Quick Beginnings

Task Information in other DB2 Documentation

Table 8. Task Information in other DB2 Documentation
If you want to ... Refer to the ...
Install multiple DB2 clients without having to run the setup program at each DB2 client workstation DB2 Installation and Configuration Supplement
Monitor a system's performance DB2 System Monitor Guide and Reference
Load or export data from an existing DB2 database. DB2 Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Connect to Oracle data sources DB2 Installation and Configuration Supplement
Perform replication activities DB2 Replication Guide and Reference
Perform trouble shooting activities DB2 Troubleshooting Guide
Use text, image, audio, video, or spatial extenders DB2 Text Extender Administration and Programming, DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extenders Administration and Programming, DB2 Spatial Extenders User's Guide and Reference
Access data that resides on a host or AS/400 DB2 database DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings
Learn more about DB2 SQL DB2 SQL Reference, DB2 SQL Getting Started

Refer to Appendix E, Using the DB2 Library for more information about the DB2 product library.

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