To add connections to another application server, issue the CICS CIRA transaction. The CIRA transaction has four parameters:
>>-CIRA----+-,---------+---+-,--------+---+-,-------+-----------> '-password,-' '-nolinks,-' '-defuid,-' >-----+-server_name--------------------------+----------------->< | .-,--------------. | | V | | '-(-+---+-----server_name---+---+---+--' '-,-' '-)-' |
The parameters are described below. For the syntax rules of the transactions, see Using Syntax Rules for DB2 Server for VSE CICS Transactions.
The parameters have the following meanings:
Note: | The PASSWORD, NOLINKS, DEFUID and SERVER_NAME parameters have the same meanings as on the CIRB command. One exception is that the SERVER_NAME parameter is required on CIRA, but is optional on CIRB. |
Parameter | Default | Description |
PASSWORD (positional parameter 1) | SQLDBAPW | This parameter establishes the operator's authority to activate
online access to the application server. The password identifies the
CICS subsystem. The user ID of the subsystem is the CICS APPLID, which
defaults to DBDCCICS. The procedure ARIS080D uses the following job
control to give the password and user ID to the application server.
// EXEC ARISQLDS,SIZE=AUTO,PARM='SYSMODE=S,LOGMODE=N,PROGNAME=ARIDBS' CONNECT SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY SQLDBAPW; GRANT SCHEDULE TO DBDCCICS IDENTIFIED BY CICSPSWD; COMMIT WORK;The password chosen (CICSPSWD above) must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE specifications for a password. This password establishes which password to use when dropping connections through the CIRR or CIRT commands. See Password Implications on Online Resource Adapter Termination for more details. |
NOLINKS (positional parameter 2) | 3 | This parameter establishes the number of links (paths) that should be initialized to the local application server. Specify this parameter as a decimal value between 1 and 64. The number must be less than or equal to the value assigned to the NCUSERS initialization parameter of the application server. (The NCUSERS default is 5.) |
DEFUID (positional parameter 3) | CICSUSER | This parameter identifies the default user ID used for the implicit CONNECT of the online support to a local application server. This parameter must satisfy DB2 Server for VSE specifications for a user ID. |
SERVER_NAME (positional parameter 4) | none | This parameter is required and it specifies the additional application
servers that you want to access.
If this parameter is omitted, the message ARI0400E is issued indicating that an incorrect input parameter was entered. |