DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Database Services Utility

Storage Dumps

Dumps Initiated by the Database Services Utility

The Database Services Utility initiates a storage dump if an illogical condition or critical error arises during its execution. Before a Database Services Utility storage dump of the partition or virtual machine is initiated, the message ARI804E is normally generated, and register 15 is set to a hexadecimal dump identification (DUMP ID) value. After a storage dump is generated, Database Services Utility processing continues.

The message ARI0804E identifies:

In two instances, Database Services Utility storage dumps are not preceded by the usual ARI0804E message. These are:

The Database Services Utility modules initiating storage dumps, the reasons for the dumps, and the hexadecimal dump identification values are explained in the DB2 Server for VSE Messages and Codes and DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals.


Processing for Debug Mode

In debug mode, if the sequence of commands described below is supplied in the DB2 Server for VSE Database Services Utility input control card file, a storage dump of a partition is taken following the next SQL error that occurs. And in DB2 Server for VM, if this sequence of commands is supplied in the Database Services Utility command file, a virtual machine dump is taken following the next SQL error that occurs. An SQL error is identified by an SQLCODE less than 0 or greater than +100 received after the execution of an SQL statement. The resulting storage dump reflects a register 15 value of hex 811 and is generated by a Database Services Utility call to entry point ARISYSDA.

The command sequence necessary to initiate the storage dump is:


The storage dump is then taken after the next SQL error returned by the database manager (in the SQLCA) after the execution of an SQL statement. Database Services Utility processing continues after the dump is generated. If you want subsequent storage dumps during the same execution of the Database Services Utility, repeat the special command sequence described above.

Guidelines for DEBUG Storage Dump Analysis

Register 15 = X'811'   Register 13 + 4 = ARIDSQLA register save area address for last ARIPRDI CALL

ARIDSQLA save area address:

+ 12 = ARISYSDA (storage dump routine) return address within ARIDSQLA
+ 16 = ARISYSDA entry point
+ 32 = Address of SQLTIE (Register 3 contents at time of dump)
+ 36 = Contents of register 4 at time of dump.

Common processing area (CPA) address + X'0C' = the address of the special save area containing the register 0 through register 15 contents saved by the Database Services Utility before executing the dump request call to ARISYSDA.

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