The DB2 Server for VSE environment is sensitive to errors or conditions. A failing SQL transaction or application can potentially leave a DB2 Server for VSE database in an inconsistent state. For this reason, it is essential that DB2 Server for VSE knows about the failure of a transaction or application that has been updating a database so that it can perform database rollback.
When a user runs an application with the TRAP(ON) run-time option of LE/VSE and the DB2 Server for VSE application is running in Single User Mode, LE/VSE and DB2 Server for VSE keep track of calls to and returns from the database. If a program interrupt or abend occurs when the application is running, the LE/VSE condition manager is informed whether the problem occurred in the application or in the database manager. If the program interrupt or abend occurs in the database manager, the LE/VSE condition handler passes the condition back to DB2 Server for VSE.
If a program interrupt or abend occurs in the application outside the database manager, the LE/VSE condition manager will perform its own condition handling actions. If the condition manager gets control then the user must do one of the following:
Note: | The following methods are available for specifying any LE/VSE run-time
options, including ABTERMENC(ABEND):
See the IBM Language Environment for VSE/ESA Programming Guide for more details.
Note: | CEEBXITA assembler user exit is intended for use by the application programmer. It is not intended for DB2 Server for VSE use. See the IBM Language Environment for VSE/ESA Programming Guide for more details. |