The DATALOAD command and subcommands are contained on more than one input record. If, for example, you want to load data into 10 columns of a table, the first input record contains the DATALOAD command, and the next 10 input records contain the Table Column Identification (TCI) subcommands.
The DATALOAD command cannot be continued onto a second input record;
it must be completed on a single record. The record immediately following the DATALOAD command must contain a TCI subcommand.
Format: >>-DATALOAD--TABLE----(table_name)--+------------------------+-->< '-input_record_id_clause-' >>-table_column_id_subcommand---------------------------------->< >>-infile_subcommand--+------------------------------------+--->< | .-.------------------. | | V | | '----user_data_record---+---ENDDATA--' input-record-id-clause: >>-IF POS---(--startpos--+---------+--)----+- = --+--constant-->< '--endpos-' +- <> -+ +- ^= -+ +- < --+ +- > --+ +- <= -+ '- >= -' table_column_id_subcommand .-.------------------------------------------------. V | |------| parameters |---+-------------------------+---+---------| '-| null_current_clause |-' null_current_clause |--+-NULL--------------+---+-----------------------------+------| +-CURRENT DATE------+ | | +-CURRENT TIME------+ '--| parameters |---constant--' '-CURRENT TIMESTAMP-' (1) >>--------INFILE------------------------------------------------> >-----+-(--*--+----------------------------+---+------------------------+---)--+> | | .-No--. | | .-Yes--. | | | '-CONTINUED--(--+-----+---)--' '-LIST--(--+------+---)--' | | '-Yes-' '-No---' | | | '-(--ddname--| option_b |--)---------------------------------------------' >-----+------------------------+---+-------------------------+->< '-COMMITCOUNT--(ccount)--' '-RESTARTCOUNT--(rcount)--'
option-b: tape/disk options for DB2 Server for VSE |--+------------------------+-----------------------------------> | .-2048--. | '-BLKSZ--(-+-size--+--)--' >-----+----------------------------------+----------------------> | .-REWIND---. | | .-(TAPE)--+-NOREWIND-+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)----------------+--' >-----+------------------+---+----------------+-----------------| '-RECFM--(format)--' '-RECSZ--(size)--' |
Authorization: You must have the INSERT and SELECT &cont. privilege on the tables affected by the command.
A virtual column is a column of a view that is not derived directly from a column of a table. For example, view columns defined with expressions such as BONUS+COMM, PRSTAFF*1.5, or AVG(BONUS) are virtual columns.
When loading data into a view that was created using the WITH CHECK OPTION clause, the database manager checks all inserts and updates to the view against the view definition and rejects them if the row to be inserted or updated does not conform to the view definition.
If multiple DATALOAD commands are supplied before an INFILE command and an input_record_id_clause appears on one of them, all the DATALOAD commands must have the clause. Database Services Utility error messages are generated and no DATALOAD processing is performed if you break this rule.
The parameters of input_record_id_clause are:
The value cannot be continued onto a second input record. It can be one of the following:
Notice that one-, two-, or four-position refers to the length the value occupies in the input record, not the length it occupies in the clause itself. See Figure 79 through Figure 82 for examples to clarify this definition.
Figure 79. Character-String Constant Value Used in the Input-Record-Id-Clause
IF POS (20-22) = 'RT1' (1) IF POS (20-21) ¬= '01' (1) To be used for DATALOAD, positions 20 to 22 of the input data record must contain the character string RT1. |
Figure 80. One-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Input_Record_Id_Clause
IF POS (20) = 255 (1) IF POS (16) ¬= 25 IF POS (35) > 3 (1) To be used for DATALOAD, positions 20 of the input data record must contain a hex FF value. |
Figure 81. Two-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Input_Record_Id_Clause
IF POS (20-21) = 1 (1) IF POS (35-36) <> 50 IF POS (5-6) >= +32767 IF POS (3-4) <= 32767 (1) To be used for DATALOAD, positions 20 through 21 of the input record must contain a hex 0001 value. |
Figure 82. Four-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Input_Record_Id_Clause
IF POS (20-23) = 15 (1) IF POS (16-19) ¬= 50 IF POS (21-24) >= +2000123563 IF POS (20-23) < 1839107489 (1) To be used for DATALOAD, positions 20 through 23 of the input record must contain a hex 0000000F value. |
Format: >>-column_name--startpos--| options |---| null_current_clause |--> >-------------------------------------------------------------->< options .-.----------------. V .-CHARacter--. | |--+---------+-----+------------+--+----------------------------| '--endpos-' '-data_type--' |
The next record following the DATALOAD command must contain a Table Column Identification (TCI) subcommand.
If it does not, the Database Services Utility issues an error message. TCI subcommands identify the location in the input records of the data for a table column. Only one TCI subcommand can appear in an input record. The command parameters must not span input records, and the column_name, startpos, and endpos parameters must be specified first in the command and in that order.
The data must be in the same record positions in all records that relate to the table.
The data type specification can appear either before or after null or current if both parameters are entered. The data type parameter is optional, and the default data type is character. The valid data type identifiers that you can specify are:
If the table column is defined with a column-type of VARCHAR, trailing blanks are removed from the input record data field before the length of the field is established. An all-blank input record data field targeted for a varying-length character column results in a length of 0. (A sequence of blanks is not inserted in the database.)
If extended DBCS is in effect for a database, character input data can contain DBCS characters with shift-in and shift-out delimiters, but the Database Services Utility does not ensure that shift-in and shift-out delimiters are balanced.
If the table column is defined as numeric (SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, or FLOAT), character (EBCDIC) input data must be in the form of an SQL INTEGER, DECIMAL, or FLOAT constant. The character input data is then converted by Database Services Utility processing.
Note: | If a data field contains an EBCDIC numeric value that is not in the form of an SQL INTEGER, DECIMAL, or FLOAT constant, (or if it contains an implied decimal point), the data field can meet the requirements of a DATALOAD ZONED input data field. |
The type of representation allowed for numeric values in character (CHAR or CHARACTER) input data fields depends on the data type of the target numeric column:
The number is converted regardless of its position in the field, but leading and trailing blanks are ignored. If you specify a data field in positions 1 to 5 and type a 2-character number in positions 4 and 5, the number is recognized. In the example below, the TCI subcommand says that data for ACTNO (which has a SMALLINT data type) is in record positions 1 through 5. Additionally, it identifies that the data within those record positions is character. Thus, the Database Services Utility must convert the character data on the input record to a SMALLINT value before it can insert it into the ACTNO column shown in Figure 83.
Figure 83. Character Input Data Used in Data type-n
![]() |
The precision and scale represented in the CHAR field targeted for a table column with a data type of DECIMAL must be less than or equal to the precision and scale defined for the column. Leading zeros after the optional sign are ignored; thus, you can code:
on an input data record, and it fits into a column with a data type of DECIMAL(3,1).
yyyy-mm-dd (ISO, JIS format) (EUR format) mm/dd/yyyy (USA format) installation defined (Local format) where: yyyy is the year mm is the month dd is the day
Note: | You can omit leading zeros from months and days, but do not replace them with blanks. For example, 2000-1-1 is valid while 2000- 1- 1 is not. |
hh:mm AM or hh:mm PM (USA format)[.ss] (ISO, EUR format) hh:mm[:ss] (JIS format) installation defined (Local format) where: hh is the hour 0 <= hh <= 12 for USA format 0 <= hh <= 24 for ISO, EUR, JIS format mm is the minutes ss is the seconds
In the USA time format, you can specify zero in the hh field only for 00:00 a.m.
Note: | Leading zeros can be omitted from hours. The specification of seconds is optional. |[.[nnnnnn]] where yyyy-mm-dd is the date (see ISO DATE format) is the time (see ISO TIME format) nnnnnn is the microseconds
the input can be in a 1-byte or
2-byte binary data field. Table columns defined with a data type of INTEGER can be loaded from a 1-byte, 2-byte, or 4-byte binary input data field.
The value ranges for binary input data fields are:
The table column identified must be defined with a data type of REAL or FLOAT(n) where n is from 1 to 21.
The table column identified must be defined with a data type of FLOAT, DOUBLE PRECISION, or FLOAT(n) where n is from 22 to 53.
Note: | If 8-byte floating-point binary data is loaded into a 4-byte floating-point table column, a number of digits of precision are lost. |
with a DECIMAL data type. The precision of the input decimal data field value must be equal to or less than the precision of the target decimal column. The Database Services Utility takes the scale (number of positions to the right of the implied decimal point) of an input record decimal data value from the scale of the target column unless you specify the optional DECIMAL(scalevalue) form of the command parameter.
The optional scalevalue is an integer value (0 through 31) identifying the number of scale positions in the input record decimal data value. A scalevalue equal to or less than the scale of the target DECIMAL column is allowed. A Database Services Utility processing error occurs if the scalevalue is greater than the scale of the target DECIMAL column.
If the DECIMAL(scalevalue) form of the parameter is used, no blanks are allowed within the parameter specification.
Columns defined as NUMERIC are treated as DECIMAL data types.
column must be defined as numeric (SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT). See Figure 84 for examples.
Three variations or types of zoned data input are supported (see description below). The type of zoned data is identified by Database Services Utility processing. Database Services Utility processing converts the zoned data to the data type of the target numeric column.
Note: | If a data field contains an EBCDIC numeric value with an explicit decimal point, or otherwise does not meet the requirements of a zoned input data field, the data field can meet the requirements of a DATALOAD character (CHAR) input data field. DATALOAD character input data is described in this section. |
If the zoned field is for a DECIMAL column, it must contain a value with a precision less than or equal to the precision of the target
DECIMAL column. The Database Services Utility uses the scale (number of positions to the right of the implied decimal point) of the target DECIMAL column for the scale of a zoned value in the input record unless the optional ZONED(scalevalue) form of the command parameter is specified.
The optional scalevalue is an integer value (0 through 31) identifying the number of scale positions in each input record zoned data field value. A scalevalue equal to or less than the scale of the target DECIMAL column is allowed. A Database Services Utility processing error occurs if scalevalue is greater than the scale of the target DECIMAL column.
If the ZONED(scalevalue) form of the parameter is used, no blanks are allowed within the parameter specification. Also, scalevalue is ignored if the target column is defined as a SMALLINT, INTEGER, or FLOAT column.
The Database Services Utility zoned data support is based on the definition of a zoned field that is described in the publication IBM System/370 Principles of Operation manual. It includes support for standard and extended decimal items (zoned decimal items).
The following three variations of a zoned input data field are supported:
A numeric value within a standard zoned data field has the following format:
The valid zone bit configuration for a standard zoned data field is:
The valid plus-sign bit configurations for a standard zoned data field are:
The valid minus-sign bit configurations for a standard zoned data field are:
A zoned data field value with a leading sign has a format identical to the zoned data format described above except that the 4 high-order bits of the high-order byte represent the sign of the number. The 4 high-order bits of the low-order bytes contain zone bits.
The valid plus-sign bit configuration for a zoned data field with a leading sign is:
The valid minus-sign bit configuration for a zoned data field with a leading sign is:
The valid zone bit configurations for a zoned data field with a leading sign is:
A numeric value within a zoned data field with a trailing sign in a separate position has a format similar to the zoned data format described above except that the high-order 4 bits of the high-order and low-order numeric value bytes contain zone bits. The sign of the numeric data value is contained in a separate low-order data value byte.
The valid zone bit configuration for the numeric value bytes in a zoned data field with a trailing sign in a separate position is:
A plus-sign is represented in the separate low-order data field position by an EBCDIC plus (+) sign (hex 4E) or by a blank (hex 40). A minus-sign is represented in the low-order data field position by an EBCDIC minus (-) sign (hex 60).
Figure 84. Examples of Valid Zoned Data Input
.----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | HEXADECIMAL | DESCRIPTION OF VALUE LOADED INTO NUMERIC COLUMN | | CONTENTS OF +-----------------------------------------------------+ |FIVE(5) POSITION+-----------.-----------.----------------.------------+ |ZONED DATA FIELD| SMALLINT | INTEGER | DECIMAL(5,2) | FLOAT | +----------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+------------+ | | | | | | | (...System/370* Zoned Data Formats...) | | | | F1F1F1F1A1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1B1 | -11111 | -11111 | -111.11 |-1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1C1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1D1 | -11111 | -11111 | -111.11 |-1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1E1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1F1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | | | | | | | (...COBOL Standard Zoned Data...) | | | | F1F1F1F1F1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1C1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | F1F1F1F1D1 | -11111 | -11111 | -111.11 |-1.1111E+04 | | | | | | | | (...COBOL Zoned Data with Leading Sign...) | | | F1F1F1F1F1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | C1F1F1F1F1 | 11111 | 11111 | 111.11 | 1.1111E+04 | | D1F1F1F1F1 | -11111 | -11111 | -111.11 |-1.1111E+04 | | | | | | | | (...COBOL Zoned Data with Trailing Sign in Separate Position...) | | F1F1F1F140 | 1111 | 1111 | 11.11 | 1.111E+03 | | F1F1F1F14E | 1111 | 1111 | 11.11 | 1.111E+03 | | F1F1F1F160 | -1111 | -1111 | -11.11 | -1.111E+03 | | | | | | | | (...Miscellaneous Other Formats Accepted...) | | | 4040404040 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0E0 | | 404040F0F2 | 2 | 2 | .02 | 2.0E+00 | | 4040F24040 | 2 | 2 | .02 | 2.0E+00 | | 40C1F1F1F1 | 1111 | 1111 | 11.11 | 1.111E+03 | | 40D1F1F1F1 | -1111 | -1111 | -11.11 | -1.111E+03 | | 404040F24E | 2 | 2 | .02 | 2.0E+00 | | F24E404040 | 2 | 2 | .02 | 2.0E+00 | | 404040F260 | -2 | -2 | -.02 | -2.0E+00 | | F260404040 | -2 | -2 | -.02 | -2.0E+00 | '----------------'-----------'-----------'----------------'------------'
defined with a data type of GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, or long fields.
One DBCS character is contained in 2 data-field bytes. The input data field must be an even number (2, 4, 6...100, and so forth) of positions (bytes) in length, or a Database Services Utility processing error occurs.
The shift-out and shift-in delimiters are optional in the input data field.
If the first position of the input data field contains a shift-out delimiter (hex 0E), the last position of the data field must contain a shift-in delimiter (hex 0F); if it does not, a Database Services Utility processing error occurs.
If the first position of the input data field does not contain a shift-out delimiter, no shift-in delimiter is expected.
See Table 9 for a summary of data type conversions.
No embedded blanks are allowed in the null or current clause within the left and right parentheses enclosing the startpos and endpos values. The format of the null or current clause is:
null-current-clause >>-+-NULL--------------+----------------------------------------> +-CURRENT DATE------+ +-CURRENT TIME------+ '-CURRENT TIMESTAMP-' >-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+> | .-IF-. | '-+----+----POS--(--startpos--+---------+--)----+- = --+---constant--' '--endpos-' +- <> -+ +- ^= -+ +- < --+ +- > --+ +- <= -+ '- >= -' >-------------------------------------------------------------->< |
where the following is true, as appropriate:
These special registers identify the start of a null or current clause. Note that IF is optional; for example, you can specify the keyword phrase NULL IF POS or NULL POS.
Note: | CURRENT TIMEZONE is not supported. |
When CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP is to be loaded, you must provide a value for the endpos parameter of the TCI subcommand so that the correct length of the data field can be loaded. You need a minimum of 10 bytes for CURRENT DATE, a minimum of 5 bytes for CURRENT TIME, and a minimum of 19 bytes for CURRENT TIMESTAMP. These values follow the rules for ISO formats. To ensure that each data field is sufficiently large to accommodate the maximum value that can be entered for the field, you should define 10 bytes for CURRENT DATE, 8 bytes for CURRENT TIME, and 26 bytes for CURRENT TIMESTAMP. Refer to the input data formats required for date, time, and timestamp.
See Figure 85 for examples.
Overlapping Column Position Specifications |
The startpos and endpos in the null-current-clause need not depend on the positions occupied by data fields in the sequential input file specified in the INFILE subcommand; however, if the positions of the data fields and the positions specified by startpos and endpos in the null-current-clause overlap, data can be overlaid. During DATALOAD processing, the database manager generates an input buffer to hold one row of data for the table. When a TCI subcommand is encountered, one row of the data, either embedded or in the specified input file, is written to the input buffer. The TCI subcommand then writes the CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME or NULL characters to the buffer as required. The data from the specified positions in the input buffer is then written to the table. This process is performed for every row in the table. If the positions of the data fields and the positions specified by startpos and endpos in the null-current-clause overlap, the data in the buffer may be overlaid and cause unexpected results or errors. The following example illustrates how data may be overlaid. CREATE TABLE TIMING ( START_DATE DATE, START_TIME TIME); DATALOAD TABLE(TIMING) START_DATE 3-12 CURRENT DATE IF POS(1-10) = ' ' START_TIME 5-12 CURRENT TIME IF POS(4-11) = ' ' INFILE(*) -- FIRST 12 COLUMNS ARE BLANK ENDDATA; In this example, the START_DATE, START_TIME and the startpos and endpos of the IF POS clause overlap. The first row of the embedded data is loaded into the input buffer. The first TCI subcommand in the DATALOAD command checks column 1 to 10 in the buffer and determines that POS(1-10) = ' ' is true. The CURRENT DATE is then written into positions 3 to 12 in the input buffer. The second TCI subcommand checks positions 4 to 11 of the input buffer; however, positions 3 to 12 contain part of CURRENT DATE; therefore the IF POS(4-11) ' ' clause is not true. The data for START_TIME is then taken from column 5 to 12 in the input buffer when the START_TIME column is written to the TIMING table. Because positions 5 to 12 in the input buffer were already overwritten by the first TCI command, those positions now contain part of CURRENT DATE and the data for START_TIME is not in the correct time format. A syntax error therefore occurs. |
Figure 85. Character-String Constant Value Used in the Null-Current-Clause
NULL IF POS(20-23) = 'SKIP' CURRENT DATE IF POS(20-21) ¬= ' ' CURRENT TIME IF POS(20-21) >= '01' CURRENT TIMESTAMP IF POS(20-21) <> 'XX' |
Figure 86. One-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Null-Current-Clause
Figure 87. Two-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Null-Current-Clause
NULL IF POS (20-21) = 1 CURRENT DATE IF POS (35-36) ¬= 50 CURRENT TIME IF POS (5-6) <= +32767 CURRENT TIMESTAMP IF POS(9-10) >= 116 NULL IF POS (3-4) > -32768 |
Figure 88. Four-Position Integer Constant Value Used in the Null-Current-Clause
NULL IF POS (20-23) = 1 CURRENT DATE IF POS (16-19) ¬= 50 CURRENT TIME IF POS (21-24) <= +2000123563 CURRENT TIMESTAMP IF POS (20-23) >= -1839107489 |
(1) >>--------INFILE------------------------------------------------> >-----+-(--*--+----------------------------+---+------------------------+---)--+> | | .-No--. | | .-Yes--. | | | '-CONTINUED--(--+-----+---)--' '-LIST--(--+------+---)--' | | '-Yes-' '-No---' | | | '-(--ddname--| option_b |--)---------------------------------------------' >-----+------------------------+---+-------------------------+->< '-COMMITCOUNT--(ccount)--' '-RESTARTCOUNT--(rcount)--'
The INFILE subcommand identifies the sequential input file containing the data referenced by the preceding DATALOAD and Table Column Identification subcommands.
This INFILE subcommand not only tells the utility the file the data is in, but also tells it to read that file and load the data into the table(s) identified by the previous DATALOAD TABLE command(s).
The sequential input file can contain fixed, variable, or variable-length spanned records. The records can be blocked or unblocked.
Note: | The CONTINUED and LIST parameters are applicable only if the * parameter has been specified. |
If you specify CONTINUED(YES), the actual input data is constructed from one or more (input) control file data records. An input data record with a nonblank value in position 1 indicates that the input data is continued in the next (input) control file data record. An input data record with a blank (hex 40) in position 1 indicates that the input data is not continued in the next (input) control file data record. The first position (position 1) of each (input) control file data record is not included in the actual input data. Data for a column can then be contained in more than one (input) control file data record.
For example, if 10 input control card file data records are required to contain the data for each row of a table, DATALOAD processing constructs a single input data record from 10 consecutive input control card file data records. The relationship between the positions of each of the 10 input control card file data records and the positions of the actual input data record is:
Figure 89. Relationship of Data Records
Control File Actual Input Data Data Record Data Record Record Positions Positions 1 2-80 1-79 2 2-80 80-158 3 2-80 159-237 4 2-80 238-316 5 2-80 317-395 6 2-80 396-474 7 2-80 475-553 8 2-80 554-632 9 2-80 633-711 10 2-80 712-790 |
The maximum possible length of the input data is calculated from the highest endpos value specified in any DATALOAD command or TCI subcommand comprising the DATALOAD command set. The endpos value specified for an input record data field or the endpos value specified in an input-record-id-clause or null or current clause is included in this consideration. The maximum length of the actual input data (rounded to the next multiple of 80) is computed by the following formula:
Maximum Length highest endpos value + 80 Actual Input = -------------------------------- X 80 Data Record 80
that is embedded within the control statements should be displayed in the report or message file. The LIST parameter is applicable only if the data records are embedded within the (input) control file. No blanks are allowed between or within this parameter keyword and value specification.
If a data field error is detected in an input data record while the LIST(NO) and CONTINUED(NO) are in effect, the input data record is displayed in the report or message file before the message describing the error.
If LIST(NO) and CONTINUED(YES) are in effect, no input data is displayed in the report or message file if a data field error occurs. A meaningful display of the input data record might not be possible because the data for a record might span multiple 80-byte data records or the data field in error might span input data records. Also, it is likely that continued records contain unprintable data. The commands and input data can be rerun with LIST(YES) specified if the problem cannot be identified.
If you define DATALOAD CMS input files with variable-length spanned records (RECFM=VS or RECFM=VBS), you must use the file-mode number 4.
If variable-length input records are used, the data fields referenced by the TCI subcommands must be in the same position for each occurrence of the data record type.
Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
in DB2 Server for VSE: is the TLBL or DLBL job control statement file name for the sequential (SAM) input file or for SYSIPT if you are using the READ member statement. For more information, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory manual.
You must specify the ddname parameter first; that is, you cannot specify BLKSZ, PDEV, RECFM, and RECSZ before the ddname. You can specify the other keyword parameters in any order.
This parameter is valid only if you specify TAPE for PDEV. The default processing is REWIND.
Value Meaning F fixed, unblocked FB fixed, blocked V variable, unblocked VB variable, blocked S variable spanned, unblocked SB variable spanned, blocked |
The default is RECFM(F).
If variable-length input records are used, the data fields referenced by the TCI subcommands must be in the same position for each occurrence of the data record type.
Default record size values are specified as follows:
Database Services Utility AUTOCOMMIT ON processing must be in effect when you use DATALOAD COMMITCOUNT processing. If AUTOCOMMIT is OFF and the COMMITCOUNT parameter is used, an error message is written. DATALOAD command processing is not performed.
If a SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE command is in effect during DATALOAD COMMITCOUNT processing, input data records with incorrect data fields might not be used. The incorrect input records are skipped if:
Insert blocking is not in effect under the following conditions:
Note: | For more information, refer to Skipping Bad Records. |
If an invalid ccount value is specified, an error message is written, and DATALOAD command processing is not performed.
For DATALOAD CONTINUED record processing, the ccount value refers to the number of physical input data records, not the number of logical records constructed from input records. A COMMIT statement is performed when the number of physical input data records processed equals or exceeds the ccount value.
If this parameter is omitted, no records are skipped and DATALOAD processing begins with the first input data record.
If an invalid rcount value is specified, an error message is written and DATALOAD processing is not performed.
If an end-of-file condition occurs before the number of records specified by the rcount value are read, an error condition exists. Error message ARI0844E is written to the message file before DATALOAD processing ends.
For DATALOAD CONTINUED processing, the rcount value refers to the number of physical input data records, not the number of logical records constructed from input records. If the rcount+1 input record is not the first physical record of a set of physical records comprising a logical record, error message ARI0887E is issued.
Format: >>-ENDDATA----------------------------------------------------->< |
The ENDDATA subcommand identifies the end of user data embedded within the (input) control file. This command is valid only if the previous Database Services Utility command processed was an INFILE(*) subcommand.
No other information is allowed in this subcommand. If ENDDATA is not alone on the input record, the utility reads it as data. If ENDDATA is terminated by a semicolon (;), no blanks are permitted between the keyword and the semicolon. SQL comments are not allowed on the ENDDATA subcommand.
During CONTINUED(YES) processing, an ENDDATA command is recognized only if the previous (input) control file data record contains a blank (hex 40) in position 1. If the previous (input) control file data record contains a nonblank in position 1, the ENDDATA command is processed as a continuation data record.
Table 9 summarizes the data conversion performed by DATALOAD processing.
YES means that the utility performs the conversion; NO means that the
utility cannot convert the input data into the data type of the target
column. The numbers in the chart refer to the notes below.
Table 9. DATALOAD Data Conversion Table
Input Field Data Type | Target Column Data Type | |||||||
CHAR | Yes1,4 | Yes2 | Yes2 | Yes2 | Yes2 | Yes2 | Yes | No |
1-Byte FIXED | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
2-Byte FIXED | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
4-Byte FIXED | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No |
4-Byte FLOAT | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes10 | No | No |
8-Byte FLOAT | No | No | No | No | Yes9 | Yes | No | No |
DECIMAL | No | Yes3 | No | No | No | No | No | No |
ZONED | No | Yes5,6 | Yes5 | Yes5 | Yes5 | Yes5 | No | No |
GRAPHIC (G) | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes7 |
DATE, TIME, or TIME-STAMP | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes8 | No |
Notes for Table 9:
The shift-out (hex 0E) and shift-in (hex 0F) delimiters can be in the first position (startpos) and last position ( endpos) of the data field. A two-position DBCS data field containing only the shift-out and shift-in delimiter values is treated as a blank input data field.
If the shift-out and shift-in delimiters are present in the data field, the Database Services Utility treats data field positions startpos+1 to endpos-1 as DBCS data. The hex value 4040 is treated as a blank DBCS character.
A DBCS input data field for VARGRAPHIC or a long field has trailing (low-order) DBCS blank characters truncated before the length of the varying column is established. An all-blank DBCS input data field results in a column value with a length = 0 for columns defined with the data type VARGRAPHIC or long field.
Format: >>-DATAUNLOAD-------------------------------------------------->< >>-select_statement--;----------------------------------------->< >>-+--------------------------------------+-------------------->< | .-,------------------------------. | | V | | '----| data_field_id_subcommand |---+--' >>-OUTFILE--(--ddname--| option_a |--)------------------------->< data_field_id subcommand (DFI) >>-+-column_reference-+--startpos--+---------+------------------> '-integer----------' '--endpos-' .-CHARacter--. >-----+------------+---+---------------------+----------------->< '-data_type--' '-| set_null_clause |-' set_null_clause .-IF-. .-SET-. >>-+----+--NULL--+-----+--POS--(--startpos--+---------+--) =--value--> '--endpos-' >-------------------------------------------------------------->< data_field_id subcommand (DFI) set_null_clause option_a valid in DB2 Server for VSE only |--+----------------+---+-----------------------------------+---> '-BLKSZ--(size)--' | .-NOREWIND--. | | .-(TAPE)--+-REWIND----+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)-----------------+--' >-----+------------------+---+----------------+-----------------| '-RECFM--(format)--' '-RECSZ--(size)--' Example 1: DATAUNLOAD SELECT AVG(BONUS) FROM EMPLOYEE; OUTFILE(EXTRA) Example 2: DATAUNLOAD SELECT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE; SALARY 1-10 CHAR OUTFILE(REGULAR) Authorization: |
The results of the SQL SELECT statement supplied after a DATAUNLOAD command are not written to the Database Services Utility report or message file. An output file data record is written for each row (except those containing data values that exceed the capacity of numeric output record data fields) returned as a result of executing the SQL SELECT statement.
If the user-supplied SQL SELECT statement is not valid, or is not terminated by a semicolon, a Database Services Utility processing error occurs.
If an arithmetic exception occurs, the DATAUNLOAD command handles it in a way similar to arithmetic exceptions under the SELECT statement. (See SELECT and Arithmetic Exceptions for a description of the way arithmetic exceptions are handled under the SELECT statement.) If an arithmetic exception occurs when the data is to be placed into an output numeric data type field (FIXED, FLOAT, DECIMAL, or ZONED), an error message is issued and processing is terminated because the DB2 Server for VSE & VM system incorrectly reads the number (or pound) symbols (#) used under SELECT as real data. Stopping the processing prevents the arithmetic exception from generating incorrect output.
Format: >>-+-column_reference-+--startpos--+---------+------------------> '-integer----------' '--endpos-' .-CHARacter--. >-----+------------+---+---------------------+----------------->< '-data_type--' '-| set_null_clause |-' |
The next record following the end of the SQL SELECT statement can contain one or more Data Field Identification (DFI) subcommands or an OUTFILE subcommand. If the OUTFILE subcommand is missing, a Database Services Utility processing error occurs. If DFI subcommands are omitted, the default output record format described in the section DATAUNLOAD Output Data Field Defaults is used.
A DFI subcommand identifies the location in the output record where the data for a column in the select-list should be placed. The subcommand also identifies the output record data-field data type. If the output record data-field data type is different from the select-list column data type, the Database Services Utility converts the column data. The data conversions performed by DATAUNLOAD processing are described in Table 13.
Only one DFI subcommand can appear in an input record. The command parameters must not span input records, and the column_reference, startpos, and endpos parameters must be specified first in the command and in that order.
If DFI subcommands are specified, only the data for the select-list columns referenced by these subcommands is unloaded to the output data record. The data for a column in the select-list (explicitly specified, or implicitly specified by the * specification in the SQL SELECT) not referenced by a DFI subcommand is not unloaded. A Database Services Utility warning message identifies each select-list column that is ignored by DATAUNLOAD processing.
The data for the same column in the select-list can be unloaded to more than one output record data field by specifying two or more DFI subcommands that reference the column.
A Database Services Utility processing error occurs if:
Use the integer notation for column_reference to identify the column if:
To unload a column defined with a double-byte character set (DBCS) data type, the length of the output data field must be an even number (4, 6, ..., 100, ...) of positions (bytes) other than 2. A Database Services Utility processing error occurs if DBCS data is identified for an output record data field with an odd number of positions, or with only two positions.
CHAR output data derived from a CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, or long field select-list column is left-justified and padded on the right with blanks (hex 40). Trailing (low-order) data is truncated if the output data field length is less than the length of the column data except for TIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP. For TIME and DATE, an error occurs if the output data field length is less than the length of the column data. For TIMESTAMP, if the output data field length is less than 19 bytes, an error occurs; if the output data field length is less than 26 but greater than or equal to 19 bytes, trailing digits of the MICROSECONDS part of the timestamp are truncated.
The CHAR output data can also be derived from select-list columns with data type SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, and FLOAT. See the section, DATAUNLOAD Data Conversion Summary, for a description of the content of CHAR output data fields derived from numeric column data types.
If extended DBCS processing is in effect, character data can contain
DBCS/EBCDIC mixed data. See page *** for a discussion of extended DBCS support.
When an arithmetic exception occurs and the data is to be placed into an output data type field, no error message is issued and processing continues. Number (or pound) symbols (#) are used, as under SELECT, to fill the data type field and to indicate that an exception occurred during processing.
CHAR is the default data type specification.
The startpos and endpos for a DBCS output record data field reflect the number of bytes the data field occupies in the data record; they do not reflect the number of DBCS characters that the data field contains.
The startpos of the output data field contains a shift-out (hex 0E) delimiter. The endpos of the output data field contains a shift-in (hex 0F) delimiter. Two intervening positions are required for each DBCS character.
The DBCS output record data field must occupy an even number of bytes in the data record, or a Database Services Utility processing error occurs. DBCS column data is truncated if the length of the output record data field is less than the column data length plus 2. For a DBCS column, the column data length equals the number of DBCS characters times 2.
A blank DBCS output data field contains the hex 40 value in all positions except for the first and the last. A null source column value also results in a blank output record data field.
yyyy-mm-dd (ISO, JIS format) (EUR format) mm/dd/yyyy (USA format) installation defined (Local format) where: yyyy is the year mm is the month dd is the day
The format is dependent on the SYSOPTIONS default format value or is specified by the CHAR function in the SELECT statement.
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |
hh:mm AM or hh:mm PM (USA format)[.ss] (ISO, EUR format) hh:mm[:ss] (JIS format) installation defined (Local format) where: hh is the hour 0 <= hh <= 12 for USA format 0 <= hh <= 24 for ISO, EUR, JIS format mm is the minutes ss is the seconds
The format is dependent on the SYSOPTIONS default format value or is specified by the CHAR function in the SELECT statement.
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |[.[nnnnnn]] where yyyy-mm-dd is the date (see ISO DATE format) is the time (see ISO TIME format) nnnnnn is microseconds
If the output data field length is less than 19 bytes long, an error occurs. If the output data field is less than 26 bytes, but greater than or equal to 19 bytes, trailing digits of the microseconds part of the timestamp are truncated.
SMALLINT or INTEGER, you can define a fixed-point binary-output data field. If a row selected from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing contains a column value that exceeds the capacity of a 1-byte or 2-byte FIXED output data field, an error message is issued, and no output data file record is written for the row.
The value ranges for binary-output data fields are:
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |
from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing contains a column value that exceeds the capacity of the FLOAT output data field, an error message is issued, and no output data file record is written for the row.
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |
Note: | If 8-byte floating-point binary data is unloaded into a 4-byte floating-point output data field, a number of digits of precision is lost. If a row selected from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing contains a column value that exceeds the capacity of the FLOAT output data field, an error message is issued, and no output data file record is written for the row. |
See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling.
The length of the output data field must be large enough to accommodate all significant digits of the column data value. The minimum length of an output field derived from DECIMAL column data is (column scale/2)+1. The implied scale of the output data field value is the same as that defined for column.
If a row selected from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing contains a column value that exceeds the capacity of a decimal output data field, an error message is issued, and no output data file record is written for the row.
Columns defined as NUMERIC are treated as DECIMAL data types.
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |
The length of a zoned output record data field derived from a DECIMAL column must be equal to or greater than the column scale.
Each digit of the table column value is represented by a single byte in the zoned output data field. The 4 high-order bits of each byte are the zone bits. The 4 high-order bits of the low-order byte are the sign of the value. The 4 low-order bits of each byte contain the value of the digit.
The zone bits are 1111 (hex F). A plus-sign is represented by the bits 1100 (hex C), and a minus-sign is represented by the bits 1101 (hex D).
The output data field value is right-justified. Leading (high-order) zeros are either added to, or truncated from, the column value depending on the length of the output data field.
If a row selected from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing contains a column value that exceeds the capacity of a zoned output data field, an error message is issued, and no output data file record is written for the row.
Examples of zoned output data fields:
The hexadecimal content of a 5-position zoned data field containing the
value +00011 is:
Hexadecimal Value | F0 | F0 | F0 | F1 | C1 |
Field Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Note: | See page *** for information on arithmetic error handling. |
The hexadecimal content of a 5-position zoned data field containing the
value -00011 is:
Hexadecimal Value | F0 | F0 | F0 | F1 | D1 |
Field Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
See Table 13 for a table summarizing the data conversion performed by Database Services Utility DATAUNLOAD processing.
The set_null_clause must appear after the startpos-endpos values in the subcommand. No embedded blanks are allowed in the set_null_clause within the left and right parentheses enclosing the startpos and endpos values.
.-IF-. .-SET-. >>-+----+--NULL--+-----+--POS--(--startpos--+---------+--)--= value-> '--endpos-' >--------------------------------------------------------------><
The parameters are:
Position 1 of the output data record is the first position of the logical record. If variable-length output records are used, startpos 1 to 4 refer to the record length control information and the data begins at startpos 5.
If an occurrence of the column value is not null, no value is placed in the output data record positions specified in the set_null_clause. These positions contain blanks (hex 40) if they do not contain a default output record data field value for null column data.
The set_null_clause value cannot be continued to a second output record. It can be one of the following:
IF NULL SET POS(20-23) = 'NULL' IF NULL SET POS(20-22) = ' ? '
IF NULL SET POS(20) = 255
IF NULL SET POS(20-21) = 32767
IF NULL SET POS(20-23) = -1839107489
VSE Format: >>-OUTFILE--(--ddname-------------------------------------------> >----+----------------+---+----------------------------------+--> '-BLKSZ--(size)--' | .-NOREWIND--. | | .-(TAPE)-+-REWIND----+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)----------------+--' >----+------------------+---+----------------+--)-------------->< '-RECFM--(format)--' '-RECSZ--(size)--' VM Format: >>-OUTFILE----(ddname)----------------------------------------->< |
The OUTFILE subcommand identifies the sequential output file that contains the data referenced by the preceding DATAUNLOAD commands and subcommands. It tells the utility the file in which to put the data and to begin to unload the data.
The sequential output file can contain fixed, variable-length, or variable-length spanned records. The records can be blocked or unblocked. If you want variable length records to be generated, variable-length spanned records must be used if the total length of the column values to be unloaded exceeds 32752 bytes.
A blank (hex 40) is placed in all positions (bytes) of the output data record before the data record field values are inserted.
The file characteristics specified in the FILEDEF command or the default FILEDEF specifications are the source of the output record definition information for the Database Services Utility. Output files with RECFM U, A, or M are not supported.
The length of the output record supplied by the FILEDEF must be long enough to contain column data selected for unload (including intervening data field blanks if the default format is used). If it is not, a Database Services Utility processing error occurs. If the length of the output record is greater than the length required to unload the data, the remaining positions of the output record are set to blanks (hex 40).
If variable length output records are used, the data fields referenced by DFI subcommands appear in the same positions on each output data record.
Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
in DB2 Server for VSE: this is the TLBL or DLBL job control statement file name for the sequential (SAM) output file. This parameter must be the first parameter specified; you cannot specify BLKSZ before the ddname. The other keyword parameters can be specified in any order.
If a tape output file is used, performance can be improved by using a large block size value (greater than 8244).
The default block size values depend upon the output file record format:
Value Meaning F fixed, unblocked FB fixed, blocked V variable length, unblocked VB variable length, blocked S variable spanned, unblocked SB variable spanned, blocked |
If the length of the logical record (RECSZ) is equal to or less than 32760, the default is RECFM(F). Otherwise, the default is RECFM(SB). The output record format is identified in a Database Services Utility informational message.
Note: | If variable-length output records are used, the data fields referenced by the DFI subcommands will be in the same position for each occurrence of a data record. Positions 1-4 of each variable-length record contain record length control information. |
The default record size values depend upon the output file record format:
If no DFI commands are supplied, the output data fields appear in the output record in the same order as the associated columns in the select-list. The output data field associated with the first select-list column starts in position 1 of the fixed length output records or position 5 of variable length (or variable length spanned) output records. Positions 1-4 of variable length or variable length spanned records are reserved for the record length control field. In DB2 Server for VSE, if the record format (RECFM) is not supplied by the OUTFILE subcommand, DATAUNLOAD processing writes either fixed length or variable length spanned output records. Fixed length records are written if the required logical record length is less than 32760 positions; otherwise, variable length spanned records (RECFM=S) are written.
In DB2 Server for VM, the DFI subcommand will refer to the first data position as startpos 5. The FILEDEF command that defines the output file always supplies the record format information.
One blank (hex 40) position separates each output record data field. The output data field associated with the next select-list column starts two positions after the trailing (low-order) position of the data field derived from the preceding select-list column.
Figure 91. Default Fixed-Length Output Logical Record Content
![]() |
Figure 92. Default Variable-Length Spanned Logical Output Record Content
![]() |
Table 10 summarizes the default output
field formats generated by the DATAUNLOAD processing if no DFI subcommands
are supplied. The default data type of the output data field is CHAR
(or GRAPHIC if the source column contains DBCS data). The format of the
data in the output data field depends on the data type, length, or maximum
length of the select-list column from which the data is derived.
Table 10. Default Output Formats
Legend For FLOAT: s = EBCDIC SIGN: Plus (+) sign (hex 4E) Minus (-) sign (hex 60) Blank (hex 40) if null value. n = EBCDIC numeric character (hex F0-F9) . = EBCDIC decimal point (hex 4B) b = Blank (hex 40) |
Source Column Data Type | Default Database Services Utility DATAUNLOAD Output Data Fields Default Data Type = CHAR |
Default DATE length format ISO 10 yyyy-mm-dd JIS 10 yyyy-mm-dd EUR 10 USA 10 mm/dd/yyyy LOCAL installation defined yyyy is the year mm is the month dd is the day
Note: The length and format of the output data field depends on the
default DATE for the database. You can query the
SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog to determine the output format for
Default TIME length format ISO 8 JIS 8 hh:mm:ss EUR 8 USA 8 AM (or PM) LOCAL Installation defined hh is the hour 0 <= hh <= 24 for ISO, JIS, EUR formats 0 <= hh <= 12 for USA format mm is the minute ss is the second
Note: The length and format of the output data field depends on the
default TIME for the database. You can query the
SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog to determine the output format for
TIMESTAMP | Length: 26 Format:
GRAPHIC | Length: (Defined length of column * 2) + 2.
Note: The first position of the output record DBCS data field contains an SO delimiter and the last position contains an SI delimiter. |
Source Column Data Type | Default Database Services Utility DATAUNLOAD Output Data Fields Default Data Type = CHAR |
VARGRAPHIC with defined length <= 127 | Length: (Defined maximum length of column * 2) + 2.
Notes: The first position of the output record DBCS data field contains an SO delimiter and the last position contains an SI delimiter. If the actual length of an occurrence of the DBCS column data is less than the defined maximum length of the column, the data is left-justified and padded with trailing blanks in the second through n-1 positions of the output record field. |
VARGRAPHIC with defined length >127 or LONG VARGRAPHIC | Length: 512 positions.
Notes: The first position of the output record DBCS field contains an SO delimiter and the last position contains an SI delimiter. If the actual length of an occurrence of the DBCS column data is greater than 510 (255 DBCS characters), the column data is truncated. If the actual length of an occurrence of the DBCS column data is less than 510 (255 DBCS characters), the data is left-justified and padded with trailing blanks in the second through n-1 positions of the output record field. |
This example unloads data for the columns EMPNO, PROJNO, and EMPTIME in the tables EMP_ACT and EMPLOYEE, based on the selection criteria specified in the WHERE clause. The output records are generated in EMPNO value ascending sequence. Because no DFI subcommands are present, the default DATAUNLOAD output record data field format is used.
The DATAUNLOAD command sequence is:
Figure 93. DATAUNLOAD Command without DFI Subcommands
The Database Services Utility message file output that results is shown in the following examples.
Figure 94. DB2 Server for VM Database Services Utility Message File Output
1ARI0801I DBS Utility started: 11/13/89 16:48:16. AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = OFF ISOLATION LEVEL = REPEATABLE READ 0------> DATAUNLOAD ------> SELECT EMP_ACT.EMPNO,PROJNO,EMPTIME ------> FROM EMP_ACT,EMPLOYEE ------> WHERE EMP_ACT.EMPNO=EMPLOYEE.EMPNO ------> ORDER BY EMP_ACT.EMPNO; ------> OUTFILE(OUTPUT1) ARI0852I DATAUNLOAD processing started. *--------* ARI0868I DNAME=OUTPUT1 RECFM=F RECSZ=80 BLKSIZE=80 <------*See Note| ARI0836I Default output record data field positions: *--------* ARI0837I EMPNO 1-6 ARI0837I PROJNO 8-13 ARI0837I EMPTIME 15-21 ARI0835I 74 record(s) written to the output data file. ARI0855I DATAUNLOAD processing successful. ARI0802I End of command file input. ARI8997I ...Begin COMMIT processing. ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database changes sucessful. ARI0809I ...No error(s) occurred during command processing. ARI0808I DBS processing completed: 11/13/89 16:48:20. |
Note: | The RECFM, RECSZ, and BLKSIZE information displayed in the message ARI0868I depends on the CMS FILEDEF command specifications for the output file with ddname=OUTPUT1. |
Figure 95. DB2 Server for VSE Database Services Utility Report Output
ARI0801I DBS Utility started: 11/13/89 16:48:16. AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = OFF ISOLATION LEVEL = REPEATABLE READ ------> CONNECT "SQLDBA " IDENTIFIED BY ********; ARI8004I User SQLDBA connected to database SQLDBA. ARI0500I SQL processing was successful. ARI0505I SQLCODE = 0 SQLSTATE = 00000 ROWCOUNT = 0 ------> ------> DATAUNLOAD ------> SELECT EMP_ACT.EMPNO,PROJNO,EMPTIME ------> FROM EMP_ACT,EMPLOYEE ------> WHERE EMP_ACT.EMPNO=EMPLOYEE.EMPNO ------> ORDER BY EMP_ACT.EMPNO; ------> OUTFILE(OUTPUT1) ARI0852I DATAUNLOAD processing started. ARI0868I DNAME=OUTPUT1 RECFM=F RECSZ=80 BLKSIZE=80 ARI0836I Default output record data field positions: ARI0837I EMPNO 1-6 ARI0837I PROJNO 8-13 ARI0837I EMPTIME 15-21 ARI0835I 74 record(s) written to the output data file. ARI0855I DATAUNLOAD processing successful. ARI0802I End of command file input. ARI8997I ...Begin COMMIT processing. ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database changes sucessful. ARI0809I ...No error(s) occurred during command processing. ARI0808I DBS processing completed: 11/13/89 16:48:20. |
The format of the records in the output file identified by the ddname OUTPUT1 is shown in Table 11:
Table 11. Default Output Record Format
Record Position | Data Value Source (Column or Other) | Output Record Field Data Type |
1-6 | EMPNO | CHAR |
7 | blank | CHAR |
8-13 | PROJNO | CHAR |
14 | blank | CHAR |
15-21 | EMPTIME | CHAR |
Figure 96 selects data for the columns EMPNO, PROJNO, and EMPTIME in the table EMP_ACT, and data for the column JOB in the EMPLOYEE table based on the selection criteria specified in the WHERE clause. Only data for the columns EMPNO, PROJNO, and EMPTIME is unloaded because JOB does not have a DFI subcommand. The output records are generated in EMPNO sequence.
The Database Services Utility DATAUNLOAD command sequence is:
Figure 96. DATAUNLOAD Command with DFI Subcommands
The Database Services Utility report or message file output generated as a result of these commands is shown in the following:
Figure 97. DB2 Server for VSE Database Services Utility Report Output
ARI0801I DBS Utility started: 10/05/89 14:54:41. AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = OFF ISOLATION LEVEL = REPEATABLE READ ------> CONNECT "SQLDBA " IDENTIFIED BY ********; ARI8004I User SQLDBA connected to database SQLDBA. ARI0500I SQL processing was successful. ARI0505I SQLCODE = 0 SQLSTATE = 00000 ROWCOUNT = 0 ------> ARI8003I ...Extended DBCS (DBCS=YES) processing was in effect. ------> DATAUNLOAD ------> SELECT EMP_ACT.EMPNO,PROJNO,EMPTIME ------> FROM EMP_ACT,EMPLOYEE ------> WHERE EMP_ACT.EMPNO=EMPLOYEE.EMPNO ------> ORDER BY EMP_ACT.EMPNO; ------> EMPNO 1-6 ------> PROJNO 8-13 ------> EMPTIME 15-21 DECIMAL IF NULL SET POS(22) = '?' ------> OUTFILE(OUTPUT1) ARI0831I Column JOB data will not be unloaded. ARI0868I DNAME=OUTPUT1 RECFM=F RECSZ=80 BLKSIZE=80 ARI0835I 74 record(s) written to the output data file. ARI0855I DATAUNLOAD processing successful. ARI0802I End of command file input. ARI8997I ...Begin COMMIT processing. ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database changes sucessful. ARI0809I ...No error(s) occurred during command processing. ARI0808I DBS processing completed: 10/05/89 14:54:44. |
Figure 98. DB2 Server for VM Database Services Utility Message File Output
1ARI0801I DBS Utility started: 10/05/89 14:54:41. AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = OFF ISOLATION LEVEL = REPEATABLE READ ARI8003I ...Extended DBCS (DBCS=YES) processing was in effect. 0------> DATAUNLOAD ------> SELECT EMP_ACT.EMPNO,PROJNO,EMPTIME,JOB ------> FROM EMP_ACT,EMPLOYEE ------> WHERE EMP_ACT.EMPNO=EMPLOYEE.EMPNO ------> ORDER BY EMP_ACT.EMPNO; ------> EMPNO 1-6 ------> PROJNO 8-13 ------> EMPTIME 15-21 DECIMAL IF NULL SET POS(22) = '?' ------> OUTFILE(OUTPUT1) ARI0852I DATAUNLOAD processing started. ARI0831I Column JOB data will not be unloaded. *-----------* ARI0868I DNAME=OUTPUT1 RECFM=F RECSZ=80 BLKSIZE=80 <----* See Note | ARI0835I 74 record(s) written to the output data file. *-----------* ARI0855I DATAUNLOAD processing successful. ARI0802I End of command file input. ARI8997I ...Begin COMMIT processing. ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database changes sucessful. ARI0809I ...No error(s) occurred during command processing. ARI0808I DBS processing completed: 10/05/89 14:54:44. |
Note: | The RECFM, RECSZ, and BLKSIZE information displayed in the message ARI0868I depends on the CMS FILEDEF command specifications for the output file with ddname=OUTPUT1. |
The format of the records in the output file identified by the ddname
OUTPUT1 is shown in Table 12.
Table 12. User-Defined Output Record Format
Record Position | Data Value Source (Column or Other) | Output Record Field Data Type |
1-6 | EMPNO | CHAR |
7 | blank | CHAR |
8-13 | PROJNO | CHAR |
14 | blank | CHAR |
22 |
EMPTIME null indicator | CHAR |
Table 13 summarizes the data conversion performed by Database Services Utility DATAUNLOAD processing. Yes means that the utility performs the conversion. No means that the utility cannot convert the source column data type into the data type specified for the output record data field and that any attempt to do so results in a Database Services Utility processing error. The numbers in the chart refer to the notes below the figure.
Table 13. DATAUNLOAD Data Conversion Table
Output Field Data Type | Source Column Data Type | |||||||
CHAR | Yes1 | Yes2,3 | Yes2,4 | Yes2,4 | Yes2,5 | Yes2,5 | Yes1 | Yes |
GRAPHIC (G) | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes9 |
1-Byte FIXED | No | No | Yes6 | Yes6 | No | No | No | No |
2-Byte FIXED | No | No | Yes6 | Yes6 | No | No | No | No |
4-Byte FIXED | No | No | Yes6 | Yes6 | No | No | No | No |
4-Byte FLOAT | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes7 | No | No |
8-Byte FLOAT | No | No | No | No | Yes11 | Yes | No | No |
DECIMAL | No | Yes14 | No | No | No | No | No | No |
ZONED | No | Yes | Yes6 | Yes6 | No | No | No | No |
DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes10 | No |
Notes for Table 13:
Occurrences of null column data result in an unsigned output data field value of 0. The leading position of the field contains a blank (hex 40) and the remainder of the data field contains the value hex F0 (except for the decimal point position).
For example, the hexadecimal values in each position of an eight-position
CHAR output record data field derived from a DECIMAL (5,2) column containing
the value +11.11 are:
Hexadecimal Value | 4E | F0 | F0 | F1 | F1 | 4B | F1 | F1 |
EBCDIC Character | + | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | . | 1 | 1 |
Field Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Note: | The minimum length of a CHAR output data field derived from a DECIMAL select-list column is the column scale length plus 2. |
Occurrences of null column data result in an unsigned output data field value of 0. The leading position of the field contains a blank (hex 40) and the remainder of the data field positions contains the value hex F0.
For example, the hexadecimal values contained in each position of an
eight-position CHAR output record data field derived from a SMALLINT column
containing the value +32767 are:
Hexadecimal Value | 40 | F0 | F0 | F3 | F2 | F7 | F6 | F7 |
EBCDIC Character | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 7 | |
Field Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Note: | The minimum length of a CHAR output data field derived from a SMALLINT or INTEGER column is 2. |
sn.nEsn to sn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnEsnn (for 8-byte float)
sn.nEsn to sn.nnnnnEsnn (for 4-byte float)
s = EBCDIC sign: Plus (+) sign (hex 4E) Minus (-) sign (hex 60) n = EBCDIC numeric character (hex F0-F9) . = EBCDIC decimal point (hex 4B) E = EBCDIC character E (hex C5)
The trailing (low-order) positions of the output data field contain blanks (hex 40) if the length of the field is greater than the EBCDIC representation of the column value.
Occurrences of null column data result in an unsigned output data field value ( 0.0E+0). The leading position of the data field contains a blank (hex 40).
For example, the hexadecimal values contained in each position of a
10-position CHAR output record data field derived from an 8-byte FLOAT column
containing the value +1.11E+02 are:
Hexadecimal Value | 4E | F1 | 4B | F1 | F1 | C5 | 4E | F0 | F2 | 40 |
EBCDIC Character | + | 1 | . | 1 | 1 | E | + | 0 | 2 | |
Field Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Note: | The minimum length of a CHAR output data field derived from a column with FLOAT data type is 7. |
If a numeric output record data field is too small to contain all significant digits of the data value from a numeric column:
An 8-byte float column unloaded into a 4-byte output record FLOAT data field results in the loss of a number of digits of precision. The fraction (mantissa) is reduced from 14 to 6 digits of precision. During the conversion process, if the exponent value exceeds a value of +63, the message ARI0833E is generated and no data for the row is unloaded.
If the length of the output data field is greater than the value of (column precision/2)+1, the column value is extended with high-order zeros in the output data field.
If the length of the output data field is less than the value of (column precision/2)+1, nonsignificant high-order zeros to the left of the implied decimal point are not reflected in the data field value.
DBCS column data is truncated if the length of the column data plus 2 is greater than the length of the output GRAPHIC data field. The length of the column data is the number of DBCS characters times 2.
If the length of the output data field minus 2 is greater than the column data length, the output data field is padded with trailing (low-order) DBCS blank (hex 4040) characters in the unused low-order data field positions. The last position of the data field always contains a shift-in delimiter (hex 0F).
If the column data value is all blanks or null, startpos+1 to endpos-1 of the output DBCS data field contains DBCS blank characters (hex 4040).
VM Format: VSE Format: Examples: Authorization: You must have the INSERT privilege on the tables affected by the
>>-RELOAD DBSPACE----(dbspace_name)---+-NEW---+----------------->
>>-RELOAD DBSPACE----(dbspace_name)---+-NEW---+----------------->
| .-2048--. |
| .-REWIND---. |
| .-(TAPE)--+-NOREWIND-+--. |
command. Additional authority is required depending on the keywords
PURGE is specified.
an affected table are owned by someone else. DBA authority is also
required if NEW is specified, and any tables are to be created for another
Before you reload tables into a dbspace, it must already exist.
Note: | The RELOAD DBSPACE command is not supported if you are using DRDA flow. |
If either the RESTARTCOUNT or RESTARTTABLE parameters appear on the RELOAD DBSPACE command, the NEW parameter will not cause the restart table to be created. The RESTARTCOUNT and RESTARTTABLE parameters indicate that the RELOAD DBSPACE operation is being restarted, therefore, NEW processing must have already occurred, so it is not required to create the restart table again. Note that NEW processing is performed on all tables to be reloaded before any rows are reloaded to any table. This means that NEW processing will have already occurred for all tables to be reloaded.
If either the RESTARTCOUNT or RESTARTTABLE parameters appear on the RELOAD DBSPACE command, the PURGE parameter will not cause all rows of the restart table to be deleted. The RESTARTCOUNT and RESTARTTABLE parameters indicate that the RELOAD DBSPACE operation is being restarted, therefore, PURGE processing must have already occurred, so it is not required to delete all rows from the restart table again. Note that PURGE processing is performed on all tables to be reloaded before any rows are reloaded to any table. This means that PURGE processing will have already occurred for all tables to be reloaded.
Note: | You must specify either NEW or PURGE in the RELOAD DBSPACE statement. Because existing tables might be greatly affected by the choice of these parameters, there is no default specification. |
The default record format in a DB2 Server for VM system is variable-length blocked, spanned (VBS). Block size and record format information is specified using a CMS FILEDEF command; the LRECL parameter is not applicable.
In DB2 Server for VM: this is the name of the sequential input file defined with a CMS FILEDEF command. Except for the ddname, use the same CMS FILEDEF command information for RELOAD command processing that you used when UNLOAD command processing created the file. Define the CMS file used for RELOAD command input with the file-mode number 4. Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
Note: | Database Services Utility AUTOCOMMIT ON processing must be in effect when you use RELOAD COMMITCOUNT processing. If AUTOCOMMIT is OFF and the COMMITCOUNT parameter is used, an error message is written and RELOAD command processing is not performed. |
Note: | If the table does not exist in the database when RELOAD DBSPACE with RESTARTCOUNT or RESTARTTABLE is issued, an error message is displayed. |
Note: | If an end-of-table condition occurs before rcount rows of the restart table are read, an error message is written before RELOAD processing ends. |
BLKSZ and PDEV can be specified in any order but must occur after the ddname parameter.
|Changes were required in Version 7 Release 1 to handle file I/O
|correctly when using CMS 15 and later. These changes affect the format
|of data that is unloaded and reloaded by the UNLOAD and RELOAD commands of the
|DBS Utility. If you use the DBS Utility's UNLOAD and RELOAD
|commands with databases at different release levels, you must ensure that the
|code changes have been applied at all release levels. For releases
|prior to Version 7 Release 1, you must apply the following APARs:
Release | APAR |
3.5 | PQ28584 |
5.1 | PQ28583 |
6.1 | PQ27957 |
VSE Format: >>-RELOAD TABLE----(table_name)---+-PURGE---------------+-------> '-NEW--(dbspace_name)-' >-----+------------------------+--------------------------------> '-INTABLE--(table_name)--' >----INFILE--(--ddname--+-------------------------------+-------> | .-2048------. | '-BLKSZ--(--+-+------+--+---)---' '-size-' >-----+----------------------------------+--)-------------------> | .-REWIND---. | | .-(TAPE)--+-NOREWIND-+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)----------------+--' >-----+----------------------------+----------------------------> '-COMMITCOUNT--(--ccount--)--' >-----+-----------------------------+-------------------------->< '-RESTARTCOUNT--(--rcount--)--' VM Format: >>-RELOAD TABLE----(table_name)---+-PURGE---------------+-------> '-NEW--(dbspace_name)-' >-----+------------------------+--INFILE--(ddname)--------------> '-INTABLE--(table_name)--' >-----+----------------------------+----------------------------> '-COMMITCOUNT--(--ccount--)--' >-----+-----------------------------+-------------------------->< '-RESTARTCOUNT--(--rcount--)--' VSE Examples: RELOAD TABLE(SALARY) NEW(DBSPACE1) INTABLE(SMITH.SALARY) INFILE(CIPHER3 PDEV(TAPE)) RELOAD TABLE(SALARY) NEW(DBSPACE1) INTABLE(SMITH.SALARY) INFILE(CIPHER3) COMMITCOUNT(300) RESTARTCOUNT(600) VM Example: RELOAD TABLE(SALARY) NEW(DBSPACE1) INTABLE(SMITH.SALARY) INFILE(CIPHER3) COMMITCOUNT(300) RESTARTCOUNT(600) Authorization: You must have the INSERT privilege on the "target" table. Additional authority is required depending on the keywords specified. RESOURCE-if NEW is specified. DELETE and INSERT-if PURGE is specified and the table is owned by another user. DBA-if PURGE is specified, and if any indexes defined on an affected table are owned by someone else. |
Note: | The RELOAD TABLE command is not supported if you are using DRDA flow. |
When reloading data into a view that was created using the WITH CHECK OPTION clause, the database manager checks all inserts and updates to the view against the view definition and rejects them if the row to be inserted or updated does not conform to the view definition.
If the RESTARTCOUNT parameter appears on the RELOAD TABLE command, the NEW parameter will not cause the table to be created. The RESTARTCOUNT parameter indicates that the RELOAD TABLE operation is being restarted, therefore, NEW processing must have already occurred, so it is not required to create the table again.
If the RESTARTCOUNT parameter appears on the RELOAD TABLE command, the PURGE parameter will not cause all row to be deleted. The RESTARTCOUNT parameter indicates that the RELOAD TABLE operation is being restarted, therefore, PURGE processing must have already occurred, so it is not required to delete all rows from the table again.
Note: | You must specify either NEW or PURGE in the RELOAD TABLE statement. Because existing tables might be greatly affected by the choice of these parameters, there is no default specification. |
You can use owner to specify the user ID of the person who created the table in the input file. If you omit the owner (see Qualifying Object Names for more information about owner), the utility uses the data of the first table encountered in the input file with the table_name specified. In this instance, owner does not default to the user ID of the current Database Services Utility user.
The default record format in a DB2 Server for VSE system is variable-length blocked, spanned (SB), with LRECL=(BLKSIZE-4) for variable and spanned records or LRECL=BLKSIZE for fixed and undefined records.
The default record format in a DB2 Server for VM system is variable-length blocked, spanned (VBS), with block size and record format information specified by a CMS FILEDEF command; the LRECL parameter is not applicable.
Note: | Database Services Utility AUTOCOMMIT ON processing must be in effect when you use RELOAD COMMITCOUNT processing. If AUTOCOMMIT is OFF and the COMMITCOUNT parameter is used, an error message is written and RELOAD command processing is not performed. |
Note: | If an end-of-table condition occurs before rcount rows are read from the input UNLOAD file, an error message is written before RELOAD processing ends. |
In DB2 Server for VM: this is the name of the sequential input file defined with a CMS FILEDEF command. Except for the ddname, CMS FILEDEF command information for RELOAD command processing should be identical to the information in the FILEDEF command used when the file was created by UNLOAD command processing. You must define a CMS file used for RELOAD command input with the file-mode number 4. Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
BLKSZ and PDEV can be specified in any order but must occur after the ddname parameter.
|Changes were required in Version 7 Release 1 to handle file I/O
|correctly when using CMS 15 and later. These changes affect the format
|of data that is unloaded and reloaded by the UNLOAD and RELOAD commands of the
|DBS Utility. If you use the DBS Utility's UNLOAD and RELOAD
|commands with databases at different release levels, you must ensure that the
|code changes have been applied at all release levels. For releases
|prior to Version 7 Release 1, you must apply the following APARs:
Release | APAR |
3.5 | PQ28584 |
5.1 | PQ28583 |
6.1 | PQ27957 |
VM Format: >>-UNLOAD DBSPACE----(dbspace_name)--OUTFILE----(ddname)------->< VSE Format: >>-UNLOAD DBSPACE----(dbspace_name)-----------------------------> >----OUTFILE--(--ddname--+---------------------------+----------> | .-2048--. | '-BLKSZ--(--+-size--+---)---' >-----+-----------------------------------+--)----------------->< | .-NOREWIND--. | | .-(TAPE)--+-REWIND----+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)-----------------+--' VM Example: UNLOAD DBSPACE(THOMPSON.SPACE1) OUTFILE(HISTORY) VSE Example: UNLOAD DBSPACE(MIKE.SP2) OUTFILE(SAVE BLKSZ(2048)) Authorization: You must have the SELECT privilege on the table(s) being UNLOAD DBSPACE unloads all tables of the specified dbspace to a sequential |
Note: | The UNLOAD DBSPACE command is not supported if you are using DRDA flow. |
Following are the descriptions for each portion of the command:
For example, suppose your user ID is GENE and you specify:
The Database Services Utility unloads the private dbspace named GENE.SPACE1. If there is no such dbspace, the utility unloads the public dbspace named PUBLIC.SPACE1. If there is no PUBLIC.SPACE1, no dbspace is unloaded, and you receive an error message in the message file.
If you own a private dbspace with the same name as a public dbspace, and you want to unload the public dbspace, you must specify PUBLIC.dbspace_name. If owner is omitted, the private dbspace is unloaded.
This is the TLBL or DLBL job control statement file name for the sequential output file.
Note: | If the message ARI0868I generated during Database Services Utility UNLOAD command processing identifies RECFM=VS for an output file defined with RECFM VBS, the file can be read by Database Services Utility RELOAD command processing using RECFM VBS. |
DB2 Server for VM
This is the name of the sequential output file defined with a CMS FILEDEF command. The FILEDEF command should contain the record format specification RECFM VBS or a block size (BLOCK or BLKSIZE) value or both. You must define a CMS file used for UNLOAD command output with the file mode number 4.
If the row length (sum of defined column lengths) for any table in the dbspace being unloaded exceeds 8 240 bytes, the largest row length value is used as the minimum logical record length.
Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
BLKSZ and PDEV can be specified in any order but must occur after the ddname parameter.
|Changes were required in Version 7 Release 1 to handle file I/O
|correctly when using CMS 15 and later. These changes affect the format
|of data that is unloaded and reloaded by the UNLOAD and RELOAD commands of the
|DBS Utility. If you use the DBS Utility's UNLOAD and RELOAD
|commands with databases at different release levels, you must ensure that the
|code changes have been applied at all release levels. For releases
|prior to Version 7 Release 1, you must apply the following APARs:
Release | APAR |
3.5 | PQ28584 |
5.1 | PQ28583 |
6.1 | PQ27957 |
VSE Format: >>-UNLOAD TABLE----(table_name)---------------------------------> >----OUTFILE--(--ddname--+--------------------------+-----------> | .-2048--. | '-BLKSZ--(--+-size--+---)--' >-----+-----------------------------------+--)----------------->< | .-NOREWIND--. | | .-(TAPE)--+-REWIND----+--. | '-PDEV--+-(DASD)-----------------+--' VM Format: >>-UNLOAD TABLE----(table_name)--OUTFILE----(ddname)----------->< VSE Example: UNLOAD TABLE (EMPLOYEE) OUTFILE(SAVE13 PDEV(DASD)) VM Example: UNLOAD TABLE (EMPLOYEE) OUTFILE(SAVE13) Authorization: You must have the SELECT privilege on the table being unloaded. The UNLOAD TABLE command unloads a specific table or view to an output |
Note: | The UNLOAD TABLE command is not supported if you are using DRDA flow. |
Following are descriptions of each portion of the command:
Note: | If the message ARI0868I generated during Database Services Utility UNLOAD command processing identifies RECFM=VB for an output file defined with RECFM VBS, the file can be read by Database Services Utility RELOAD command processing using RECFM VBS. |
In DB2 Server for VM: this is the name of the sequential output file defined with a CMS FILEDEF command. The FILEDEF command should contain the record format specification RECFM VBS or a block size (BLOCK or BLKSIZE) value or both. You must define a CMS file used for UNLOAD command output with the file mode number 4. UNLOAD processing writes variable-length spanned records with a minimum logical record length (LRECL) of 8240 bytes.
Do not specify SYSIN or SYSPRINT as the ddname.
BLKSZ and PDEV can be specified in any order but must occur after the ddname parameter.
|Changes were required in Version 7 Release 1 to handle file I/O
|correctly when using CMS 15 and later. These changes affect the format
|of data that is unloaded and reloaded by the UNLOAD and RELOAD commands of the
|DBS Utility. If you use the DBS Utility's UNLOAD and RELOAD
|commands with databases at different release levels, you must ensure that the
|code changes have been applied at all release levels. For releases
|prior to Version 7 Release 1, you must apply the following APARs:
Release | APAR |
3.5 | PQ28584 |
5.1 | PQ28583 |
6.1 | PQ27957 |