Control Center Operations Guide for VSE

Using the DBSPACE Reorganization Utility Screen

To display the DBSPACE Reorganization Utility menu shown in

Figure 4, choose Option 2 on the Control Center Main Menu or enter the transaction ID SQDR on a CICS screen.

Figure 4. DBSPACE Reorganization Utility Screen

|     mm/dd/yyyy                 CONTROL CENTER                         hh:mm:ss |
|*----------------        DBSPACE REORGANIZATION UTILITY        ---------------* |
|| DATABASE  => SQLDBA____________                                             | |
|| OWNER     => ________                                                       | |
|| DBSPACE   => __________________                                             | |
|| FILE      => 1 (1-3)                                                        | |
|| OPTION    => 3 (1=GENERATE DDL                3=REORGANIZE DBSPACE        ) | |
||                (2=UNLOAD DBSPACE              4=RELOAD DBSPACE            ) | |
|| ***********************     OPTIONAL PARAMETERS     *********************** | |
|| DATABASE => __________________                                              | |
|| OWNER    => ________                                                        | |
|| DBSPACE  => __________________                                              | |
||                                                                             | |
|| PAGES    => ____________ NHEADER        => _ (1-8)      STORPOOL => ___     | |
|| PCTFREE  => __           ALTER PCTFREE  => __           PCTINDEX => __      | |
|| LOCK     => _______                                                         | |
||                                                                             | |
|| REBIND PACKAGE => 1 (1=YES/2=NO)           UPDATE ALL STATISTICS => 2 (1/2) | |
|| COMMITCOUNT    => __________                                                | |
|| TLBL FILE-ID   => _________________               DDL STATEMENTS => 1000__  | |
|*------------------------------------------------------------------ SQC05 ----* |
|                                                                                |
|PRESS ENTER TO PROCESS                                                          |
|ENTER F1=HELP F3=EXIT                                                           |

You must enter the first three fields (DATABASE, OWNER, DBSPACE name) to identify the DBSPACE that you want to reorganize. The database specified must be either the default CICS region database or one to which the program may CONNECT. The OWNER and DBSPACE name parameters must identify a valid DBSPACE in the target database.

When you installed Control Center, you defined three SAM DDL files to hold extracted DDL. Type the number of the file |(1=small, 2=medium, 3=large) you want to use in the FILE field.) The FILE number determines what SAM data file to use if you do not enter a Tape File Name. You do not need to specify the file number if you choose Option 1, because the DDL is written to the punch queue instead of to a file.

Enter the number of the option you want to execute in the Option field. You can choose to:


This option extracts from the database all of the DDL required to re-create a DBSPACE and the objects it contains. The DDL is saved in the punch queue for inspection, alteration, or backup.

This option extracts all DDL (as in Option 1) and writes it to a VSAM file. Then, a DBSU UNLOAD DBSPACE step is executed that writes the DBSPACE data to a SAM or tape file. If SAM is selected, the file is REPRO'd to a VSAM file for more permanent retention. The unloaded data and extracted DDL can be used as the basis for a RELOAD DBSPACE (Option 4) job. An example of an UNLOAD DBSPACE job created to do this is shown in Figure 55.

This option results in a full DBSPACE reorganization. A jobstream is created that captures the DDL, unloads the DBSPACE, drops, acquires, recreates, and reloads the DBSPACE. Error recovery logic is also included. An example of a REORGANIZE DBSPACE job is shown in Figure 56.

This option submits a job to recreate and reload a DBSPACE that has been unloaded by Option 2. This is basically a DBSPACE recovery facility. An example of the job created to do this is shown in Figure 57.

Each of the options is discussed in more detail below and is accompanied by a sample JCL stream created by the DBSPACE Reorganization tool.

Optional Parameters

All parameters below the "Optional Parameters" line on the screen do not require entry.


Reloads the DBSPACE to a different database. Lets you migrate a DBSPACE from one database to another. For example, you can migrate a DBSPACE from a development database to a production database. Before you migrate the DBSPACE, you may want to ensure that the two databases are compatible so that all reload statements execute successfully. When you use the DATABASE parameter, the DBSPACE in the old database remains unchanged.

Specifies a new owner and/or a new DBSPACEname for the reloaded DBSPACE. When the source DBSPACE and the target DBSPACE are both PRIVATE, the old DBSPACE remains unchanged. If either or both DBSPACEs are PUBLIC, the old DBSPACE is dropped prior to creation of the new DBSPACE.

Defines a new DBSPACE page size for the reorganized DBSPACE. An empty (unacquired) DBSPACE of the indicated number of pages must be available in the database. If PAGES is not specified, a DBSPACE equal in size to the current DBSPACE is acquired.

Specifies the number of pages in a DBSPACE reserved for DBSPACE header information. The value entered must be a number between 1 and 8. If the number chosen is smaller than what is required for all header information the reload may fail. If you subscribe to the standard of one table per DBSPACE, one header page is sufficient.

Specifies a new storage pool for the acquired DBSPACE. This allows you to balance database I/O by spreading the most actively used DBSPACEs over multiple DASD volumes.

Indicates the percentage of each DBSPACE page to be reserved for INSERTS or UPDATES that increase a table's row length. PCTFREE defaults to 10 percent. After the data is reloaded into the DBSPACE, PCTFREE can be altered to zero to make the freespace available.

Indicates the value to which PCTFREE is to be altered, once the data has been reloaded into the DBSPACE. This value must be lower than the PCTFREE parameter value to have any positive effect.

Specifies the ratio of index pages to total DBSPACE pages. Use this parameter to maintain a balance between the number of occupied data and index pages. If not specified, the same ratio as the original DBSPACE will be used.

Changes the lock mode of a DBSPACE. Valid values for PUBLIC DBSPACEs are DBSPACE, PAGE, and ROW. Private DBSPACEs are always locked at the DBSPACE level.

Once a DBSPACE has been reloaded, DBSPACE Reorganization rebinds all access

modules that are dependent on objects in the DBSPACE. To bypass package rebind processing, specify NO (2). The default value is YES (1).

By default, UPDATE STATISTICS is issued for a DBSPACE once it has been successfully reloaded. UPDATE STATISTICS updates catalog statistics only for columns that appear as the first column in an index. To update catalog statistics for all columns, specify YES (1) for the UPDATE ALL STATISTICS parameter.

Used to specify the frequency of COMMITS during reload processing. Enter a number in the range 1 through 2,147,483,647 (without the commas) to cause a COMMIT WORK to be executed after that number of input rows has been reloaded.

Used to specify that data should be unloaded to tape instead of disk. The tape file must have been defined using the WORK FILE LABEL DEFINITION tool. This does not apply to DDL; DDL is ALWAYS unloaded to disk.

Allows handling DBSPACEs that contain an unusually large amount of DDL (lots of tables, indexes, views, comments). This parameter defaults to 1,000 records; that should be sufficient to handle the vast majority of DBSPACEs.

After entering the desired REORG parameters, press ENTER to proceed to the DBSPACE Reorganization Submit screen.

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