ST_GeometryN takes a collection and an integer index and returns the nth geometry object in the collection.
db2gse.ST GeometryN(g db2gse.ST_GeomCollection, n Integer)
Return type
The city engineer needs to know if the building footprints are all inside the first polygon of the lot's multipolygon.
The BUILDING_ID column uniquely identifies each row of the BUILDINGFOOTPRINTS table. The LOT_ID column identifies the building's lot. The FOOTPRINT column stores the building's geometry.
CREATE TABLE BUILDINGFOOTPRINTS ( building_id integer, lot_id integer, footprint db2gse.ST_MultiPolygon); CREATE TABLE LOTS ( lot_id integer, lot db2gse.ST_MultiPolygon);
The query lists the BUILDINGFOOTPRINTS building_id and lot_id for all building footprints that are all within the first lot polygon. The ST_GeometryN function returns a first lot polygon in the multipolygon array.
SELECT bf.building_id,bf.lot_id FROM BUILDINGFOOTPRINTS bf,LOTS WHERE db2gse.ST_Within(footprint, db2gse.ST_GeometryN (lot,1)) = 1 AND bf.lot_id = LOTS.lot_id;