DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings

Listing and Registering Databases with the Data Links Manager

This section describes how to list any DB2 databases that this Data Links server is maintaining linked files for and how to add another database for control by the Data Links File Manager.

To list the databases that have been registered with the Data Links server:

  1. Log on to the system as the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.
  2. Enter the dlfm list registered databases command on the Data Links server.

To register a new database with the Data Links File Manager:

  1. Log on to the system as the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.
  2. Register the remote DB2 UDB database where the DATALINK data type was defined by entering the following command:
        dlfm add_db database instance hostname


    In our example, we will register a database called STAFF, which resides in the VALIDATE instance on a DB2 UDB server with a fully qualified hostname of db2server.services.com, by entering the following command:

        dlfm add_db staff validate db2server.services.com

    You should not specify the DLFM_DB when you run this command. The DLFM_DB is a local database that is used to keep track of files that are under the control of the Data Links File Manager.

  3. Log out.

Each time you register a database with a Data Links File Manager, the DLFM_DB database is automatically backed up.

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