Command Reference


This command:


To display the SQLDA information about a SELECT statement, one of the privileges or authorities listed below for each table or view referenced in the SELECT statement is required.

To display the columns or indexes of a table or a view, one of the privileges or authorities listed below for the system catalogs SYSCAT.COLUMNS (DESCRIBE TABLE) and SYSCAT.INDEXES (DESCRIBE INDEXES FOR TABLE) is required:

Required Connection

Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.

Command Syntax

         '-INDEXES FOR TABLE--table-name--'   '-SHOW DETAIL--'

Command Parameters

Identifies the statement about which information is wanted. The SELECT statement is automatically prepared by CLP.

TABLE table-name
Specifies the table or view to be described. The fully qualified name or alias in the form schema.table-name must be used. The schema is the user name under which the table or view was created.

The DESCRIBE TABLE command lists the following information about each column:

Note:This option is not supported for declared temporary tables.

Specifies the table or view for which indexes need to be described. The fully qualified name or alias in the form schema.table-name must be used. The schema is the user name under which the table or view was created.

The DESCRIBE INDEXES FOR TABLE command lists the following information about each index of the table or view:


For the DESCRIBE TABLE command, specifies that output include the following additional information:

For the DESCRIBE INDEXES FOR TABLE command, specifies that output include the following additional information:


Describing a SELECT Statement

The following example shows how to describe a SELECT statement:

   db2 "describe select * from staff"

SQLDA Information
sqldaid : SQLDA     sqldabc: 896  sqln: 20  sqld: 7
Column Information
sqltype               sqllen                    sqlname.length
--------------------  ------  ------------------------------  --------------
500  SMALLINT              2  ID                                           2
449  VARCHAR               9  NAME                                         4
501  SMALLINT              2  DEPT                                         4
453  CHARACTER             5  JOB                                          3
501  SMALLINT              2  YEARS                                        5
485  DECIMAL            7, 2  SALARY                                       6
485  DECIMAL            7, 2  COMM                                         4

Describing a Table

The following example shows how to describe a table:

   db2 describe table user1.department

Column             Type        Type
name               schema      name               Length   Scale    Nulls
------------------ ----------- ------------------ -------- -------- --------
AREA               SYSIBM      SMALLINT                  2        0 No
DEPT               SYSIBM      CHARACTER                 3        0 No
DEPTNAME           SYSIBM      CHARACTER                20        0 Yes

Describing a Table Index

The following example shows how to describe a table index:

   db2 describe indexes for table user1.department

Index           Index               Unique          Number of
schema          name                rule            columns
--------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------
USER1           IDX1                U                            2

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