User's Guide and Reference

Exporting data to a shape file

This section gives an overview of the steps to export data to a shape file. The overview is followed by details of how to complete each step.

To find out what authorization is required for performing these steps, see Authorization.

Overview of steps to export data from a shape file:

  1. Open the Export Spatial Data window.
  2. Specify the column that contains the spatial data to be exported.
  3. If you want to export a subset of rows of data, identify this subset to DB2 Spatial Extender.
  4. Specify the path and name of the file that you are exporting data to.
  5. Tell DB2 Spatial Extender to export the data.

Detail of steps to export data to a shape file:

  1. Open the Export Spatial Data window.
    1. From the Control Center window, expand the object tree until you find the Tables or Views folder in the database that contains spatial data:
    2. Click the Tables or Views folder. Tables or views are displayed in the contents pane on the right side of the window.
    3. Right-click the table or view that contains the data to be exported and click Spatial Extender --> Export Spatial Data in the pop-up menu. The Export Spatial Data window opens.
  2. In the Layer column field, specify the name of the column that contains the spatial data to be exported.
  3. If you want to export a subset of table rows, use the WHERE clause box to type a WHERE clause that specifies the criteria for the rows that you want. In this clause, you can reference only columns in the table or view that you are exporting data from.

    Type the criteria only. Omit the keyword WHERE. For example, if the table or view has a STATE column, and you want to geocode only those rows that contain the value MA in this column, type:

  4. In the File name field, specify the path and name of the file that you are exporting data to.
  5. Click OK to export the data.

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