Command Reference


A redirected restore is a restore in which the set of table space containers for the restored database is different from the set of containers for the original database at the time the backup was done. This command permits the addition, change, or removal of table space containers for a database that is to be restored. If, for example, one or more containers become inaccessible for any reason, the restore fails if it is not redirected to different containers.
Note:A redirected restore is not allowed when a user exit program is used to perform the restore.


One of the following:

Required Connection


Command Syntax

>>-SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR--tablespace-id----------------->
      |  .-REPLAY--.                                     |
           V                             |
      |    .-,----------------------------------------------------.      |
      |    V                                                      |      |

Command Parameters

FOR tablespace-id
An integer that uniquely represents a table space used by the database being restored.

Specifies that any ALTER TABLESPACE operation issued against this table space since the database was backed up is to be redone during a subsequent roll forward of the database.

Specifies that ALTER TABLESPACE operations in the log are to be ignored when performing a roll forward.

USING PATH "container-string"
For an SMS table space, identifies one or more containers that will belong to the table space and into which the table space data will be stored. It is an absolute or relative directory name. If the directory name is not absolute, it is relative to the database directory. The string cannot exceed 240 bytes in length.

USING FILE/DEVICE "container-string" number-of-pages
For a DMS table space, identifies one or more containers that will belong to the table space and into which the table space data will be stored. The container type (either FILE or DEVICE) and its size (in 4KB pages) are specified. A mixture of file and device containers can be specified. The string cannot exceed 254 bytes in length.

For a file container, the string must be an absolute or relative file name. If the file name is not absolute, it is relative to the database directory.

For a device container, the string must be a device name. The device must already exist. Device containers are not supported on OS/2.


See the example in RESTORE DATABASE.

Usage Notes

This command is used in conjunction with RESTORE DATABASE.

A backup of a database, or one or more table spaces, keeps a record of all the table space containers in use by the table spaces being backed up. During a restore, all containers listed in the backup are checked to see if they currently exist and are accessible. If one or more of the containers is inaccessible for any reason, the restore will fail. In order to allow a restore in such a case, the redirecting of table space containers is supported during the restore. This support includes adding, changing, or removing of table space containers. It is this command that allows the user to add, change or remove those containers. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

See Also




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