SQL Getting Started

Enforcing Business Rules with Constraints and Triggers

In the business world, there is a need to make sure certain rules are always enforced. For example, an employee working on a project has to be on the payroll list. Or, perhaps we want certain events to happen automatically. For example, if a salesperson makes a sale, their commission should be increased.

DB2 Universal Database offers a useful suite of methods to this end:

The first section provides a conceptual overview of keys. Later, referential integrity, constraints, and triggers are explored through examples and diagrams.


A key is a set of columns that you can use to identify or access a particular row or rows.

A key composed of more than one column is called a composite key. In a table with a composite key, the ordering of the columns within the composite key does not necessarily correspond to their ordering within the table.

Unique Keys

A unique key is defined as a column (or set of columns) where no two values are the same. The columns of a unique key cannot contain null values. The constraint is enforced by the database manager during the execution of INSERT and UPDATE statements. A table can have multiple unique keys. Unique keys are optional and can be defined in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements.

Primary Keys

A primary key is a unique key that is a part of the definition of the table. A table cannot have more than one primary key, and the columns of a primary key cannot contain null values. Primary keys are optional and can be defined in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements.

Foreign Keys

A foreign key is specified in the definition of a referential constraint. A table can have zero or more foreign keys. The value of the composite foreign key is null if any component of the value is null. Foreign keys are optional and can be defined in CREATE TABLE statements or ALTER TABLE statements.

Unique Constraints

A unique constraint ensures that values of a key are unique within a table. Unique constraints are optional, and you can define them using the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements by specifying the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause. For example, you can define a unique constraint on the employee number column of a table to ensure that every employee has a unique number.

Referential Integrity Constraints

By defining unique constraints and foreign keys you can define relationships between tables and consequently enforce certain business rules. The combination of unique key and foreign key constraints is commonly referred to as referential integrity constraints. A unique constraint referenced by a foreign key is called a parent key. A foreign key refers to or is related to a specific parent key. For example, a rule might state that every employee (EMPLOYEE table) must belong to an existing department (DEPARTMENT table). So, we define department number in the EMPLOYEE table as foreign key, and department number in the DEPARTMENT table as the primary key. The following diagram provides a visual description of referential integrity constraints.

Figure 4. Foreign and Primary Constraints Define Relationships and Protect Data


Table Check Constraints

Table check constraints specify conditions that are evaluated for each row of a table. You can specify check constraints on individual columns. You can add them by using the CREATE or ALTER TABLE statements.

The following statement creates a table with the following constraints:

           (ID           SMALLINT NOT NULL,
            NAME         VARCHAR(9),
            DEPT         SMALLINT CHECK (DEPT BETWEEN 10 AND 100),
            JOB          CHAR(5)   CHECK (JOB IN ('Sales', 'Mgr', 'Clerk')),
            HIREDATE     DATE,
            SALARY       DECIMAL(7,2),
            COMM         DECIMAL(7,2),
            PRIMARY KEY (ID),
                               (YEAR(HIREDATE) >= 1986 OR SALARY > 40500) )

A constraint is violated only if the condition evaluates to false. For example, if DEPT is NULL for an inserted row, the insert proceeds without error, even though values for DEPT should be between 10 and 100 as defined in the constraint.

The following statement adds a constraint to the EMPLOYEE table named COMP that an employee's total compensation must exceed $15, 000:


The existing rows in the table will be checked to ensure that they do not violate the new constraint. You can defer this checking by using the SET CONSTRAINTS statement as follows:


First, the SET CONSTRAINTS statement is used to defer constraint checking for the table. Then one or more constraints can be added to the table without checking the constraints. Then the SET CONSTRAINTS statement is issued again to turn constraint checking back on and to perform any deferred constraint checking.


A trigger defines a set of actions. Triggers are activated by operations that modify the data in a specified base table.

Some uses of triggers:

Using triggers results in faster application development, global enforcement of business rules, and easier maintenance of applications and data.

DB2 Universal Database supports several types of triggers. Triggers can be defined to be activated either before or after a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE operation. Each trigger includes a set of SQL statements called a triggered action that can include an optional search condition.

After triggers can be further defined to perform the triggered action either for each row or once for the statement. Before triggers always perform the triggered action for each row.

Use a trigger before an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to check for certain conditions before performing a triggering operation or to change the input values before they are stored in the table.

Use an after trigger to propagate values as necessary or perform other tasks, such as sending a message, that may be required as a part of the trigger operation.

The following example illustrates one use of before and after triggers. Consider an application that records and tracks changes to stock prices. The database contains two tables, CURRENTQUOTE and QUOTEHISTORY defined as:

      QUOTE DECIMAL(5,2),
      QUOTE DECIMAL(5,2),

When the QUOTE column of CURRENTQUOTE is updated using a statement such as:

        SET QUOTE = 68.5
        WHERE SYMBOL = 'IBM'

The STATUS column of CURRENTQUOTE should be updated to reflect whether the stock is:

This is done using the following before trigger:


     CREATE TRIGGER STOCK_STATUS                                         
        FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL                                   


      SET NEWQUOTE.STATUS =                                           




            WHEN NEWQUOTE.QUOTE >=                             
                      (SELECT MAX(QUOTE) 
                          FROM QUOTEHISTORY         
                          WHERE SYMBOL = NEWQUOTE.SYMBOL                 
                            AND YEAR(TIMESTAMP) = YEAR(CURRENT DATE) )     
            THEN 'High'                                     


          WHEN NEWQUOTE.QUOTE <=                             
                      (SELECT MIN(QUOTE) 
                          FROM QUOTEHISTORY             
                          WHERE SYMBOL = NEWQUOTE.SYMBOL                       
                          AND YEAR(TIMESTAMP) = YEAR(CURRENT DATE) )      
          THEN 'Low'                                      


          WHEN NEWQUOTE.QUOTE > OLDQUOTE.QUOTE               
             THEN 'Rising'                                      
          WHEN NEWQUOTE.QUOTE < OLDQUOTE.QUOTE                       
             THEN 'Dropping'                                     
          WHEN NEWQUOTE.QUOTE = OLDQUOTE.QUOTE                   
             THEN 'Steady'                                       

This block of code defines STOCK_STATUS as a trigger that should be activated before the update of the QUOTE column of the CURRENTQUOTE table. The second line specifies that the triggered action is to be applied before any changes caused by the actual update of the CURRENTQUOTE table are applied to the database. The NO CASCADE clause means that the triggered action will not cause any other triggers to be activated. The third line specifies the names that must be used as qualifiers of the column name for the new values (NEWQUOTE) and the old values (OLDQUOTE). Column names qualified with these correlation names (NEWQUOTE and OLDQUOTE) are called transition variables. The fourth line indicates that the triggered action should be executed for each row.

This marks the start of the first and only SQL statement in the triggered action of this trigger. The SET transition-variable statement is used in a trigger to assign a value to a column in the row of the table that is being updated by the statement that activated the trigger. This statement is assigning a value to the STATUS column of the CURRENTQUOTE table.

The expression that is used on the right hand side of the assignment is a CASE expression. The CASE expression extends to the END keyword.

The first case checks to see if the new quote (NEWQUOTE.QUOTE) exceeds the maximum value for the stock symbol in the current calendar year. The subquery is using the QUOTEHISTORY table that is updated by the after trigger that follows.

The second case checks to see if the new quote (NEWQUOTE.QUOTE) is less than the minimum value for the stock symbol in the current calendar year. The subquery is using the QUOTEHISTORY table that is updated by the after trigger that follows.

The last three cases compare the new quote (NEWQUOTE.QUOTE) to the quote that was in the table (OLDQUOTE.QUOTE) to determine if it is greater, less or the same. The SET transition-variable statement ends here.

In addition to updating the entry in the CURRENTQUOTE table, an audit record needs to be created by copying the new quote, with a timestamp, to the QUOTEHISTORY table. This is done using the following after trigger:


     CREATE TRIGGER RECORD_HISTORY                                  
     AFTER UPDATE OF QUOTE ON CURRENTQUOTE                                 
     REFERENCING NEW AS NEWQUOTE                                     
     FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL                                    
     BEGIN ATOMIC                                                       


     INSERT INTO QUOTEHISTORY                                           

This block of code defines a trigger named RECORD_HISTORY as a trigger that should be activated after the update of the QUOTE column of the CURRENTQUOTE table. The third line specifies the name that should be used as a qualifier of the column name for the new value (NEWQUOTE). The fourth line indicates that the triggered action should be executed for each row.

The triggered action of this trigger includes a single SQL statement that inserts a row into the QUOTEHISTORY table using the data from the row that has been updated (NEWQUOTE.SYMBOL and NEWQUOTE.QUOTE) and the current timestamp.

CURRENT TIMESTAMP is a special register containing the timestamp. A list and explanation is provided in Special Registers.

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