Command Reference

db2drdat - DRDA Trace

Allows the user to capture the DRDA data stream exchanged between a DRDA Application Requestor (AR) and the DB2 UDB DRDA Application Server (AS). Although this tool is most often used for problem determination, by determining how many sends and receives are required to execute an application, it can also be used for performance tuning in a client/server environment.



Command Syntax

                 .-on-.  V         |
               |           +--s-+      '--l=length-'  |
               |           +--c-+                     |
               |           '--i-'                     |
                      '--t=tracefile-'  '--p=pid-'

Command Parameters

Turns on AS trace events (all if none specified).

Turns off AS trace events.

Traces DRDA requests received from the DRDA AR.

Traces DRDA replies sent to the DRDA AR.

Traces the SQLCA received from the DRDA server on the host system. This is a formatted, easy-to-read version of not null SQLCAs.

Includes time stamps in the trace information.

Specifies the size of the buffer used to store the trace information.

Traces events only for this process. If -p is not specified, all agents with incoming DRDA connections on the server are traced.

Note:The pid to be traced can be found in the agent field returned by LIST APPLICATIONS.

Specifies the destination for the trace. If a file name is specified without a complete path, missing information is taken from the current path.
Note:If tracefile is not specified, messages are directed to db2drdat.dmp in the current directory.

Usage Notes

Do not issue db2trc commands while db2drdat is active (for information about the db2trc command, see the Troubleshooting Guide).

db2drdat writes the following information to tracefile:

  1. -r
  2. -s
  3. CPI-C error information

The command returns an exit code. A zero value indicates that the command completed successfully, and a nonzero value indicates that the command was not successful.
Note:If db2drdat sends the output to a file that already exists, the old file will be erased unless the permissions on the file do not allow it to be erased, in which case the operating system will return an error.

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