  |
|Pages moved from DS to buffer  DSREAD  :  77                                    |
|Pages moved from buffer to DS  DSWRITE :  0                                     |
|DS page fault notifications    DSFAULT :  18                                    |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                               |
|reset pool 1                                                                    |
|Counters reset at  DATE='05-24-91'  TIME='10:11:15'                             |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                               |
|counter pool 1                                                                  |
|Counter values at  DATE='05-24-91'  TIME='10:11:22'                             |
|                                                                                |
|Pool No. 1:  Data Spaces                                                        |
|Pages looked at in the buffer  LBUFLOOK:  0                                     |
|Pages moved from DS to buffer  DSREAD  :  0                                     |
|Pages moved from buffer to DS  DSWRITE :  0                                     |
|DS page fault notifications    DSFAULT :  0                                     |
|ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.                               |

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