DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Database Services Utility

Highlighting Conventions

This manual observes the following text highlighting conventions:
Convention Meaning
Italics Italic type denotes command variables, parameter values and their symbolic equivalents, titles of stand-alone documents, and strings of characters referred to as such.
Boldface Bold type is used for emphasis or for an important term that is being defined.
Monospace Type Monospace type indicates material that is entered at a display station, displayed on a screen, coded, or printed on a computer printing device.
ALL CAPS Capital letters indicate keytop nomenclature, for example, PFn, ENTER, CLEAR, INSERT, and DELETE. In addition, the following situations call for all caps:
  • Acronyms and other all-cap abbreviations
  • Names of programs and other coded entities
  • Names of files, tables, libraries, logs, and so forth
  • Command, statement, and parameter names or constants
  • Keyword and option names
  • Data area and storage names.
"Quotation Marks" Quotation marks (double) enclose the headings of parts, chapters, and lesser sections of stand-alone documents when they are referenced; to designate specific, lengthy passages of text (at least a sentence in length); and to denote figurative and other special usage, such as jargon.
As Displayed Panel names, menu titles, and other display headers are shown in uppercase or mixed case, as displayed.

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