The Database Services Utility operates in the user's virtual machine with the application server in either single user mode or multiple user mode.
The IBM-supplied SQLDBSU EXEC invokes the utility. This EXEC accepts optional parameters identifying the Database Services Utility input control file (ddname=SYSIN) and the Database Services Utility output message file (ddname=SYSPRINT). It also accepts other parameters necessary to run the database system in single or multiple user mode.
If the optional parameters identifying the Database Services Utility SYSIN and SYSPRINT files are not specified during startup of the SQLDBSU EXEC, the user can either define these files by using the CMS FILEDEF commands or run the utility with the SQLDBSU EXEC defaults, which assign the SYSIN and SYSPRINT file to the terminal.
Other DASD or tape input or output data files referenced by the Database Services Utility commands in the control file must be defined by the user with CMS FILEDEF commands before the SQLDBSU EXEC command is issued. Tape file processing and file definition restrictions apply to Database Services Utility input and output data files. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for a description of tape file processing support. The VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual describes the CMS FILEDEF command.