The LEAVE statement transfers program control out of a loop or a compound statement.
When a LEAVE statement transfers control out of a compound statement, all open cursors in the compound statement, except cursors that are used to return result sets, are closed.
This example contains a loop that fetches data for cursor c1. If the value of SQL variable at_end is not zero, the LEAVE statement transfers control out of the loop.
CREATE PROCEDURE LEAVE_LOOP(OUT counter INTEGER) LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_counter INTEGER; DECLARE v_firstnme VARCHAR(12); DECLARE v_midinit CHAR(1); DECLARE v_lastname VARCHAR(15); DECLARE at_end SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE not_found CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '02000'; DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT firstnme, midinit, lastname FROM employee; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER for not_found SET at_end = 1; SET v_counter = 0; OPEN c1; fetch_loop: LOOP FETCH c1 INTO v_firstnme, v_midinit, v_lastname; IF at_end <> 0 THEN LEAVE fetch_loop; END IF; SET v_counter = v_counter + 1; END LOOP fetch_loop; SET counter = v_counter; CLOSE c1; END