Control Center Operations Guide for VSE

About Control Center

The product executes as a set of CICS transactions and VSE batch jobstreams. Its transactions share the same CICS partition as your other applications. Its batch jobs can be run in any open partition.

Control Center applications use static, pre-planned SQL. The database optimizer determines the most efficient access path at compile-time, and stores it in the database as a package. This results in better performance at run-time. Control Center programs are pseudo-conversational which allow more transactions to run concurrently.

The CICS Report Controller is utilized to submit batch jobs from CICS. This way, potentially long-running tasks such as DBSPACE reorganizations do not adversely affect online users. A menu interface is also provided to allow users to manage jobs and reports in the VSE/POWER spool file and browse reports online.

Additional capabilities include:

Control Center's DBA ID

Control Center does all database work under the "SQLMSTR" ID. This ID needs DBA authority in every database it manages. Be sure you have completed the installation step that grants DBA authority to SQLMSTR.

How to Invoke

Using the Screens

You can enter the transaction ID

"SQM" from a blank CICS screen to access Control Center tools using the panel interface. From there, you can navigate through the product quickly and easily using ENTER and the function keys.

Using the Transaction ID (TRANSID)

If you know the transaction ID of the function you want to execute and if it

supports direct invocation, you may simply enter its TRANSID. When you exit from that function, you return to a blank CICS screen. The functions that support direct invocation are:
Main Menu (SQM)

Group Authorization Tool (SQGA)

Operator Commands Menu (SQOM)

DBSPACE Reorganization (SQDR)


Package Utility Tool (SQPM)

Work File Label Definition (SQFM)

CICS Report Controller (CEMS)

Help Facility (SQHM)

Table Utility (SQTU)

Before You Use Control Center

Distribution Library:

The default delivery library for Control Center is |PRD2.CCF710. |


| | The installation procedures in the DB2 Server for VSE |Control Center Program Directory describe how you can specify a different library. If you are using |SQL/DS(TM) Version 3.5 or DB2 Server for VSE Version 5.1, change |any LIBDEF statements to point to the correct library. The required |installation library for SQL/DS Version 3 Release 5 is |PRD2.SQL350. The required installation library for DB2 Server |for VSE Version 5.1 is PRD2.DB2510. The standard, but not |required, installation library for DB2 Server for VSE Version 6.1 is |PRD2.DB2610.

Preventive Service Planning:

Read the Control Center Program Directory provided with the distribution tape and check for any program temporary fixes (PTFs) that you may need to install. If you obtained Control Center individually from IBM Software Distribution, you should contact the IBM Support Center, or use either Information/Access, or the IBMLink system (ServiceLink) for additional preventive service planning (PSP) information.

This program release will be maintained through the use of program temporary fixes (PTFs). An updated version or release replaces the entire program code. A PTF replaces the changed program code only.

|Changing to a New Database


|The Control Center installation process is defined in the DB2 Server for VSE Control Center Program Directory. Its instructions include intializing CICS and DB2 databases |for use with Control Center. If you want to add a new database to those |already initialized for Control Center, you must do the following |steps.


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