Control Center Operations Guide for VSE


The path used to get data specified in SQL statements. An access path can involve either an index, a sequential search, or a combination of both.

The name of a CICS system as known to VTAM(R).

Processing that involves little or no terminal interaction.

1. A set of tables maintained by the database manager. 2. A directory of files and libraries, with reference to their locations. 3. To store a library member such as a phase, module, or book in a sublibrary.

The resource definition online transaction.

Customer Information Control System. IBM's teleprocessing monitor for VSE/ESA.

CICS Report Controller Feature
A set of programs and transactions that interface with VSE/POWER to help users create reports and print them at distributed locations.

CICS transaction
Computing and data-access tasks grouped together as a unit of work.

clustered index
An index whose sequence of key values closely corresponds to the sequence of rows stored in a table.

clustering index
The first index created for a table. The DB2 database manager uses it to determine placement of subsequent rows.

CICS System Definition file.

Control Center
An IBM licensed program consisting of menus and programs to assist a DBA in the on-going administration of DB2 Server for VSE & VM databases.

An organized collection of stored operational data, used by the application systems of an organization.

database administrator (DBA)
An individual responsible for the availability, development, design, maintenance, operation, performance, recoverability, and security of the database.

database management system (DBMS)
A software system that controls the logical and physical resources and facilities of a database.

The physical medium upon which data is stored. One or more dbextents comprise a storage pool.

database manager
A program product that processes SQL statements.

database switching
The facility that allows users and applications to connect from one database server to another.

A logical allocation of space in a storage pool contained in a database. Contains one or more tables and their associated indexes.

Database Services Utility program used to run the DDL needed to perform a function.

DB2 (Database 2)
Pertaining to the IBM licensed program that is the version of DB2 Server for the VSE and VM environments.

DB2 Optimizer
A component of a relational DBMS that carries out the logic required to find data in a database. The optimizer determines the access path.

Data Definition Language. The SQL statements for deleting and defining objects such as tables and indexes in an RDBMS.

distribution tape
A magnetic tape that contains, for example, a preconfigured operating system such as VSE/ESA. This tape is shipped to the customer for program installation.

File Control Table. This CICS control table contains entries that define files to CICS.

JCL (Job Control Language)
A language that serves to prepare a job or each job step of a job to be run.

job scheduling
The process of creating the JCL necessary to run a job, then to invoke VSE/POWER to actually submit the job to the system for execution.

A mechanism that prevents concurrent users from accessing the same data, at the same time. This ensures data integrity.

A VSE system control statement that defines what sublibraries are to be searched for members of a specified type or the sublibrary in which new phases are to be stored.

A screen that offers the user a choice of execution options.

MUM (multiple user mode)
A mode of operating the DB2 database manager in which one or more users or application programs can access the database at the same time.

online processing
Processing by which the input data enters the computer directly from a display station and the output data is transmitted directly to the display station.

Online Resource Adapter
The DB2 code that provides the connection between DB2 databases and online (CICS) applications.

operator command
A statement to a control program, issued using a console or terminal

A control structure produced during program preparation that is used to execute SQL statements.

Program Control Table. The CICS control table that contains entries that describe transactions.

production library
The VSE/ESA library that contains the DB2 and Control Center code (PRD2).

program preparation
The process of producing an executable DB2 application program. The process includes precompilation, compilation, and bind.

A method of on-line programming whereby a program is removed from storage when it is waiting for data from the terminal. A much more efficient technique than conversational programming.

Relational Data Base Management System.

Resource Definition Online.

To recreate a package.

Sequential Access Method. Files processed without an index.

Signon Table. The CICS control table that contains an entry for each userid.

spanned records
Records that are defined to span multiple blocks.

spool file
1. A file that contains output data saved for later processing. 2. One of three VSE/POWER files on disk: queue file, data file, and account file.

Structured Query Language. A data sub-language for defining and accessing data in an RDBMS.

static SQL
SQL statements that are embedded within a program, and are prepared during the program preparation process before the program is executed. Static SQL statements have a corresponding access plan in the database.

standard labels
Disk file labels (DLBLS) that are loaded into either the partition or system standard label areas of a VSE system and are thus available to all subsequent jobs that run in that partition or system.

storage pool
A specific set of available storage areas. These areas are used by the database administrator to control storage of the database. A storage pool contains one or more DBSPACES.

In VSE, a subdivision of a library. Members can only be accessed in a sublibrary.

SUM (single user mode)
A mode of operation in which the DB2 database manager and one application run in the same virtual machine. No other application programs or users can access the database at the same time.

time event scheduling
In VSE/POWER, the facility to schedule jobs for processing in a partition at a predefined time once or repetitively.

The VSE Tape LaBeL system control statement that defines a tape file to an application.

Execution of one or more programs that function together as a unit in a CICS environment.

transaction identifier
The unique four-character code that identifies a CICS transaction.

VSE (Virtual Storage Extended)
A system that consists of a basic operating system and any IBM supplied and user-written programs required to meet the data processing needs of a user. VSE and the hardware it controls form a complete computing system.

VSE/DITTO (VSE/Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations)
An IBM licensed program that provides file-to-file services for disk, tape, and card devices.

VSE/ESA (VSE/Enterprise Systems Architecture)
The most advanced VSE system currently available.

VSE/ICCF (VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility)
An IBM licensed program that serves as interface, on a time-slice basis, to authorized users of terminals linked to the system's processor.

VSE/ICCF library
A file composed of smaller files (libraries) including system and user data which can be accessed under the control of VSE/ICCF.

An IBM licensed program primarily used to spool input and output. The program's networking functions enable a VSE system to exchange files with or run jobs on another remote processor.

CICS Transfer Program Control Command.

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