Command Reference
Registers the DB2 server in the network directory server.
Required Connection
Command Syntax
>>-REGISTER----+-----------------+---+-| NWBINDERY path |-+----><
'-DB2 SERVER--IN--' '-| LDAP path |------'
LDAP path
|---LDAP AS--nodename------------------------------------------->
| '-HOSTNAME--hostname--' '-SVCENAME--svcename--' '-SECURITY--SOCKS---' |
| '-NNAME--nname--' |
+-| APPN path |--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| '-IPX_ADDRESS--ipxaddr--' |
'-REMOTE--computer--' '-INSTANCE--instance--'
| .-SERVER--. | '-OSTYPE--ostype--'
APPN path
'-SECURITY--+-NONE----+--' '-LANADDRESS--lan_address--'
Command Parameters
- IN
- Specifies the network directory server on which to register the DB2
server. Valid values are: NWBINDERY for a NetWare
bindery, and LDAP for an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol) directory server.
- USER username
- For NWBINDERY, this is the user ID to log into the network server.
The user ID must have SUPERVISOR or Workgroup Manager security
equivalence. The user name must be provided when registering in the
NetWare directory server, and is the user ID to log into the NETWARE
server. For LDAP, this is the user's LDAP distinguished name
(DN). The LDAP user DN must have sufficient authority to create and
update the object in the LDAP directory. The user name is optional when
registering in LDAP. If the user's LDAP DN is not specified, the
credentials of the current logon user will be used.
- PASSWORD password
- Account password.
- AS nodename
- Specify a short name to represent the DB2 server in LDAP. A node
entry will be cataloged in LDAP using this node name. The client can
attach to the server using this node name. The protocol associated with
this LDAP node entry is specified through the PROTOCOL parameter.
- Specifies the protocol type associated with the LDAP node entry.
Since the database server may support more than one protocol type, this value
specifies the protocol type used by the client applications. The DB2
server must be registered once per protocol. Valid values are:
NPIPE. Specify the latter to use Windows NT Named
Pipe. This protocol type is only supported by DB2 servers that run on
the Windows NT operating system.
Note: | NETBIOS and NPIPE are not supported on AIX and Solaris operating systems,
however these protocols can be registered for a remote server using an
operating system such as Windows NT.
- HOSTNAME hostname
- Specifies the TCP/IP host name (or IP address).
- SVCENAME svcename
- Specifies the TCP/IP service name or port number.
- Specifies that TCP/IP socket security is to be used.
- NNAME nname
- Specifies the NetBIOS workstation name.
- NETWORK net_id
- Specifies the APPN network ID.
- PARTNERLU partner_lu
- Specifies the APPN partner LU name for the DB2 server machine.
- MODE mode
- Specifies the APPN mode name.
- TPNAME tpname
- Specifies the APPN transaction program name. The default is
- Specifies the APPN security level. Valid values are:
- Specifies that no security information is to be included in the allocation
request sent to the server. This is the default security type for DB2
UDB server.
- Specifies that a user name is to be included in the allocation request
sent to the server, together with an indicator that the user name has been
"already verified". The server must be configured to accept "already
verified" security.
- Specifies that both a user name and a password are to be included in the
allocation request sent to the server. This is the default security
type for host database servers such as DB2 for MVS, DB2 for AS/400, or DB2 for
- LANADDRESS lan_address
- Specifies the APPN network adaptor address.
- CHGPWDLU change_password_lu
- Specifies the name of the partner LU that is to be used when changing the
password for a host database server.
- IPX_ADDRESS ipxaddr
- Specifies the complete IPX address. The IPX address of a system on
which DB2 UDB is installed can be found by invoking the db2ipxad
command. The IPX address consists of a 12-digit network address, an
8-digit node address, and a 4-digit socket number:
- REMOTE computer
- Specifies the computer name of the machine on which the DB2 server
resides. Specify this parameter only if registering a remote DB2 server
in LDAP. The value must be the same as the value specified when adding
the server machine to LDAP. For the Windows NT operating system, this
is the NT computer name. For UNIX based systems, this is the TCP/IP
host name. For OS/2, this is the value specified for the
DB2SYSTEM registry variable.
- INSTANCE instance
- Specifies the instance name of the DB2 server. The instance name
must be specified for a remote instance (that is, when a value for the REMOTE
parameter has been specified).
- Specifies the node type for the database server. Valid values
- Specify the SERVER node type for a DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition
server. This is the default.
- Specify the MPP node type for a DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition - Extended
(partitioned database) server.
- Specify the DCS node type when registering a host database server;
this directs the client or gateway to use DRDA as the database
- OSTYPE ostype
- Specifies the operating system type of the server machine. Valid
values are: OS2, AIX, WIN95, NT, HPUX, SUN, MVS, OS400, VM, VSE, SNI,
SCO, SGI, LINUX and PTX. If an operating system type is not specified,
the local operating system type will be used for a local server and no
operating system type will be used for a remote server.
- WITH "comments"
- Describes the DB2 server. Any comment that helps to describe the
server registered in the network directory can be entered. Maximum
length is 30 characters. A carriage return or a line feed character is
not permitted. The comment text must be enclosed by double quotation
Usage Notes
Registering a DB2 server in NWBINDERY is only relevant when using file
server addressing to connect a client and a server.
Register the DB2 server once for each protocol that the server
supports. For example, if the DB2 server supports both NetBIOS and
TCP/IP, the REGISTER command must be invoked twice:
db2 register db2 server in ldap as tcpnode protocol tcpip
db2 register db2 server in ldap as nbnode protocol netbios
The REGISTER command should be issued once for each DB2 server instance to
publish the server in the directory server. If the communication
parameter fields are reconfigured, or the server network address changes,
update the DB2 server on the network directory server.
To update the DB2 server in LDAP, use the UPDATE LDAP NODE command after
the changes have been made.
To update the DB2 server in NWBINDERY, deregister the DB2 server before
making the changes, then register it again after the changes have been
If any protocol configuration parameter is specified when registering a DB2
server locally, it will override the value specified in the database manager
configuration file.
For APPN, only the TPNAME is found in the database manager configuration
file. To register APPN properly, values for the following mandatory
parameters must be specified: NETWORK, PARTNERLU, MODE, TPNAME, and
SECURITY. Values for the following optional parameters can also be
If the REGISTER command is used to register a local DB2 instance in LDAP,
and one or both of NODETYPE and OSTYPE are specified, they will be replaced
with the values retrieved from the local system. If the REGISTER
command is used to register a remote DB2 instance in LDAP, and one or both of
NODETYPE and OSTYPE are not specified, the default value of SERVER and
Unknown will be used, respectively.
If the REGISTER command is used to register a remote DB2 server in LDAP,
the computer name and the instance name of the remote server must be specified
along with the communication protocol for the remote server.
When registering a host database server, a value of DCS must be specified
for the NODETYPE parameter.
See Also
db2ipxad - Get IPX/SPX Internetwork Address
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