DB2 provides migration support to allow you to convert back-level DB2 databases and instances to a format usable by DB2 Universal Database Version 7. The following DB2 releases are supported by the DB2 Universal Database Version 7 migration process:
Migration to DB2 Universal Database Version 7
Migration to DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition Version 7
Note: | DB2 migration does not support migration across operating systems. You can only migrate from a previous version of DB2 on one operating system to DB2 Version 7 on the same operating system. For example, if your current database server is DB2 for Windows NT Version 6.1, you can only migrate to DB2 for Windows NT Version 7. |
Depending on your platform, there may be certain pre-installation and post-installation tasks that you must perform to migrate successfully to the Version 7 format. For more information on migrating to DB2 Version 7, refer to the Quick Beginnings manuals for your platform.
The function provided by the Visual Warehouse product has been integrated into DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Warehouse Manager. This function is accessed in DB2 Universal Database through the Data Warehouse Center. For migration information see the DB2 for Windows Quick Beginnings.