DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings

About this book

This book will guide you through the planning, installation, and configuration of a DB2 Data Links server on Windows NT and AIX operating systems.

Once your Data Links server is installed and configured, you will validate the installation through a scenario where you create an SQL table that has a column defined with the DATALINK data type. Next, you will link a file to data in this column. Finally, to complete the test scenario, you will retrieve and view your linked data file.

This book also describes how to work with DB2 Data Links Manager, and how to recover from a crash on your Data Links server. Error messages, their causes, and the actions you should take to remedy them are included in the Appendix. In the Appendix you will also find a Data Links Manager CLI sample program which uses the DATALINK SQL data type, and a reference section for DCE-DFS administrators.

For information on Data Links replication, please refer to the DB2 Replication Guide and Reference.

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