Is3d takes a geometry object and returns 1 (TRUE) if the object has 3D coordinates; otherwise, it returns 0 (FALSE).
db2gse.Is3d(g db2gse.ST_Geometry)
Return type
The following CREATE TABLE statement creates the THREED_TEST table, which has two columns: the GID column of type integer and the G1 geometry column.
CREATE TABLE THREED_TEST (gid smallint, g1 db2gse.ST_Geometry)
The INSERT statements insert two points into the THREED_TEST table. The first point does not contain Z coordinates, while the second does.
INSERT INTO THREED_TEST VALUES(1, db2gse.ST_PointFromText('point (10 10)', db2gse.coordref()..srid(0))) INSERT INTO THREED_TEST VALUES (2, db2gse.ST_PointFromText('point z (10.92 10.12 5)', db2gse.coordref()..srid(0)))
The following SELECT statement lists the contents of the GID column with the results of the Is3d function. The function returns a 0 for the first row, which does not have Z coordinates, and a 1 for the second row, which does have Z coordinates.
SELECT gid, db2gse.Is3d (g1) "Is it 3d?" FROM THREED_TEST
The following result set is returned.
gid Is it 3d? ------ ---------- 1 0 2 1