User's Guide and Reference
Use ST_MultiPoint, ST_MultiLineString, and
ST_MultiPolygon to store coordinates that define spaces occupied by
features that are made up of multiple units:
- Use ST_MultiPoint when you want to represent features made up of
discrete units, and you want to indicate the point in space occupied by each
component. An ST_MultiPoint data item includes the pairs of X and Y
coordinates that define the location of each component of such a
feature. For example, consider a table whose rows represent island
chains and whose columns include an ST_MultiPoint column. Each data
item in this column includes the pairs of X and Y coordinates that define the
locations of the islands in each chain.
- Use ST_MultiLineString when you want to represent features made up of
linear units, and you want information about the space occupied by each
unit. An ST_MultiLineString data item consists of the coordinates
that define such spaces. For example, consider a table whose rows
represent river systems and whose columns include an ST_MultiLineString
column. Each data item in this column includes the sets of coordinates
that define the paths of the rivers in each system.
- Use ST_MultiPolygon when you want to represent features made up of
multi-sided units, and you want information about the space occupied by each
unit. For example, consider a table whose rows represent midwestern
counties and whose columns include an ST_MultiPolygon column. This
column contains information about farmlands. Specifically, each data
item in the column includes the sets of coordinates that define the perimeters
of the farmlands in a particular county.
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