Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Host Connections

The error message SQL30081N is the most common error returned when setting up connections. If you are receiving this error message, the following points provide troubleshooting guidance.

Direct Connection

In this case, you are connecting directly from a DRDA requestor to a DRDA server with no DB2 Connect gateway in between.
Note:A DB2 Client (CAE) cannot make a direct connection to a DRDA server. A DB2 Connect gateway is needed. For more information on troubleshooting in this scenario, see Gateway Connection.

TCP/IP Connection

[  ]
Can you ping the DRDA server?

If you cannot:

If you can: Continue to the next question.

[  ]
Are the port number and service name properly defined?

[  ]
Can any DRDA requestor connect to this DRDA server?

If none can:

If at least one can:

SNA Connection

[  ]
Can you manually establish a SNA link?

If you cannot:

If you can: Continue to the next question.

[  ]
Can you manually establish a SNA session?

If you cannot:

If you can: Continue to the next question.

[  ]
Can any DRDA requestor connect to this DRDA server?

If none can:

If at least one can:

Gateway Connection

If you are connecting from DB2 clients to a DRDA server using a DB2 Connect gateway:

[  ]
Can you connect to the DRDA server from the DB2 Connect gateway?

If you cannot, see Direct Connection.

If you can: Continue to the next question.

[  ]
Is the DB2 registry variable DB2COMM set properly at the DB2 Connect gateway?

It should be set to APPC, TCPIP, or both, depending on which protocol you are using.

[  ]
Verify the catalog information on the client.

Please see Chapter 3, Troubleshooting on the Client for additional information.

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