Use the Logon page to connect to a database. You must be connected to a database to use SQL Assist.
If you exit SQL Assist by clicking OK, the information that you enter on the Logon page is saved and displayed the next time that you start SQL Assist.
If you are connected to a database when you start SQL Assist, you might not see the Logon page.
To connect to a database:
In the Database URL field, type the connection information. For example, you might type jdbc:db2:sample, where jdbc is the connection type, db2 is the database type, and sample is the database name.
In the User ID field, type the user ID that you want to use to connect to the database.
In the Password field, type the password for the user ID.
In the Driver identifier field, select the type of database to which you are connecting.
In the Other field, type the location and name of the JDBC driver that you want to use. This field might already contain a value, based on the selection that you made in the Driver identifier field.
Click Connect.
To connect using a different user ID, or to connect to a different database:
Click Disconnect to disconnect from the server that is specified in the Database URL field.
Type the new information.
Click Connect.
Related information
Logon page - Fields and controls
Specifying the tables for an SQL statement
Specifying search conditions for rows
Grouping rows and specifying search conditions for groups
Remapping data to another SQL data type