Control Center Operations Guide for VSE

Options and Monitors Available

As shown in Figure 37, the Monitor Utilities include options that allow you to:

These options use seven monitors:

Monitor Thresholds and VSE Console Messages

All the monitors listed, except SHOW DBSPACE and COUNTER *, let you specify a threshold at which Control Center will generate a VSE console message.

For instance, if the SHOW ACTIVE monitor finds a CHECKPOINT or USER WAIT situation when it executes, or if SHOW LOG or SHOW DBEXTENT reaches a PERCENT USED value, Control Center sends a message to the VSE console. Similarly, if SHOW CONNECT finds AGENTS WAITING, NOT PROCESSING or INACTIVE, or if the SHOW LOCK monitors meet the locking indicators, Control Center will issue the appropriate message.

Figure 33 is an example of the messages sent to the VSE console when a SHOW ACTIVE monitor threshold is reached.

Figure 33. VSE Console - Monitor Threshold Notification

|SYSTEM:  VSE/ESA       V2.1.0  --  SVSCVSA                      USER:  VS22     |
|                                                                TIME:  hh:mm:ss |
|F2 0002 SQM0632 SQLMSTR  IS IN COMMUNICATION WAIT                               |
|F2 0002 SQM0318 DATABASE:      SQLDBA                                           |
|F2 0002 SQM0632 CMORGAN  IS IN COMMUNICATION WAIT                               |
|F2 0002 SQM0318 DATABASE:      SQLDBA                                           |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|==>                                                                             |
|                                                                                |
|1=HLP 2=CPY 3=END 4=RTN 5=DEL 6=DELS 7=RED 8=CONT 9=EXPL 10=HLD         12=RTRV |
|                                                                                |
|ACT_MSG: HOLD              PAUSE: 01  SCROLL: 1           MODE:  CONSOLE        |

In this figure, Database SQLDBA shows two agents, SQLMSTR and CMORGAN, in communication wait state. Although neither situation is necessarily a problem, you may want to investigate continued wait states.

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