This manual observes the following text highlighting conventions:
Convention | Meaning |
Italics | Italic type denotes command variables, parameter values and their symbolic equivalents, titles of stand-alone documents, and strings of characters referred to as such. |
Boldface | Bold type is used for emphasis or for an important term that is being defined. |
Monospace Type | Monospace type indicates material that is entered at a display station, displayed on a screen, coded, or printed on a computer printing device. |
ALL CAPS | Capital letters indicate keytop nomenclature, for example, PFn,
ENTER, CLEAR, INSERT, and DELETE. In addition, the following situations
call for all caps:
"Quotation Marks" | Quotation marks (double) enclose the headings of parts, chapters, and lesser sections of stand-alone documents when they are referenced; to designate specific, lengthy passages of text (at least a sentence in length); and to denote figurative and other special usage, such as jargon. |
As Displayed | Panel names, menu titles, and other display headers are shown in uppercase or mixed case, as displayed. |
|Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and |high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or |any other DB2 Server for VSE & VM documentation: |
Format | Address | |
Internet | | |
Facsimile | (416) 448-6161 (Attention RCF Coordinator) |
|Be sure to include the name of the book, the form number (including the |suffix), and the page, section title, or topic you are commenting on.
|If you choose to respond through the Internet, please include either your |entire Internet network address, or a postal address.