To retrieve a list of files that have been backed up to the archive server:
retrieve_query -h hostname -d database_name -i instance_name -p registered_prefix
If you enter the retrieve_query command without any parameters, you will be asked to provide them interactively, using a generated list of options for the database_name and instance_name parameters. This command, entered without parameters, will retrieve output similar to the following on AIX and Windows NT:
No database specified. Going for default database : dlfm_db Please make your choice of hosts registered with DLFM. 0 ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM Enter the number Please make your choice of the database/instance. 0 TSTDB001 regress ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM 1 TSTDB002 regress ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM 2 TSTDB003 regress ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM 3 TSTDB004 regress ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM 4 TSTDB005 regress ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM Enter the number Please make your choice of the prefix Name. 0 \dlfstest\ Enter the number RETRIEVE QUERY OUTPUT The following files were backed up from database TSTDB001, on host ARROW.TOROLAB.IBM.COM from the instance regress --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy Status Link Status Operation time File Name --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA1 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA2 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA3 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA31 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA32 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA4 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileA5 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileB1 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileB2 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileB3 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileB4 E1 L 2000-06-03- \dlfstest\fileB5 Legend: L - Linked U - Unlinked G - File to be garbage collected E1 - Marked Copied and in backup E2 - Marked Copied and not in backup E3 - Marked To be Copied and not in backup E4 - Marked To be copied but in backup ***************************************