Command Reference

db2cc - Start Control Center

Starts the Control Center. The Control Center is a graphical interface that is used to manage database objects (such as databases, tables, and packages) and their relationship to one another.



Command Syntax

            '-port-number--'   '--t--'   '--tcomms--'
      |           .-+---------.  |   '--ccf--filename--'
      |           V           |  |
      '--ic--'   '--ict--seconds--'
                    '--i--instance--+---------------+--'   '--sub--subsystem--'

Command Parameters

Specifies the reserved DB2JD port number. For example, 6790. The default value is 6789.

Turns on NavTrace for an initialization code.

Limits tracing to communications events.

-tfilter filter
Limits tracing to entries containing the specified filter or filters.

-ccf filename
Opens the Command Center initialized with the specified filename.

Opens the Information Center.

-ict seconds
Idle Connection Timer. Closes any idle connections in the pools maintained by the Control Center after the number of seconds specified. The default timer is 30 minutes.

-h system
Opens the Control Center in the context of a system.

-i instance
Opens the Control Center in the context of an instance.

-d database
Opens the Control Center in the context of a database.

-sub subsystem
Opens the Control Center in the context of a subsystem.

Usage Notes
Note:The following commands:

cannot normally be issued from within the Command Center. This can only be done if the Command Center was started from a DB2 Administration Server instance. To execute these commands from any other instance, use the command line processor (CLP).

For general information about the Control Center, see the Administration Guide. Detailed information is provided through the online help facility within the Control Center.

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