Control Center Operations Guide for VSE


The LIST TABLES function is used to select a table to be operated on by the other functions of the Table Utility.

Using the List Tables function you can search a database for a specific table, several tables with common NAMEs or CREATORs (using "wildcard" specification) or all tables. Tables meeting the search criteria are displayed in the TABLE LIST menu. A specific table can then be selected and its NAME and CREATOR will be returned to the Table Utility main menu and displayed on it.

The Table List menu is displayed when the Table List Search criteria you specify on the Table Utility main menu are satisfied. If no tables match the search criteria, a message is displayed indicating that no such tables can be found.

Additional information (described below) is displayed about the tables. Note that these statistics may be correct only as of the last statistics update or table reorganization.

Figure 45. Table List Screen

|     mm/dd/yyyy                 CONTROL CENTER                         hh:mm:ss |
|*-------------------------------- TABLE LIST ---------------------------------* |
|| DATABASE => SQLDBA                                                          | |
||                                                                             | |
||                                                                             | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  APPL_GROUP_TAB            39        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  COUNTER                    0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  GROUP_AUTH_TAB            18        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  MONITOR_CONTROL          142        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  OBJECT_TAB                36        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  RAY_TEST                  13        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  RAY_TEST2                 13        1       1      100           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_ACTIVE                0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_CONNECT               0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_DBEXTENT              0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_DBSPACE               0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_LOCK                  0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SHOW_LOG                   0        0       0        0           | |
|| _ SQLMSTR  SQLMAINT                  85       16       1      100           | |
|*------------------------------------------------------------------ SQC63 ----* |
|                                                                                |
|SELECT A TABLE AND PRESS ENTER TO RETURN                                        |
|F1=HELP F3=EXIT F4=TOP F5=BOT F7=BWD F8=FWD F12=CANCEL                          |

From this menu you can scroll forward or backward, and to the top or bottom, if there are multiple menus. You can choose one table by placing an "X" (or any non-blank character) next to the table name and then pressing ENTER to return to the Table Utility main menu. The chosen table NAME and CREATOR will be placed in the respective fields of the main menu for use with Table Utility options 2, 3, and 5. For option 4, Create Table, you can use the List function to check that the planned new table's name does not exist.

If you press F3, control returns to the Control Center main menu. If you press F12, control returns to the Table Utility main menu, without changing anything that was originally on that menu.

The Table List menu (Figure 45) displays these table attributes from SYSTEM.SYSCATALOG:

Column Label

the average length of the rows in this table

the number of rows in this table as of the last statistics update

the number of pages in the DBSPACE in which rows of this table appear

the approximate percentage of the active pages in the DBSPACE that have rows from this table in them

the number of rows that have overflowed from their original page in storage to another page

List Tables Processing Flow


When you choose the LIST TABLES function, Control Center reads the system catalogs to build a list of tables. Values you specify as CREATOR and TABLE name are passed to SQL to use as filters.

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