DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Application Programming
This bibliography lists publications that are referenced in this manual or
that may be helpful.
DB2 Server for VM Publications
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application
Programming, SC09-2889
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database
Administration, SC09-2888
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Services
Utility, SC09-2983
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and
Reference, LC09-2907
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Overview, GC09-2995
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and
Reference, SC09-2990
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Master Index and
Glossary, SC09-2890
- DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes, GC09-2984
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation, SC09-2986
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Quick Reference, SC09-2988
- DB2 Server for VM System Administration, SC09-2980
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning
Handbook, GC09-2987
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference, SC09-2989
DB2 Server for VSE Publications
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application
Programming, SC09-2889
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database
Administration, SC09-2888
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Services
Utility, SC09-2983
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and
Reference, LC09-2907
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Overview, GC09-2995
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and
Reference, SC09-2990
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Master Index and
Glossary, SC09-2890
- DB2 Server for VSE Messages and Codes, GC09-2985
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation, SC09-2986
- DB2 Server for VSE System Administration, SC09-2981
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning
Handbook, GC09-2987
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference, SC09-2989
Related Publications
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM Data Restore, SC09-2991
- DRDA: Every Manager's Guide, GC26-3195
- IBM SQL Reference, Version 2, Volume 1, SC26-8416
- IBM SQL Reference, SC26-8415
VM/ESA Publications
- VM/ESA: General Information, GC24-5745
- VM/ESA: VMSES/E Introduction and Reference, GC24-5837
- VM/ESA: Installation Guide, GC24-5836
- VM/ESA: Service Guide, GC24-5838
- VM/ESA: Planning and Administration, SC24-5750
- VM/ESA: CMS File Pool Planning, Administration, and
Operation, SC24-5751
- VM/ESA: REXX/EXEC Migration Tool for VM/ESA, GC24-5752
- VM/ESA: Conversion Guide and Notebook, GC24-5839
- VM/ESA: Running Guest Operating Systems, SC24-5755
- VM/ESA: Connectivity Planning, Administration, and
Operation, SC24-5756
- VM/ESA: Group Control System, SC24-5757
- VM/ESA: System Operation, SC24-5758
- VM/ESA: Virtual Machine Operation, SC24-5759
- VM/ESA: CP Programming Services, SC24-5760
- VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Guide, SC24-5761
- VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference, SC24-5762
- VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Guide for Assembler, SC24-5763
- VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference for
Assembler, SC24-5764
- VM/ESA: CMS Application Multitasking, SC24-5766
- VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference, SC24-5773
- VM/ESA: CMS Primer, SC24-5458
- VM/ESA: CMS User's Guide, SC24-5775
- VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference, SC24-5776
- VM/ESA: CMS Pipelines User's Guide, SC24-5777
- VM/ESA: CMS Pipelines Reference, SC24-5778
- VM/ESA: XEDIT User's Guide, SC24-5779
- VM/ESA: XEDIT Command and Macro Reference, SC24-5780
- VM/ESA: Quick Reference, SX24-5290
- VM/ESA: Performance, SC24-5782
- VM/ESA: Dump Viewing Facility, GC24-5853
- VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes, GC24-5841
- VM/ESA: Diagnosis Guide, GC24-5854
- VM/ESA: CP Diagnosis Reference, SC24-5855
- VM/ESA: CP Diagnosis Reference Summary, SX24-5292
- VM/ESA: CMS Diagnosis Reference, SC24-5857
- CP and CMS control block information is not provided in book form.
This information is available on the IBM VM/ESA operating system home page
- IBM VM/ESA: CP Exit Customization, SC24-5672
- VM/ESA REXX/VM User's Guide, SC24-5465
- VM/ESA REXX/VM Reference, SC24-5770
C for VM/ESA Publications
- IBM C for VM/ESA Diagnosis Guide, SC09-2149
- IBM C for VM/ESA Language Reference, SC09-2153
- IBM C for VM/ESA Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide, SC09-2147
- IBM C for VM/ESA Programming Guide, SC09-2151
- IBM C for VM/ESA User's Guide, SC09-2152
Virtual Storage Extended/Enterprise Systems Architecture (VSE/ESA)
- IBM VSE/ESA Administration, SC33-6505
- IBM VSE/ESA Diagnosis Tools, SC33-6514
- IBM VSE/ESA General Information, GC33-6501
- IBM VSE/ESA Guide for Solving Problems, SC33-6510
- IBM VSE/ESA Guide to System Functions, SC33-6511
- IBM VSE/ESA Installation, SC33-6504
- IBM VSE/ESA Messages & Codes, SC33-6507
- IBM VSE/ESA Networking Support, SC33-6508
- IBM VSE/ESA Operation, SC33-6506
- IBM VSE/ESA Planning, SC33-6503
- IBM VSE/ESA System Control Statements, SC33-6513
- IBM VSE/ESA System Macros User's Guide, SC33-6515
- IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference, SC33-6516
- IBM VSE/ESA System Utilities, SC33-6517
- IBM VSE/ESA Unattended Node Support, SC33-6512
- IBM VSE/ESA Using IBM Workstations, SC33-6509
CICS/VSE Publications
- CICS/VSE Application Programming Reference, SC33-0713
- CICS/VSE Application Programming Guide, SC33-0712
- CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II), SC33-0674
- CICS/VSE CICS-Supplied Transactions, SC33-0710
- CICS/VSE Customization Guide, SC33-0707
- CICS/VSE Facilities and Planning Guide, SC33-0718
- CICS/VSE Intercommunication Guide, SC33-0701
- CICS/VSE Performance Guide, SC33-0703
- CICS/VSE Problem Determination Guide, SC33-0716
- CICS/VSE Recovery and Restart Guide, SC33-0702
- CICS/VSE Release Guide, GC33-1645
- CICS/VSE Report Controller User's Guide, SC33-0705
- CICS/VSE Resource Definition (Macro), SC33-0709
- CICS/VSE Resource Definition (Online), SC33-0708
- CICS/VSE System Definition and Operations Guide, SC33-0706
- CICS/VSE System Programming Reference, SC33-0711
- CICS/VSE User's Handbook, SX33-6079
- CICS/VSE XRF Guide, SC33-0704
CICS/ESA Publications
- CICS/ESA General Information, GC33-0803
VSE/Virtual Storage Access Method (VSE/VSAM) Publications
- VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros, SC33-6532
- VSE/VSAM Introduction, GC33-6531
- VSE/VSAM Messages and Codes, SC24-5146
- VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference, SC33-6535
VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility (VSE/ICCF)
- VSE/ICCF Administration and Operation, SC33-6562
- VSE/ICCF Primer, SC33-6561
- VSE/ICCF User's Guide, SC33-6563
VSE/POWER Publications
- VSE/POWER Administration and Operation, SC33-6571
- VSE/POWER Application Programming, SC33-6574
- VSE/POWER Networking, SC33-6573
- VSE/POWER Remote Job Entry, SC33-6572
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) Library
- Application Programming Guide, SC26-4773
- Architecture Reference, SC26-4651
- Connectivity Guide, SC26-4783
- DRDA: Every Manager's Guide, GC26-3195
- Planning for Distributed Relational Database, SC26-4650
- Problem Determination Guide, SC26-4782
C/370 for VSE Publications
- IBM C/370 General Information, GC09-1386
- IBM C/370 Programming Guide for VSE, SC09-1399
- IBM C/370 Installation and Customization Guide for VSE, GC09-1417
- IBM C/370 Reference Summary for VSE, SX09-1246
- IBM C/370 Diagnosis Guide and Reference for VSE, LY09-1805
VSE/REXX Publication
- VSE/REXX Reference, SC33-6642
Other Distributed Data Publications
- IBM Distributed Data Management (DDM) Architecture, Architecture
Reference, Level 4, SC21-9526
- IBM Distributed Data Management (DDM) Architecture, Implementation
Programmer's Guide, SC21-9529
- VM/Directory Maintenance Licensed Program Specification, GC20-1836
- IBM Distributed Relational Database Architecture Reference, SC26-4651
- IBM Systems Network Architecture, Format and Protocol Reference, SC30-3112
- SNA LU 6.2 Reference: Peer Protocols, SC31-6808
- Reference Manual: Architecture Logic for LU Type
6.2, SC30-3269
- IBM Systems Network Architecture, Logical Unit 6.2
Reference: Peer Protocols, SC31-6808
- Distributed Data Management (DDM) General Information, GC21-9527
- IBM Distributed Data Management (DDM) Architecture, Architecture
Reference, Level 4, SC21-9526
CCSID Publications
- Character Data Representation Architecture, Executive Overview, GC09-2207
- Character Data Representation Architecture Reference and
Registry, SC09-2190
DB2 Server RXSQL Publications
- DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA Installation and
Reference, SC09-2891
C/370 Publications
- IBM C/370 Installation and Customization Guide, GC09-1387
- IBM C/370 Programming Guide, SC09-1384
Communication Server for OS/2 Publications
- Up and Running!, GC31-8189
- Network Administration and Subsystem Management Guide, SC31-8181
- Command Reference, SC31-8183
- Message Reference, SC31-8185
- Problem Determination Guide, SC31-8186
Distributed Database Connection Services (DDCS) Publications
- DDCS User's Guide for Common Servers, S20H-4793
- DDCS for OS/2 Installation and Configuration Guide, S20H-4795
VTAM Publications
- VTAM Messages and Codes, SC31-6493
- VTAM Network Implementation Guide, SC31-6494
- VTAM Operation, SC31-6495
- VTAM Programming, SC31-6496
- VTAM Programming for LU 6.2, SC31-6497
- VTAM Resource Definition Reference, SC31-6498
- VTAM Resource Definition Samples, SC31-6499
CSP/AD and CSP/AE Publications
- Developing Applications, SH20-6435
- CSP/AD and CSP/AE Installation Planning Guide, GH20-6764
- Administering CSP/AD and CSP/AE on VM, SH20-6766
- Administering CSP/AD and CSP/AE on VSE, SH20-6767
- CSP/AD and CSP/AE Planning, SH20-6770
- Cross System Product General Information, GH23-0500
Query Management Facility (QMF) Publications
- Introducing QMF, GC27-0714
- Installing and Managing QMF for VSE, GC27-0721
- QMF Reference, SC27-0715
- Installing and Managing QMF for VM, GC27-0720
- Developing QMF Applications, SC27-0718
- QMF Messages and Codes, GC27-0717
- Using QMF, SC27-0716
Query Management Facility (QMF) for Windows Publications
- Getting Started with QMF for Windows, SC27-0723
- Installing and Managing QMF for Windows, GC27-0722
DL/I DOS/VS Publications
- DL/I DOS/VS Application Programming, SH24-5009
COBOL Publications
- VS COBOL II Migration Guide for VSE, GC26-3150
- VS COBOL II Migration Guide for MVS and CMS, GC26-3151
- VS COBOL II General Information, GC26-4042
- VS COBOL II Language Reference, GC26-4047
- VS COBOL II Application Programming Guide, SC26-4045
- VS COBOL II Application Programming Debugging, SC26-4049
- VS COBOL II Installation and Customization for CMS, SC26-4213
- VS COBOL II Installation and Customization for VSE, SC26-4696
- VS COBOL II Application Programming Guide for VSE, SC26-4697
Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem/VM (DFSMS/VM)
- DFSMS/VM RMS User's Guide and Reference, SC35-0141
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Publications
- SNA Transaction Programmer's Reference Manual for LU Type
6.2, GC30-3084
- SNA Format and Protocol Reference: Architecture Logic for LU
Type 6.2, SC30-3269
- SNA LU 6.2 Reference: Peer Protocols, SC31-6808
- SNA Synch Point Services Architecture Reference, SC31-8134
Miscellaneous Publications
- IBM 3990 Storage Control Planning, Installation, and Storage
Administration Guide, GA32-0100
- Dictionary of Computing, ZC20-1699
- APL2 Programming: Using Structured Query Language, SH21-1056
- ESA/390 Principles of Operation, SA22-7201
Related Feature Publications
- DB2 for VM Control Center Operations Guide, GC09-2993
- DB2 for VSE Control Center Operations Guide, GC09-2992
- IBM Replication Guide and Reference, S95H-0999
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