The following list is provided to help you interpret some of the hexadecimal return codes you may encounter when analyzing a db2diag.log.
The list represents a substantial set of the return codes you may encounter. If you encounter a return code that is not in the list, contact DB2 Customer Support.
Return codes should be in the form "ffff nnnn", where
nnnn represents one of the values listed in the following
chart. If return codes appear in the form "nnnn ffff" instead,
you must byte-reverse them. For more information, see Interpreting Hexadecimal Codes.
Table 1. DB2 Internal Return Codes
Internal Return Code | SQL State | Reason Code | Description |
80D3 | -4977 |
| Invalid export directory specified |
80D4 | -4978 |
| Dropped table cannot be accessed |
80D5 | -4979 |
| Unable to export the dropped table data |
80D6 | -1620 | 1 | Unable to flush event monitor because it wasn't started |
80D7 | -1620 | 2 | Unable to flush event monitor because it is running at a pre-version 6 output level |
811E | -996 |
| Invalid user-specified directory |
812F | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is quiesced |
8130 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is load-pending |
8131 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is delete-pending |
8132 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is backup-pending |
8133 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is rollforward-pending |
8134 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is rollforward-in-progress |
8135 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is recovery-pending |
8136 | -290 |
| Access not allowed: table space is disabled |
8137 | -290 |
| Access not allowed |
8138 | -291 |
| Invalid state transition |
8139 | -294 |
| Container is already being used |
813A | -295 |
| Container names are too long |
813B | -297 |
| Path name is too long |
813C | -298 |
| Bad container path |
813D | -299 |
| Duplicate container |
813E | -257 |
| Raw device is not allowed |
813F | -258 |
| Add containers pending |
8146 | -1442 |
| Bad container size |
8173 |
| No dirty buffers |
81A7 |
| Invalid alternate |
8201 | +100 |
| End of file reached |
8203 | -952 |
| I/O Interrupt |
8212 | -804 |
| Invalid request |
8303 | -952 |
| Interrupt |
8380 |
| No term |
8381 |
| No interrupt |
8382 |
| No interrupt |
8383 |
| Incompatible release level |
8384 |
| Operation not supported |
8385 |
| Server/requester migration level incompatible |
8386 |
| ASP protocol error |
8387 |
| Bad ASP object OBJDSS |
8388 |
| Bad FDOCA object |
8389 |
| SNA protocol error |
838A |
| Invalid SQL request |
838B |
| Cursor already open |
838C |
| Cursor not open |
838D |
| Syntax error |
838E |
| Invalid FDOCA descriptor |
8390 |
| End of SQLDTAGRP |
8394 |
| Parameter Error |
8395 |
| Value Error |
8396 |
| SQLDA too small |
8397 |
| Invalid RPYDSS |
8398 |
| Parser syntax error |
8399 |
| FDOCA Error |
839A |
| End of input |
839B |
| Code point not found |
839C |
| SQLCODE set in parse |
839D |
| Data descriptor mismatch |
839E |
| Required parameter not received |
839F |
| Bad format |
83A0 |
| Duplicate parameters detected |
83A3 |
| Translation substitution |
8401 | +100 |
| End of file reached |
8403 | -952 |
| Interrupt |
8404 | -950 |
| Active cursor |
8406 | -508 |
| Invalid cursor position |
842E | -659 |
| Check-pending state |
8443 | -804 |
| General purpose validation error |
844B | -1477 |
| Table not available because forward recovery encountered no log operation |
8451 | -680 |
| Too many columns |
8502 | -911 |
| Deadlock encountered |
8503 | -1044 |
| Interrupt |
8544 | -911 |
| Lock timeout with transaction rollback |
8550 | -913 |
| Lock timeout with statement rollback |
856D | -902 |
| SQLCA has been built and saved in a component-specific control block |
8574 | -1035 |
| File open error |
8575 | -1015 |
| Database needs recovery |
8576 | -1042 |
| Deadlock start error |
8577 |
| Deadlock stop error |
8578 | -1034 |
| Recovery failed |
8579 |
| Conditional conflict |
85A1 |
| Backup pending |
85A2 |
| Recovery pending |
85A4 | +993 |
| Invalid new log path |
85A5 | +995 |
| Invalid current log path |
85A6 | -1267 |
| Exist file not found |
85AA |
| Table space rollforward stopped |
85AB |
| I/O error encountered |
85AC |
| Duplicate entry |
85B3 |
| Missing log extent |
85B4 |
| Log extent is of a different size |
85B5 | -1472 |
| System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on connect (log synchronization) |
85B6 | -1473 |
| System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on commit |
85B7 | +1474 |
| System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on commit (read-only) |
85B8 | -276 |
| Restore pending |
85B9 | -1275 |
| Invalid stop time for rollforward |
85BA | -1276 |
| Invalid time to stop rollforward |
85BB | -4970 |
| Rollforward is missing log files |
85BC | -4971 |
| Rollforward log is already truncated |
85BD | -4972 |
| Rollforward log path is full |
85BE | -4973 |
| Rollforward log mismatch |
85BF | -4974 |
| Rollforward query error |
85C0 | -4975 |
| Rollforward cancelled |
85C1 | -4976 |
| Rollforward not issued on catalog |
85C3 | -4906 |
| Table space rollforward has invalid table space set |
85C4 | -1278 |
| Table space rollforward required for rollback |
85C5 | -1280 |
| Invalid stop time for table space rollforward |
8659 |
| Term characters not provided |
865A |
| Conversion table not loaded |
865B |
| No conversion table exists |
865C |
| Invalid target code page |
865D |
| Invalid source code page |
865F | -5123 |
| Invalid code page |
8660 | -5124 |
| Invalid country code |
8661 | -5125 |
| Incompatible CP and CC |
8662 |
| Invalid stored procedure |
8663 |
| Invalid name |
8664 |
| Expired password |
8665 |
| Bad password |
8666 |
| User or group description over 8 characters |
8667 |
| User or group ID over 8 characters |
8668 |
| Password over 8 characters |
8669 |
| Bad group ID |
866A |
| Bad user ID |
866E |
| Not a descendant |
866F |
| SMG started in background |
8670 |
| Invalid thread ID |
867F | -10nn |
| Dropped current directory |
86A8 |
| Range too large |
86A9 |
| Invalid user name |
86AA |
| Owner died |
86AB |
| Path error |
86AC |
| Programming error |
86AD |
| Exit list full |
86AE |
| Exit list not found |
86AF |
| Services not initialized |
870B | -138 |
| Invalid SUBSTR parameter |
8711 | -910 |
| Table or table space drop pending |
8712 | -804 |
| Invalid request |
8713 | -804 |
| Bad request context |
8714 | -804 |
| Invalid section number |
8719 | -811 |
| Non-unique answer |
871D | -994 |
| Savepoint error |
871E | -996 |
| Invalid directory, involving the path length of the REORG directory |
874A | -1476 |
| Forced rollback on unit of work because of an error on number of log tables |
876B |
| Authorization error |
876C |
| Authorization with different ID |
876D | -902 |
| SQLCA has been built and saved in a component-specific control block |
877E |
| RDS error |
8803 | -1044 |
| Interrupt |
8905 | -803 |
| Duplicate key |
8971 |
| Index scan incomplete |
897A |
| Index end of file |
897B |
| Index internal error |
897D |
| User ID suspended |
8A72 |
| Compilation error |
8B07 | -302 |
| Output truncated |
8B08 | -413 |
| Values out of range |
8B09 | -304 |
| Conversion overflow converting date or time to character string |
8B0A | -303 |
| Incompatible types |
8B0C | -309 |
| Null input invalid |
8B0D | -305 |
| Null output invalid |
8B0E | -804 |
| Invalid output type |
8B0F | -822 |
| Invalid input address |
8B10 | -802 |
| Math overflow |
8B15 | -311 |
| Negative SQLDA length |
8B16 | -301 |
| Incompatible types (dynamic) |
8B17 | -180 |
| Time or date syntax error |
8B18 | -181 |
| Time or date range error |
8B1A | -404 |
| String column overflow |
8B1B | -406 |
| Numeric column overflow |
8B1C | -407 |
| Non-nullable column |
8B1F | -183 |
| Date/time arithmetic result out of range |
8B20 | -182 |
| Date/time arithmetic duration out of range |
8B21 | -176 |
| Translate scalar run-time error |
8B22 | -436 |
| Null term missing on input CSTR |
8B47 | -304 |
| Conversion overflow (numeric value) |
8B48 | -302 |
| Numeric value out of range |
8B49 | -801 |
| Divide by zero operation not allowed |
8B4C | -420 |
| Invalid input format |
8B4D | -410 |
| Float string too long |
8B4E |
| Null-only truncation |
8B4F |
| Date is truncated |
8C03 | -952 |
| Interrupt |
8C05 | -803 |
| Duplicate key |
9301 |
| Allocation failure |
9302 |
| Conversion failure |
9303 |
| Transaction processor (TP) not started |
9304 |
| TP limit reached |
9305 |
| Remote TP exit normal |
9306 |
| Allocation failed, attempting retry |
9307 |
| Allocation failed, no retry attempted |
9308 |
| General allocation error |
9309 |
| Conversion failed, no retry attempted |
930A |
| TP not started, no retry attempted |
930B |
| Remote TP abend |
930C |
| Communications Manager not loaded |
930D |
| Communications Manager abend |
930E |
| Bad security on conversation |
930F |
| Unknown APPC error |
9310 |
| Communications Manager parameter bad |
9311 |
| Communications Manager bad request state |
9312 |
| External communications error |
9313 |
| Remote TP send error |
9332 |
| Invalid name or name number |
9333 |
| Invalid session ID |
9334 |
| Invalid command |
9335 |
| Invalid data |
9336 |
| Adapter error |
9337 |
| Reset error |
9338 |
| Other NetBIOS error |
9364 |
| Node environment is corrupted |
960C |
| Communications Manager not loaded |
960F |
| Generic APPC error |
9617 |
| Already connected |
9618 |
| Connection in progress |
9619 |
| Connection refused |
962A |
| Connection timed out |
962B |
| Address already in use |
962C |
| No connection |
962D |
| Socket is bound already |
962E |
| Socket is not bound yet |
962F |
| Socket not writable/readable yet |
9630 |
| Partial message was sent |
9631 |
| Partial message was received |
9C14 |
| FCM communication error |
9C15 |
| FCM node not found |
9C16 | -1229 |
| Node recovery |
A602 | -901 |
| Invalid memory address |
A603 | -901 |
| General memory management error |
A604 | -901 |
| Memory management error: invalid size |
AB01 | -901 |
| Internal error |
AC01 | -901 |
| Internal program error |
C107 | -986 |
| File error |
C109 | -8100 |
| Segmented tables, page number too high |
C119 | -995 |
| EMP indirect not found |
C11A | -995 |
| EMP map information ended |
C11B | -995 |
| EMP map information not found |
C11C | -996 |
| Mapping information should exist, but cannot be found |
C11D | -292 |
| Cannot create file |
C11E | -293 |
| Container not accessible |
C180 |
| Agent file close error |
C201 | -970 |
| Access denied |
C211 |
| Seek error |
C212 |
| Unknown media error |
C213 |
| File not found |
C214 |
| File already exists |
C215 |
| File in use |
C216 |
| Invalid file name |
C217 |
| Commit failed |
C218 |
| Undo failed |
C40A | -659 |
| Maximum object size reached |
C47E |
| Index needs to be recreated |
C47F |
| File renamed |
C57F |
| File renamed |
C601 | -970 |
| Access denied |
C602 | -972 |
| Change disk |
C603 | -972 |
| Not a DOS disk |
C604 | -974 |
| Drive locked |
C605 | -976 |
| Device not ready |
C606 | -978 |
| File write-protected |
C607 | -986 |
| File error |
C608 | -902 |
| Delete directory error |
C67C |
| Device is busy |
C721 | -2423 |
| Missing index during offline backup |
C90A |
| Maximum object size reached |
CE0B | -1614 | 1 | Encountered an unknown event monitor target type |
CE0C | -1614 | 2 | The event monitor target path was not sent |
CE0D | -1614 | 3 | Access to event monitor target path was denied |
CE0E | -1614 | 4 | Event monitor target path is not the name of a pipe |
CE0F | -1614 | 5 | No process has opened the event monitor target pipe for reading |
CE10 | -1614 | 6 | Encountered an unexpected I/0 error. |
D085 |
| 21 | Authentication failed due to no user licenses available |
D107 | -960 |
| No more file tokens |
D121 | -289 |
| Container full |
D122 |
| Exceeded maximum quiescers |
D123 | -296 |
| Table space limit exceeded |
D124 | -259 |
| Map too big |
D20C | -968 |
| Disk full |
D21A | -930 |
| No memory: UNDO heap |
D315 |
| No memory on requester |
D316 |
| No memory on server |
D31D |
| Vectored I/O request too big |
D408 | -962 |
| Maximum tables in file |
D40D | -912 |
| Too many locks |
D411 | -902 |
| Maximum long field file size |
D505 | -930 |
| Memory allocation failure |
D509 | -964 |
| Log file full |
D50A | -912 |
| Lock list full |
D57F | -1004 |
| Disk full log file |
D601 | -954 |
| No memory heap (for application) |
D602 | -956 |
| No memory heap (for database) |
D603 | -101 |
| No memory heap |
D604 | -930 |
| Share buffer exceeded |
D605 | -930 |
| Memory allocation failure |
D606 | -958 |
| Too many open files |
D607 | -960 |
| No more file tokens |
D60B | -955 |
| No memory sort heap |
D60C | -968 |
| Disk full |
D60D | -912 |
| Too many locks |
D60E | -973 |
| No memory |
D610 | -902 |
| No memory BSU heap |
D612 | -953 |
| No memory: AgentHeap |
D613 | -957, -959 |
| No memory: ComHeap |
D614 | -961, -962 |
| No memory: RSHeap |
D615 |
| No memory: Users/groups |
D616 | -930 |
| No memory: DrIdx heap |
D617 | -930 |
| No memory: ASP heap |
D619 | -930 |
| No memory: Queue heap |
D61A | -930 |
| No memory: UND heap |
D61B | -930 |
| No memory: Lock heap |
D61C | -930 |
| No memory: System heap |
D61D | -930 |
| No memory |
D61E | -930 |
| No memory |
D620 | -930 |
| No memory |
D625 | -930 |
| No memory |
D62B | -930 |
| No memory |
D67D |
| Shared memory set exists |
D67E | -9 |
| No memory for DosLoadMod |
D905 | -930 |
| Memory allocation failure |
D90F | -990 |
| Index structure problem |
DC26 | -6042 |
DC27 | -6040 |
| No FCM buffer |
DC28 | -6041 |
| No FCM connection entry |
DC29 | -6043 |
| No FCM request block |
DC2A | -902 |
| No high priority buffer |
E101 | -980 | 1 | Bad page |
E10A | -980 | 10 | File does not exist |
E10E | -982 |
| Bad signature |
E119 | -1034 |
| Page CHECKSUM error |
E11A | -1035 |
| Bad database, won't flush it |
E11B | -980 | 27 | Both primary and shadow ORFs are bad |
E11C | -980 | 28 | Primary ORF is bad |
E11D | -980 | 29 | Secondary ORF is bad |
E11E | -980 | 30 | Both primary and shadow SSFs are bad |
E11F | -980 | 31 | Primary SSF bad |
E120 | -980 | 32 | Secondary SSF bad |
E40B | -980 | 11 | Object does not exist |
E50D | -980 | 13 | Bad log file |
E510 | -5123 |
| Error in log control file |
E511 | -1258 |
| Log control file not found |
E512 | -1259 |
| I/O error accessing log control file |
E513 | -1260 |
| Database not recoverable |
E514 | -1261 |
| Recovery not pending |
E515 | -1263 |
| Invalid log extent file |
E516 | -1264 |
| Log extent file does not belong to the database |
E517 | -1265 |
| Log extent file is the incorrect version |
E518 | -1266 |
| Point in time prior to recovery |
E521 | -1034 |
| Recovery failed |
E522 | -1269 |
| Error while retrieving file during forward recovery |
E57F | -1036 |
| Adjust log file error |
E602 | -980 | 2 | CRC error |
E603 | -980 | 3 | Disk error |
E604 | -980 | 4 | General failure |
E605 | -980 | 5 | Read fault |
E606 | -980 | 6 | Seek error |
E607 | -980 | 7 | Sector not found |
E608 | -980 | 8 | Unknown media error |
E609 | -980 | 9 | Write fault |
E60A | -980 | 10 | File does not exist |
E60C | -980 | 12 | Cannot open file |
E60F | -980 | 15 | Network access denied |
E623 | -931 |
| Too many open system files |
F051 | -1042 |
| Invalid log record encountered during redo or undo: unknown component |
F102 | -902 | 2 | BPS logic error |
F103 | -902 | 3 | Invalid buffer pointer |
F104 | -902 | 4 | No buffers |
F109 | -902 | 9 | Data does not exist |
F10A | -902 | 10 | File already exists |
F10B | -902 | 11 | Unfixed buffer page |
F10C | -902 | 12 | Invalid file token |
F10D | -902 | 13 | Invalid file type |
F110 | -902 | 16 | Invalid mode parameter |
F117 | -902 | 23 | Invalid reference |
F121 | -902 | 33 | RAM semaphore error |
F124 | -902 | 36 | Bad configuration file |
F136 | -902 | 54 | Bad header |
F13B | -902 | 59 | File not found in the reorg linked list |
F149 | -902 | 73 | Bad database path |
F156 | -902 | 86 | Page already exists |
F176 | -902 | 118 | Invalid pool ID |
F17D |
| State already off |
F210 | -902 | 16 | Invalid mode parameter |
F21B | -902 | 27 | Bad transaction ID |
F225 | -902 | 37 | Invalid file handle |
F331 | -902 | 49 | Bad selector |
F33C | -902 | 60 | Tokenizer stack overflow |
F345 |
| The server STARTDBM failed |
F34A | -902 | 74 | Node manager thread failed |
F34B | -902 | 75 | Database is bad |
F34C | -902 | 76 | Parser stack overflow |
F34D | -902 | 77 | Token buffer overflow |
F34E | -902 | 78 | Bad value in code page table |
F34F | -902 | 79 | Configuration mismatch |
F401 | -902 | 1 | DMS data file error |
F418 | -902 | 24 | Bad table handle |
F419 | -902 | 25 | Bad record ID |
F42D | -902 | 45 | Reallocation error |
F42E | -902 | 46 | Set signal error |
F42F | -902 | 47 | Invalid mode |
F432 | -902 | 50 | Floating point error |
F451 | -1042 |
| Invalid log record encountered during redo or undo: bad record length |
F455 | -902 | 85 | Program error |
F47A | -902 | 122 | Record deleted |
F47C | -902 | 124 | Missing defaults |
F51B | -902 | 27 | Bad transaction ID |
F51C | -902 | 28 | Log file overflow |
F51D | -902 | 29 | Fatal logic error |
F51E | -902 | 30 | No active transaction |
F51F | -902 | 31 | Maximum save points |
F520 | -902 | 32 | No active save point |
F527 | -902 | 39 | Bad record type |
F528 | -902 | 40 | Transaction ID table overflow |
F529 | -902 | 41 | Invalid LSN |
F52A | -902 | 42 | Transaction already started |
F550 | -902 | 80 | Database in recovery mode |
F605 | -1068 |
| Message file not found |
F606 | -1068 |
| Message not found |
F609 | -902 | 9 | Data does not exist |
F60A | -902 | 10 | File already exists |
F60B | -902 | 11 | Unfixed buffer page |
F60C | -902 | 12 | Invalid file token |
F60D | -902 | 13 | Invalid file type |
F60E | -902 | 14 | Lock violation |
F60F | -902 | 15 | Directory overflow |
F610 | -902 | 16 | Invalid mode parameter |
F611 | -902 | 17 | Invalid path |
F612 | -902 | 18 | Invalid page number |
F613 | -902 | 19 | Sector boundary error |
F614 | -902 | 20 | System internal error |
F616 | -902 | 22 | File sharing error |
F617 | -902 | 23 | Invalid reference |
F61A | -902 | 26 | Invalid selector |
F621 | -902 | 33 | RAM semaphore error |
F622 | -902 | 34 | Access error |
F624 | -902 | 36 | Bad configuration file |
F625 | -902 | 37 | Invalid file handle |
F626 | -902 | 38 | No file descriptor |
F631 | -902 | 49 | Bad selector |
F635 | -902 | 53 | Conditional failure |
F637 | -902 | 55 | Infinite retry |
F638 | -902 | 56 | Stored procedure not found |
F639 | -902 | 57 | Invalid drive |
F63A | -902 | 58 | Bad heap ID |
F63D | -902 | 61 | Duplicate queue |
F63E | -902 | 62 | Bad queue handle |
F63F | -902 | 63 | Queue message too big |
F640 | -902 | 64 | No message in queue |
F641 | -902 | 65 | Message not sent |
F642 | -902 | 66 | Queue does not exist |
F643 | -902 | 67 | Max queue limit |
F644 | -902 | 68 | Invalid queue name |
F690 |
| DB2NODE environment variable has a bad value |
F691 |
| The db2nodes.cfg file contains an error |
F730 | -902 | 48 | Invalid file |
F733 | -902 | 51 | Invalid compile request |
F85F | -902 | 95 | Generic LOB manager error |
F860 | -902 | 96 | Cannot redo operation |
F861 | -902 | 97 | Beginning segment (BSEG) already trimmed |
F862 | -902 | 98 | Insufficient space |
F863 | -902 | 99 | No mini directory |
F864 | -902 | 100 | Invalid LM descriptor |
F865 | -902 | 101 | Invalid address |
F866 | -902 | 102 | LF space exhausted |
F867 | -902 | 103 | BSEG size/address conflict |
F868 | -902 | 104 | BSEG not free or allocated |
F869 | -902 | 105 | Incorrect BSEG size |
F86A | -902 | 106 | BSEG not free |
F86B | -902 | 107 | Bad count array |
F86C | -902 | 108 | Lock error |
F86D | -902 | 109 | Not found error |
F86E | -902 | 110 | Value out of bounds |
F86F | -902 | 111 | Unexpected NULL value |
F870 | -902 | 112 | Encountered fatal error |
F871 | -902 | 113 | Bad state |
F872 | -902 | 114 | Request too big |
F873 |
| No slots for threads |
F874 |
| Thread not waiting |
F875 |
| Owner died |
F87B |
| Too many active threads |
F912 | -902 | 18 | Invalid page number |
F915 | -902 | 21 | Memory allocation error |
F92B | -902 | 43 | Index token does not exist |
F92C | -902 | 44 | Key not found |
F952 | -902 | 82 | SMP problems |
F953 | -902 | 83 | Invalid database release |
F954 | -902 | 84 | Program error |
FB2E | -902 | 46 | Set signal error |
FC07 | -902 | 7 | Severe internal error |
FC21 | -902 | 33 | RAM semaphore error |
FC7E | -902 | 126 | Component interface error |
FC7F | -902 | 127 | FCM programming error |
FC80 | -902 | 128 | FCM daemon not available |
FC81 | -902 | 129 | FCM node configuration file error |
FC88 | -902 | 136 | BDS communication error |
FC89 | -902 | 137 | BDS partner error |
FC8F | -1445 |
| No Context |
FD8A | -902 | 138 | Invalid partition map ID |
FD8B | -902 | 139 | Not able to fetch from catalog |
FD8C | -902 | 140 | Invalid data type |
FD8D |
| Invalid partition number |
FD8E |
| PMAP is of a 1-node nodegroup |