Control Center Operations Guide for VSE

About the Group Authorization Tool

The Group Authorization Tool is a series of CICS transactions that operate under the SQM main transaction. The "SQLMSTR" ID grants all authorizations. The tool records and maintains all authorizations.

You can use the LIST Functions to view the various reports that are available to help manage database access. These reports show Application Groups and the objects they contain, such as tables, views and packages; User Groups and user IDs associated with specific User Groups; and authorities granted to User Groups.

The Group Authorization tool keeps all data about User and Application Groups, as well as authorization information, in database tables. You can query these tables to obtain authorization information. See Special Considerations for an example.

The "SQLMSTR" ID owns five authorization tables that contain its information about User, Application Groups and authorizations. These tables are:

User Group Table. This table is used to hold the name, internal ID, and description of a User group.

User ID Table. This table has one row for each unique combination of Userid and User Group ID.

Application Group Table. This table is used to hold the name, internal ID, and description of an Application Group.

Object ID Table. This table has an entry for each unique combination of object (object owner, object name) and Application Group ID.

Group Authorization Table. This table records each group authorization made by SQLMSTR. It records the User Group ID, the Application Group ID and the specific privileges granted using the Group Authorization tool.

Users can belong to more than one User Group and can have the same privilege granted to an object through multiple User Groups. If you drop the user from one User Group, the user does not automatically lose the privilege to the object since the user still has authority through the second User Group.

The same is true of an object that is in more than one Application Group: if that object is dropped from one group, but privileges on it exist through another application group, those privileges will not be automatically revoked from users who have authority on it through the second group.

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