DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Application Programming

Defining the Steps to Execute the Program

After you code your program, you must follow a series of steps to prepare it to be run. The number of steps varies depending on the host language of the program and the environment in which the program is running. However, the steps below are common in each case. In order to run your DB2 Server for VSE application program you must:

If the program is an online program, the CICS statements have to be "translated" before the program is compiled.

When the database manager was installed, your installation may have optionally chosen to generate the starter database. The statements


are contained in single user mode job control examples throughout this section in order to identify the database and the libraries used.

The ARIS71DB procedure contains the DLBL statements required for accessing the starter database. The ARIS71PL procedure identifies the DB2 Server for VSE production libraries. To access a different database, you must substitute a different procedure (or your own DLBL statements) for ARIS71DB. To access your own libraries, you must substitute a different procedure (or your own VSE LIBDEF statements) for ARIS71PL.

Determine if the DB2 Server for VSE database and library definition statements are required by contacting the person who installed the system. Or, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory. This manual contains a description of the database and library definition job control statements required for a database, and the product-supplied procedures available.

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