Control Center Operations Guide for VSE

Disk Work File Label Definition Screen

Enter a FILE TYPE and FILE NUMBER and press ENTER to display the DISK WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION screen as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Disk Work File Label Definition Screen

|     mm/dd/yyyy                 CONTROL CENTER                        hh:mm:ss  |
|*---------------------- DISK WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION ---------------------*  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| FILE TYPE       =>   (1=DATA                    2=DDL                    ) |  |
||                      (3=PACKAGES                4=MESSAGES               ) |  |
|| FILE NUMBER     =>                                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| **************************     DISK OPERANDS     ************************* |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| FILENAME                        =>                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| FILE-ID                         =>                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| SERIAL-NUMBER                   =>                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| RELATIVE-TRACK/BLOCK            =>                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| NUMBER-OF-TRACKS/BLOCKS         =>                                         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*----------------------------------------------------------------- SQC04 ----*  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|ENTER F1=HELP F3=EXIT F12=CANCEL                                                |

This screen contains the parameters required to define the location and size of a disk work file. The values entered are used to create DLBL, ASSGN, and EXTENT cards that define the file. When you press ENTER, Control Center writes the JCL statements to the SQMWORK file, from which they are available for the job submission routines. Each of the parameters is discussed below.

Disk Work File Label Definition Fields

DISK FILE TYPE and DISK FILE NUMBER are displayed as they were entered

on the previous screen. FILENAME and FILE-ID are displayed as generated by Control Center. The following required parameters are explained below. They are used in building the EXTENT JCL statement.


This is the serial number parameter on the EXTENT JCL card. It is a 1 to 6 character field indicating the serial number of the volume on which this file is to be located.

This is the starting location of the file. For CKD (Count-Key-Data) devices, specify the 1 to 5 digit sequential track number where the file is to begin. For FBA devices, specify the physical block number, from 2 to 2,147,483,645 (without the commas), where the file is to begin.

This specifies the size of the work file. For CKD devices, specify the 1 to 5 digit number of tracks to be allocated to the file. For FBA devices, specify the number of physical blocks that should be allocated to the file. Valid values are 1 to 2,147,483,645 (without the commas).

The actual size of each file depends on the size of the DBSPACEs in your database. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Control Center Program Directory for sample allocations. Then, make sure the allocations you have made can accommodate your data and DDL.

After entering all parameters, press ENTER to complete processing. Control Center will write DLBL, ASSGN, and EXTENT statements to the SQMWORK file.

F12 will return you to the main WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION screen. F3 will return you to the Control Center Main Menu.

Note that if the labels for the chosen file are already defined, the currently defined values stored in the SQMWORK file will be displayed on the DISK WORK FILE DEFINITION screen. When the ENTER key is pressed, the records in the SQMWORK file will be updated with any new values entered.

Tape Work File Definition Screen

When defining a tape file, the screen shown in Figure 15 is

presented. This screen contains the parameters used to create TLBL and ASSGN statements for the specified file. When you press ENTER, Control Center writes the JCL to the SQMWORK file from which they are accessed by the job submission routines.

Figure 15. Tape Work File Label Definition Screen

|     mm/dd/yyyy                 CONTROL CENTER                        hh:mm:ss  |
|*---------------------- TAPE WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION ---------------------*  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| FILENAME     => SQMTAPE             FILE-ID      =>                        |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| **************************     TAPE OPERANDS     ************************* |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| FILE-SERIAL-NUMBER             =>                                          |  |
|| VOLUME-SEQUENCE-NUMBER         =>                                          |  |
|| FILE-SEQUENCE-NUMBER           =>                                          |  |
|| GENERATION-NUMBER              =>                                          |  |
|| VERSION-NUMBER                 =>                                          |  |
|| DATE                           =>          (YYYY/DDD OR 0-9999)            |  |
|| DEVICE-CLASS                   => 1        (1=CARTRIDGE/2=TAPE)            |  |
|| MODE                           =>                                          |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*----------------------------------------------------------------- SQC04 ----*  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|ENTER F1=HELP F3=EXIT F12=CANCEL                                                |

Each of the parameters is discussed in more detail below.

Tape Work File Label Definition Fields

FILENAME is pre-filled and is always set to "SQMTAPE". TAPE FILE-ID is

displayed as it was entered on the WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION screen.

These parameters are all optional except DEVICE CLASS. They are used in building the TLBL and ASSGN JCL statements that define the file.


This is the file serial number parameter on the TLBL statement. It is a 1 to 6 character field indicating the volume serial number of the first (or only) reel of the file.

This is a 1 to 4-digit number specifying the volume of a multi-volume file at which you wish to start processing.

This is a 1 to 4-digit number specifying the file of a multi-file volume at which you wish to start processing.

This is a 1 to 4-digit number specifying the generation number of the file to be processed.

This is a 1 or 2-digit number specifying the version of the file to be processed.

This is the expiration date of the output file expressed either in YYYY/DDD format (absolute expiration date as a Julian date) or as a retention period in days expressed as a 1 to 5-digit number from 0 to 99999.

This is used in building the ASSGN statement. Valid values are "1" for CARTRIDGE or "2" for TAPE. This is the only required parameter on this screen.

This specifies density when a device class supports more than 1.

After entering all required parameters, press ENTER to complete processing. Control Center will write a TLBL and an ASSGN card to the SQMWORK file.

F12 returns you to the main WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION screen. F3 returns you to the Control Center Main Menu.

Note that if the file has already been defined, the current values from the SQMWORK file are displayed on the TAPE WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION screen. When you press ENTER, the records in the SQMWORK file will be updated with any new values entered.

JCL Default Values

If any of the above optional parameters are not entered, default values in accordance with the VSE/ESA System Control Statements manual will be used.

|Package Work File


|The View Package Utility uses a SAM work file (SQLPKGx) to hold the |unloaded package used to produce the Package Report. You must allocate |a package work file for each partition that might use the View |Package tool. (The partition number is used as the "x" in the |name SQLPKGx.) Therefore, you may have to run this step more than |once. Control Center unloads the package into a package work file and |processes it to produce a package report. Note, only static partition |numbers are allowed.

|For example, if you want to run View Package jobs in the background |partition (CLASS 0), you would specify FILE TYPE 3 (PACKAGES) and |FILE/PARTITION NUMBER 0 (CLASS 0 = BG) as:


FILE TYPE             => 3 (1=DATA                     2=DDL                )
                           (3=PACKAGES                 4=MESSAGES           )
NUMBER                            FILE TYPE 3     : PARTITION NUMBER
                                  FILE TYPE 4     : NOT USED

|Press ENTER to display the Disk Work File Label Definition screen. |Then enter SERIAL-NUMBER, RELATIVE-TRACK/BLOCK, and |NUMBER-OF-TRACKS/BLOCKS. Note that as of Control Center Version |7.1, the suggested size of the package work file is 10K bytes; |this is adequate for a report on a very big package. If necessary, you |can redefine the file's size at any later time. If your existing |file is larger, you can redefine it with this step, making it smaller.


SERIAL-NUMBER                   => SYSWK1
RELATIVE-TRACK/BLACK            => 03695_____
NUMBER-OF-TRACKS/BLOCKS         => 20________

|Press ENTER to return to the Work File Label Definition Menu and look for |the message WORKFILE UPDATED SUCCESSFULLY!

|Repeat this process for each partition into which you want to submit |batch View Package jobstreams.

|Package Messages Work File


|You must also define a single package messages file that is used by all |partitions. The (batch) Package Report job obtains report headings from |this file. To define the file, specify FILE TYPE 4 (MESSAGES). |When the FILE TYPE is 4, the FILE/PARTITION NUMBER is not used.


FILE TYPE             => 4 (1=DATA                     2=DDL                )
                           (3=PACKAGES                 4=MESSAGES           )
NUMBER                            FILE TYPE 3     : PARTITION NUMBER
                                  FILE TYPE 4     : NOT USED

|Press ENTER to display the Disk Work File Label Definition screen. |Then enter SERIAL-NUMBER, RELATIVE-TRACK/BLOCK, and |NUMBER-OF-TRACKS/BLOCKS. Note that as of Control Center Version |7.1, the suggested size of the package work file is 10K bytes; |this is adequate for a report on a very big package. If necessary, you |can redefine the file's size at any later time. If your existing |file is larger, you can redefine it with this step, making it smaller. |The new size value includes an allowance for expansion.


SERIAL-NUMBER                   => SYSWK1
RELATIVE-TRACK/BLACK            => 03683_____
NUMBER-OF-TRACKS/BLOCKS         => 12________

|Press ENTER to return to the Work File Label Definition Menu and look for |the message WORKFILE UPDATED SUCCESSFULLY!

Special Considerations

Size of Defined Files

Depending on the size and type of DBSPACEs in your database, definition of the DDL and DATA files need not follow the examples. For instance, a database may have some large DBSPACEs (many rows). This would mean a large DATA file would have to be defined. However, the corresponding DDL may in fact be rather small (say a PUBLIC DBSPACE with SELECT granted to all users, only one table, a few indexes, and no referential integrity). The DDL could fit in a small file. In this case, you might define the number 3 DATA file to be much larger and the associated number 3 DDL file to be much smaller.

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