Lets you control access to Control Center by assigning a special CICS transaction security key to its transactions. You must include it in the CICS signon table (SNT) entries for the users to whom you want to allow access. You can also control access to the product by granting or withholding RUN authority on its packages.
Such as LOGMODE, NDIRBUF, and NPAGEBUF give you the flexibility to choose whether or not to LOG transactions. Using these parameters, for instance during reorganizations, can improve performance by allowing the database to use more buffers in single user mode than it would use in multiple user mode.
Exploits CICS Database Switching to CONNECT to, and manage, all of the databases on a VSE/ESA system.
Lets you issue SHOW and COUNTER operator commands easily without having to use ISQL.
It displays operator command output in a user-friendly format with full scrolling and online help.
Offers four (4) main functions:
Reorganizing at the DBSPACE level helps you improve performance and eliminate wasted space. The DROP DBSPACE command is used to reduce logging and return pages to the storage pool for use elsewhere in the database. TABLES are RELOADed individually in the sequence of their clustering index.
Execution options let you move a DBSPACE to a larger DBSPACE, a different storage pool, or a different database for migration or regeneration. You can store data externally on tape or disk. You can also choose to REBIND all PACKAGES that are dependent on an object in the DBSPACE and optionally UPDATE ALL STATISTICS.
The Generate DDL option captures all of the DDL necessary to recreate a DBSPACE. DDL is placed in the VSE/POWER punch queue. From there, you can copy it into your editor and make whatever changes you want to it.
Evaluates your databases using
built-in DBA expertise. The DBSPACE Analysis tools build a list of DBSPACES that require maintenance (reorganization or UPDATE STATISTICS) and allow you to view it online. From the list you can select what DBSPACEs you want to maintain. The DBSPACE Analysis tools then build and submit the appropriate batch job.
Simplify the management of access to database tables, views, and packages. The Group Authorization Tool allows DBAs to issue authorizations to groups of users on groups of objects rather than one by one. Control Center stores group information in database tables and provides reports designed to make authorization administration easier.
Record database activity such as locking or log percent full and provide notification when the threshold you define has been exceeded. Monitor information is stored in tables that you can view on-line or print in a batch report.
Allow you to unload, reload, rebind, or view any of the packages stored in your databases. You can also use the package tools to migrate packages from one application server to another.
Allows you to define your tape and SAM work files easily. For
compatibility with tape management systems, all TLBL parameters are supported. For SAM work files, you define a set of small, medium, and large files that are used for all the DBSPACEs in your database.
Provides quick and easy access to the
jobs and reports you have submitted. Using the CICS Report Controller Interface, you can hold, or delete batch jobs, and browse, print, or delete reports. You can also view or change job and report characteristics.
Provides comprehensive Help and "How-To" information on all aspects of Control Center. A scrollable menu of Help topics is presented allowing you to select more specific Help information.
Utilizes the full power and capabilities of VSE/POWER
Time Event Scheduling as it builds batch jobs. For your jobs, you may specify the day or date and time a job is to be scheduled for processing. If you want to schedule a repetitive job, you can choose:
Provides quick and easy access to QMF from the Control Center Main Menu.
Provides quick and easy ways to list, reorganize (including unloading and reloading), create, drop, and update the statistics for tables stored in a DB2 Server for VSE database.