DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation

Setting Parameters Required to Autostart DRDA TRUE

The DAXP transaction is a CICS transaction used to set the parameters which will be used when an AXE transaction subsequently autostarts DRDA TRUE support for an application server.

When the DAXP transaction is re-issued for the same application server, the new parameters will replace the old parameters. The new values will take effect the next time DRDA TRUE support is re-enabled for the application server.

The parameters set by DAXP will be effective until CICS is recycled. When CICS is recycled, it is necessary to re-do DAXP for each server, if applicable. This is different from the way the CIRB or CIRA parameters are handled by the local Online Resource Adapter. In the local Online Resource Adapter, the CIRB or CIRA parameters are effective until CICS is recycled or CIRT is issued, whichever comes first.

When an AXE transaction autostarts DRDA TRUE support for an application server before the corresponding DAXP transaction was invoked, the AXE transaction will use the default PASSWORD and the default LANGID.

This transaction has three parameters.

           '-password,-'   '-langid,-'

The parameters are described below. For the syntax rules of the transactions, see Using Syntax Rules for DB2 Server for VSE CICS Transactions.

The parameters have the following meanings:
Parameter Default Description
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) SQLDBAPW This password identifies the CICS subsystem password. It establishes the AXE transaction's authority to activate DRDA support within CICS on behalf of a DB2 for VSE application server. When the AXE transaction autostarts DRDA TRUE support, it connects to a DB2 for VSE recovery agent in order to obtain a list of LUWs that the database manager must resynchronize with CICS/VSE, it specifies a userid and password. The userid is the CICS APPLID. The password must match the password for the CICS APPLID as defined to DB2 for VSE. If not specified, the password defaults to SQLDBAPW.
LANGID (positional parameter 2) specified at installation This parameter defines the language the DB2 Server for VSE server uses to display error and information messages.

This parameter must take the form of a minimum 1-character, maximum 5-character language ID. You must use one of the language IDs in the LANGID column of the SQLDBA.SYSLANGUAGE table. The language ID must identify a language you have installed on the DB2 Server for VSE server. The following IDs can be specified on the DAXP transaction:

American English

Uppercase English



Kanji (Japanese)

Simplified Chinese

If this parameter is omitted, the language defaults to the language chosen as the default at installation.

SERVER_NAME (positional parameter 3) none This parameter is required and specifies the application server for which Distributed Unit of Work support is to be enabled.

If this parameter is omitted, the message ARI0400E is issued indicating that an invalid input parameter was entered.

The following messages may be displayed:

  1. When DAXP is re-issued for a server:
       ARI4016I  The following DRDA TRUE support enabling parameters
                 have been replaced:
                     LANGID = langid.
                     SERVER_NAME = server_name.
                     SERVER_APPLID = server_applid.
  2. When DAXP ended successfully:
       ARI4010I  The following DRDA TRUE support enabling parameters
                 have been saved:
                     LANGID = langid.
                     SERVER_NAME = server_name.
                     SERVER_APPLID = server_applid.
                 These parameters will be used by the AXE transaction
                 when it autostarts DRDA TRUE support.

Disabling DRDA TRUE Support Within CICS/VSE

The DAXT transaction is a task-related user exit administration routine that is responsible for disabling DRDA TRUE support within CICS/VSE. It performs functions similar to the CIRR or CIRT transactions to disable a task-related user exit. It issues the EXEC CICS DISABLE command to disable the task-related user exit program.

This transaction is invoked by the task-related user exit program if the task-related user exit support must be disabled for some reason (eg. a severe communication error occurs). It can also be invoked explicitly by the operator. It should be used to terminate the task-related user exit program after you have finished using it.

This transaction has four parameters.

           '-password,-'   '-mode,-'   '-interval,-'

The parameters have the following meanings:
Parameter Default Description
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) SQLDBAPW This password establishes the operator's authority to terminate DRDA support within CICS on behalf of a DB2 for VSE application server. It must be the same password that was used to start the DRDA TRUE support. If not specified, the password defaults to SQLDBAPW.
MODE (positional parameter 2) NORMAL This parameter establishes the shutdown mode: NORMAL or QUICK. When you specify NORMAL, the DAXT transaction will not disable the DRDA TRUE when an AXE transaction which has accessed the DRDA TRUE earlier is still active. When you specify QUICK, the DAXT transaction will disable the DRDA TRUE immediately, unless an SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK is ongoing.
INTERVAL (positional parameter 3) 30 (seconds) The number of seconds that the DAXT transaction should delay before freeing the terminal. The value must be an integer value between 0 and 3 600. This parameter controls the availability of the CICS terminal (or operator console) once you issue the DAXT transaction.

The CICS terminal (or VSE operator console) used to activate the DAXT transaction is unavailable until the transaction ends. This could be a long time if the database manager is taking a long time to process the AXE transaction's Prepare-to-Commit, Commit or Rollback SQL request.

The value you specify for interval represents an interval of time measured in seconds. If the DAXT transaction does not finish immediately, it waits the amount of time you specify. When this time ends, the DAXT transaction tries once again to finish processing. If the DAXT transaction does not finish successfully, you receive a message telling you to retry the DAXT transaction later. After issuing the message, the DAXT transaction ends. The shutdown mode is still in effect, and the terminal is available for your use.

SERVER_NAME (positional parameter 4) none This parameter is required and specifies the application server from which Distributed Unit of Work support is to be removed.

If this parameter is omitted, the message ARI0400E is issued indicating that an invalid input parameter was entered.

The following messages may be displayed:

  1. When the task-related user exit program successfully disables:
       ARI0191I  TRUE-name is disabled.
  2. When the task-related user exit program is currently not enabled, therefore, disable is not done:
       ARI0192I  TRUE-name is not currently enabled for DRDA support.
  3. When the DAXT transaction must delay before it retries to finish the DAXT process:
       ARI4012I    The disable transaction tran must delay for a
                   interval- second interval before it retries
                   EXEC CICS DISABLE for DRDA TRUE TRUE-name.
  4. When the operator must retry shutdown later:
       ARI4013A    Retry the disable transaction tran.
                   Application transactions are accessing the DRDA TRUE for

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