Troubleshooting Guide

Product function issues

These problems can occur while you use the Data Warehouse Center.

A Data Warehouse Center component is unable to communicate with another component

The following message information is displayed with this error:

   Return code = 6106
   Message = 6117
   Method VWSocket::Send
   Secondary Code = 10061
   System Message = 10061


A Data Warehouse Center component was unable to communicate with another Data Warehouse Center component. The most common occurrence of this error is when the warehouse server cannot communicate with the agent daemon because the agent daemon is not running.


On Windows NT, open the Windows NT Control Panel and double-click the Services icon. On Windows 2000, open the Control Panel and click Administrative Tools --> Services. Scroll down the list of services until you find Warehouse Server, Warehouse Logger, and Warehouse Agent. If the services are stopped, start them. (The server and logger are linked so that both start when you start one of them.)

You can also use the netstat command on Windows NT or Windows 2000 to determine the state of the warehouse agent daemon, warehouse server, and warehouse logger. Type the following command to display all active services:

netstat -a

Look to see if the services are active:

Warehouse server

Warehouse logger

Warehouse agent daemon

On UNIX, type the following command to verify that the warehouse agent daemon is active:

ps -ef | grep vwd

If the warehouse agent daemon is active, type the following command to verify that the daemon is listening from its assigned port:

netstat -a | grep vwd

The Data Warehouse Center and the AS/400 agent are unable to communicate


To communicate with each other, the Data Warehouse Center and the AS/400 agent must use the same TCP/IP port entries. If you change a port number in the Windows NT Services file, but do not change it on AS/400 (or vice-versa), communication between the Data Warehouse Center and the AS/400 agent will fail.

The Data Warehouse Center refers to ports by name rather than by number. During installation, the Data Warehouse Center assigns names to port numbers. On Windows NT or Windows 2000, the Data Warehouse Center writes the port assignments to the Services file. On AS/400, the Data Warehouse Center uses the WRKSRVTBLE command to store the port assignments. By default, the Data Warehouse Center uses these ports:


Change a port number only if that port number is already in use by another application. If you change a port number on either Windows NT or Windows 2000, or AS/400, ensure that you change the corresponding number on the other operating system.

The warehouse logger stops while the Data Warehouse Center is running

If the warehouse logger stops while the Data Warehouse Center is running, you will hear five beeps. The following message might be displayed:

There are no log records to display


If this message is displayed, the DB2 log for the warehouse control database is probably full.


To fix this problem, you must increase the number of primary or secondary files for the warehouse control database.

If this message is not displayed, contact IBM Software Support.

A warehouse agent stops processing when promoting a step

The step promotion stops, but you can still access other parts of the Data Warehouse Center.


The warehouse agent is in a lock-wait state on a target.


You need to free the warehouse agent workstation. To do this:

  1. Open the DB2 Command Line Processor, and enter:

    The DB2 agent ID for the locked agent is listed.

  2. Record the DB2 agent IDs for the source and the target.
  3. Enter:

    where XXX is the DB2 agent ID for the source.

  4. Repeat the previous step for the target.

Creation of an AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent process fails

There is no response from the warehouse agent, or the warehouse agent is unable to connect to a source or target database.


There are several reasons why you might have this problem:


Try the following solutions:

The Data Warehouse Center stops processing if you run several steps at the same time

The Data Warehouse Center stops processing; there are no status changes in the Work In Progress window for currently running step editions.


Your target is locking up because too many warehouse agents are trying to update a target table at the same time.


Change the database configuration parameter LOCKS TIMEOUT. The default value is -1, which means that DB2 will wait forever. If you are experiencing locking problems, use the DB2 Control Center or the DB2 Command Line Processor to set the wait time to 30 seconds.

Cannot import tables from AS/400

The Data Warehouse Center fails to access DB2 for AS/400 tables.


There are some problems that can occur when you use the Data Warehouse Center for Windows NT with AS/400. For example:


Apply DB2 server fix pack US8125D or later.

Columns defined as BINARY WITH PRECISION are interpreted as INTEGER

If your source table is an AS/400 file that contains fields that are defined as BINARY WITH PRECISION, the data types of these fields will be returned as INTEGER by DB2 for AS/400.


This is a permanent AS/400 restriction. This restriction causes the fractional portion of the BINARY WITH PRECISION data to be truncated.

Prepare of SQL statement fails


Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement.


You need to increase the application heap size for the warehouse control database. See DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings.

The Data Warehouse Center displays return code 7356

This section describes some of the problems that can cause the Data Warehouse Center to display return code 7356.

Importing source tables from a remote, earlier release of an AS/400 system

When you attempt to import table definitions from a remote AS/400 system before Version 4 Release 2 to a new warehouse source, you might receive the following messages:


This error occurs when the SQL package for the SQL Call Level Interface is older than the current version. The SQL package is located in the QGPL library on the system that is remote from the system where the import was requested.


This error occurs when the SQL package for the SQL Call Level Interface is older than the current version. The SQL package is located in the QGPL library on the system that is remote from the system where the import was requested.

To correct this problem:

  1. Delete the SQL package from the QGPL library on the system that is remote from the system where the import was requested. To do this, enter the following command at an AS/400 command prompt:
  2. Import your tables again.

    A new, current SQL package for the Call Level Interface is created when you import.

Preserving CCSIDs in a CREATE TABLE statement


The character coded set identifier (CCSID) is an identifier for a collection of one or more code pages and character sets, and the encoding scheme for the character set.

When you promote a step that you specify to create the target table to test mode, the character and graphic columns are created with the CCSID of the job that creates the target table during the promote operation. When you run the step, the actual CCSIDs are retrieved from the warehouse source. If your step extracts character or graphic data, an error will occur if the default CCSIDs that were created during the promotion of the step do not match the actual CCSIDs. If this error occurs, you will receive the following messages:


To preserve the AS/400 CCSID for the individual columns in character and graphic type data, you must create the target table with the CCSID and link it to the step in the process modeler before you promote the step.

Target table is not being journaled


Return code 7356 is displayed when the target table is not being journaled. To verify that this is the problem, check the AS/400 agent job log.

You should see the following message:

CPF4328 Member nnnnnnnnnn not journaled to journal *N

where nnnnnnnnnn is the name of the file/table.


To resolve this problem, ensure that the target table is being journaled.

Promoting a step that uses DB2 for MVS Version 4 Release 1 as the source and an AS/400 agent hangs


During the promotion of a step with DB2 for MVS Version 4 Release 1 as the source, the Data Warehouse Center might seem to hang. This problem is caused by the IWH2AGNT job going into an ICFW wait state indefinitely.

To verify that the IWH2AGNT job is the cause of the problem:

  1. At an AS/400 command prompt, enter WRKACTJOB.
  2. Verify that IWH2AGNT is in an ICFW state.


To resolve this problem:

  1. Apply PTF UQ02568 (APAR PQ01375) to DB2 for MVS Version 4 Release 1.
  2. Apply PTFs SF47985 and SF47986 to your AS/400 Version 4 Release 2 system.

No changes to the Data Warehouse Center are required.

Promoting a step that uses DB2 for OS/390 as the warehouse target and the AS/400 agent fails

When you promote a step to test mode using DB2 for OS/390 as your warehouse target, the promotion might fail with the following messages:


This problem occurs when the Data Warehouse Center tries to create the target table in the DB2 for OS/390 default database and table space, and the default table space is already full or restricted to your user ID.


You can resolve this problem in two ways:

The Data Warehouse Center displays the "Could not retrieve the step RC- 3142" message when creating a step with a long name

The Data Warehouse Center displays the "Could not retrieve the step RC- 3142" message when creating a step with a long name.


This error occurs on a Japanese (double-byte language) operating system. It could potentially occur on other double-byte workstations. The step names can only be 80 characters long or 40 double-byte characters.


Shorten the length of the name. If you requested that the Data Warehouse Center create a default table for the long-name version of the step, delete the definition of the table that exists in the metadata.

The warehouse server cannot create a warehouse agent or it did not receive a valid reply back from the warehouse agent

You are using a function in the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface that works with the warehouse agent, and receive a message that the warehouse server is not able to create a warehouse agent, or it did not receive a valid reply from the warehouse agent. (The message number is DWC07183.)


The most common causes for this error are an incorrect TCP/IP configuration or a warehouse agent start/stop timeout value that is too small. This error can also can occur if system resources are too low to allow the warehouse agent daemon to create a warehouse agent, or if the warehouse agent executable file is missing or damaged.

One common TCP/IP configuration error occurs when the warehouse server host name is not known to the site on which the warehouse agent is running. The warehouse server and warehouse agent must be able to use each other's host name. Error DWC07183 occurs when the fully qualified host name of the warehouse server (for example, is not known to the site on which the agent is running.


You can confirm the host name by using the ping command to ping the server. If the ping fails, it is because of one of the following problems:

The warehouse agent start/stop timeout value determines how long the warehouse server will wait for the warehouse agent to start. You might need to raise the start/stop timeout value if:

To increase the warehouse agent start/stop timeout value:

  1. From the main Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse object and click Properties.
  2. Click the Server tab.
  3. Increase the agent start/stop timeout value.
  4. Close the Properties notebook.
  5. Stop and restart the warehouse server.

When you increase the start/stop timeout value, the warehouse server will wait longer before timing out. Timeouts occur if the warehouse agent fails to start and when the network is down between the warehouse server workstation and the agent site.

The Start/End Date/Time is incorrect in the Work In Progress window

The date and time are incorrect in the Scheduled and Completed columns of the Work In Progress window.


Your Windows NT or Windows 2000 system clock is set incorrectly.


Open the Regional Settings application in the Control Panel, and change the clock setting to the correct time and date. Include the correct time zone.

DB2 reports an SQL0973N error when you open and close steps

The DB2 application heap and package cache default values can handle only a limited number of steps.


Not enough storage space is allocated to the DB2 application heap and package cache. The default settings for a database are:




Change the default settings for the DB2 application heap and package cache:



A step that uses Microsoft Access as a source fails

You repeatedly try to run a step that uses Microsoft Access. The step fails every time.


There are several reasons that the error might occur:


Try one of the following solutions:

The Data Warehouse Center supplies incorrect table names or an ODBC OLE error occurs when using the Microsoft Excel 95/97 ODBC driver to access Excel spreadsheets

You have problems using the Microsoft Excel 95/97 ODBC driver to access Excel spreadsheets as a warehouse source. $ is appended to the end of the table name for each worksheet in the spreadsheet, or you receive an ODBC OLE error when you access the source using the Data Warehouse Center.


The ODBC driver is generating the names of the tables.


Create a named table for each of the worksheets within the spreadsheet.

To create a named table for each worksheet:

  1. Select the columns and rows that you want in the table.
  2. Click Excel --> Insert --> Name --> Define.
  3. Type a name (or use the default name) for the marked data.
  4. Click OK.

You can now import tables when you define your warehouse source without selecting the Include system tables check box.

An file access error occurs when using the Data Warehouse Center ODBC text file driver or accessing files using warehouse programs

You are using the Data Warehouse Center ODBC text file driver or accessing files using warehouse programs, and receive an error that the file cannot be found or that you cannot access the specified drive. This problem occurs on Windows NT or Windows 2000 only.


The warehouse agent does not have access to the file. The file might be stored on a remote system that requires a user ID and password or on a LAN drive.


Verify that the file being used is on a local drive, or change the setting of the warehouse agent (or the warehouse server if you are using the default agent) in the Services folder so that the agent runs on behalf of a Windows NT or Windows 2000 user rather than as a system process.

To run the service as a user process rather than a system process on Windows NT:

  1. On Windows NT, click Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Services.

    On Windows 2000, click Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Services.

  2. Click the warehouse server or warehouse agent.
  3. Click Startup.

    Choose a Windows NT user on behalf of which the service should run.

  4. Stop and restart the service.

To run the service as a user process rather than a system process on Windows 2000:

  1. Click Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Services.

    The Services window opens.

  2. Right-click the warehouse agent daemon or warehouse server and click Properties.
  3. Click the Log on tab.
  4. Select a Windows 2000 user on behalf of which the service should run.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Services window, click Close.
  7. Stop and restart the service.

Column is no longer visible in the column grid

When you widen a column in a grid and then edit the column, the first column is no longer visible in the grid.

For example, when you widen and edit the Parameter Text column in the Parameters page of the Program notebook, the Parameter Name column is no longer visible in the grid.


The combined width of the columns in the grid is larger than the area available to display the columns.


The missing column still exists, but it just is not visible. Press the left or right arrow key to scroll to the missing column.

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