DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Database Services Utility

Using the Database Services Utility on Remote Application Servers Which Support DRDA Flow

With the implementation of the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA), you can use the Database Services Utility on |remote application servers which support the DRDA flow. Before you can use the Database Services Utility on an unlike application server, the Utility must be preprocessed on the application server using the ERROR preprocessing option, and the table SQLDBA.DBSOPTIONS must also exist on the unlike application server. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration or the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for more information on using the Database Services Utility on an unlike application server using DRDA flow.

|To access a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, a VM DBSU user |can use the SQLINIT EXEC with the PROTOCOL options set to AUTO or DRDA. |(You can also access a DB2 Server for VM application server with the protocol |option set to DRDA). In VSE, the Database Services Utility can only |access a remote DRDA application server if the remote DRDA application server |is specified in the DBNAME directory as a remote server.

Only the following Database Services Utility commands are supported when DRDA flow is used:

|The ISOLATION level is always assumed to be CS when DRDA |flow is used. If an ISOLATION level other than CS is requested, the |command will have no effect and the following message will be displayed:

|ARI2906I - The only valid isolation level is CS when the DRDA
|protocol is used.  Isolation level CS is now in effect.

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