User's Guide and Reference


MPolyFromShape takes a shape of type multipolygon and a spatial reference system identity to return a multipolygon.


db2gse.MPolyFromShape(ShapeMultiPolygon Blob(1m), srs db2gse.coordref)

Return type



This code fragment populates the LOTS table.

The LOTS table stores the lot_id which uniquely identifies each lot, and the lot multipolygon that contains the lot line geometry.

CREATE TABLE LOTS (lot_id   integer, lot   db2gse.ST_MultiPolygon);
/* Create the SQL insert statement to populate the lot_id and lot. The
   question marks are parameter markers that indicate the lot_id and lot
   values that will be retrieved at runtime. */
strcpy (shp_sql,"insert into LOTS (lot_id,lot)
values (?, db2gse.MPolyFromShape (cast(? as blob(1m)),
/* Allocate memory for the SQL statement handle and associate the
   statement handle with the connection handle. */
rc = SQLAllocStmt (handle, &hstmt);
/* Prepare the SQL statement for execution. */
rc = SQLPrepare (hstmt, (unsigned char *)shp_sql, SQL_NTS);
/* Bind the lot_id integer value to the first parameter. */
pcbvalue1 = 0;
rc = SQLBindParameter (hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_INTEGER,
   SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &lot_id, 0, &pcbvalue1);
/* Bind the lot shape to the second parameter. */
pcbvalue2 = lot_len;
rc = SQLBindParameter (hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY,
     SQL_BLOB, lot_len, 0, lot_shape, lot_len, &pcbvalue2);
/* Execute the insert statement. */
rc = SQLExecute (hstmt);

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