DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation
Using the following command, you can choose a national language for
messages on the operator console:
>>-SET LANGuage----+-language-+--------------------------------><
You must specify the language or a language ID. The language you
choose must be one installed on the application server. If you are
using VSE/ESA, you cannot choose a double-byte character set (DBCS) language,
because the VSE operator console does not support DBCS.
Note: | ISQL users can choose a double-byte character set (DBCS) when issuing the SET
LANGUAGE command. KANJI is one example of a language that uses a
double-byte character set.
- Keyword
- Description
- language
- is any language installed on the application server. You must use
one of the names in the LANGUAGE column of the SQLDBA.SYSLANGUAGE
catalog table. For more information on the SYSLANGUAGE table, see
Appendix A of the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database
Administration manual.
- langid
- is the language ID of any language installed on the application
server. You must use one of the language IDs in the LANGID column of
the SQLDBA.SYSLANGUAGE table. You can also use language IDs that
CMS supports. Valid language IDs are:
- American English
- Uppercase English
- French
- German
- Kanji (Japanese)
- Simplified Chinese
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