Command Reference


Loads data into a DB2 table. Data residing on the server may be in the form of a file, tape, or named pipe. Data residing on a remotely connected client may be in the form of a fully qualified file or named pipe. Tape is not supported on OS/2. The load utility does not support loading data at the hierarchy level.


This command affects only the partition to which a direct connection exists; the load utility operates on a single database partition only.

Loading data that resides on a remotely connected client is not supported under the following conditions:


One of the following:

Note:Since all load processes (and all DB2 server processes, in general), are owned by the instance owner, and all of these processes use the identification of the instance owner to access needed files, the instance owner must have read access to input data files. These input data files must be readable by the instance owner, regardless of who invokes the command.

Required Connection

Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.

Instance. An explicit attachment is not required. If a connection to the database has been established, an implicit attachment to the local instance is attempted.

Command Syntax

                                V               |
           '-CLIENT--'            +-pipename-+
                     |            .-,-----------.  |
                     |            V             |  |
                     '-LOBS FROM-----lob-path---+--'
      |              .-----------------.  |
      |              V                 |  |
      '-MODIFIED BY-----filetype-mod---+--'
      |                 .-,---------------------------.                                                                 |
      |                 V                             |                                                                 |
                |                                            |                     .-,----------------------.      | |
                |                                            |                     V                        |      | |
                |                                            '-NULL INDICATORS--(-----null-indicator-list---+---)--' |
                |       .-,--------------.                                                                           |
                |       V                |                                                                           |
                |       .-,------------------.                                                                       |
                |       V                    |                                                                       |
      '-SAVECOUNT--n--'   '-ROWCOUNT--n--'
      '-WARNINGCOUNT--n--'   '-MESSAGES--message-file--'
      '-TEMPFILES PATH--temp-pathname--'   +-REPLACE---+
                         |    .-,----------------.      |
                         |    V                  |      |
      '-DATALINK SPECIFICATION--| datalink-spec |--'
      '-FOR EXCEPTION--table-name--'
      |               .-YES-.                                                                     |
                    |          | '-WITH DISTRIBUTION--+---------------------------------+--' | |
                    |          |                      '-AND--+----------+--INDEXES ALL--'    | |
                    |          |                             '-DETAILED-'                    | |
                    |          '-+---------------------------------------+-------------------' |
                    |            '--+-AND-+---+----------+--INDEXES ALL--'                     |
                    |               '-FOR-'   '-DETAILED-'                                     |
      |       .-NO-----------------------------------------------------. |
      +-COPY--+-YES--+-USE TSM--+---------------------------+--------+-+-+
      |              |          '-OPEN--num-sess--SESSIONS--'        |   |
      |              |     .-,-------------------.                   |   |
      |              |     V                     |                   |   |
      |              +-TO-----device/directory---+-------------------+   |
      |              '-LOAD--lib-name--+---------------------------+-'   |
      |                                '-OPEN--num-sess--SESSIONS--'     |
      '-DATA BUFFER--buffer-size--'   '-CPU_PARALLELISM--n--'
    V                                                                                                    |
          '-DL_LINKTYPE URL-'  +-DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX--"prefix"--+   '-DL_URL_SUFFIX--"suffix"--'

Command Parameters

Specifies that the data to be loaded resides on a remotely connected client. This option is ignored if the load operation is not being invoked from a remote client.


  1. Loading data that resides on a remotely connected client is not supported under the following conditions:
    • The database that the client is connected to is in a DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition environment.
    • The database that the client is connected to is cataloged against an already cataloged database.

  2. The DUMPFILE and LOBSINFILE modifiers (see Table 7) refer to files on the server even when the CLIENT keyword is specified.

  3. Code page conversion is not performed during a remote load operation. If the code page of the data is different from that of the server, the data code page should be specified using the CODEPAGE modifier (see Table 7).

  4. When loading remote client data from files (but not named pipes), there is an upper limit of 2GB per file.

In the following example, a data file (/u/user/data.del) residing on a remotely connected client is to be loaded into MYTABLE on the server database:

   db2 load client from /u/user/data.del of del
      modified by codepage=850 insert into mytable

Specifies that the table space in which the table resides will be placed in backup pending state if forward recovery is enabled (that is, logretain or userexit is on). The data in any table in the table space cannot be updated or deleted until a table space backup or a full database backup is made. However, it is possible to access the data in any table by using the SELECT statement.

Specifies that a copy of the loaded data will be saved. This option is invalid if forward recovery is disabled (both logretain and userexit are off). The option is not supported for tables with DATALINK columns.

Specifies that the copy will be stored using Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM).

The number of I/O sessions to be used with TSM or the vendor product. The default value is 1.

TO device/directory
Specifies the device or directory on which the copy image will be created. Tape is not supported on OS/2; copy to tapes is not supported for DB2 servers running on SCO UnixWare 7.

LOAD lib-name
The name of the shared library (DLL on OS/2 or the Windows operating system) containing the vendor backup and restore I/O functions to be used. It may contain the full path. If the full path is not given, it will default to the path where the user exit programs reside.

Specifies the number of processes or threads that the load utility will spawn for parsing, converting, and formatting records when building table objects. This parameter is designed to exploit intra-partition parallelism. It is particularly useful when loading presorted data, because record order in the source data is preserved. If the value of this parameter is zero, or has not been specified, the load utility uses an intelligent default value (usually based on the number of CPUs available) at run time.


  1. If this parameter is used with tables containing either LOB or LONG VARCHAR fields, its value becomes one, regardless of the number of system CPUs or the value specified by the user.

  2. Specifying a small value for the SAVECOUNT parameter causes the loader to perform many more I/O operations to flush both data and table metadata. When CPU_PARALLELISM is greater than one, the flushing operations are asynchronous, permitting the loader to exploit the CPU. When CPU_PARALLELISM is set to one, the loader waits on I/O during consistency points. A load operation with CPU_PARALLELISM set to two, and SAVECOUNT set to 10 000, completes faster than the same operation with CPU_PARALLELISM set to one, even though there is only one CPU.

DATA BUFFER buffer-size
Specifies the number of 4KB pages (regardless of the degree of parallelism) to use as buffered space for transferring data within the utility. If the value specified is less than the algorithmic minimum, the minimum required resource is used, and no warning is returned.

This memory is allocated directly from the utility heap, whose size can be modified through the util_heap_sz database configuration parameter.

If a value is not specified, an intelligent default is calculated by the utility at run time. The default is based on a percentage of the free space available in the utility heap at the instantiation time of the loader, as well as some characteristics of the table.

For each DATALINK column, there can be one column specification enclosed by parentheses. Each column specification consists of one or more DL_LINKTYPE, prefix, and a DL_URL_SUFFIX specification. The prefix specification can be either DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX or DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX.

There can be as many DATALINK column specifications as the number of DATALINK columns defined in the table. The order of specifications follows the order of DATALINK columns found within the insert-column list, or within the table definition (if an insert-column list is not specified).

Specifies the number of processes or threads that the load utility will spawn for writing data to the table space containers. If a value is not specified, the utility selects an intelligent default based on the number of table space containers and the characteristics of the table.

If specified, it should match the LINKTYPE of the column definition. Thus, DL_LINKTYPE URL is acceptable if the column definition specifies LINKTYPE URL.

If specified, it should act as the default prefix for all DATALINK values within the same column. In this context, prefix refers to the "scheme host port" part of the URL specification. (For Distributed File System, or DFS, prefix refers to the "scheme cellname filespace-junction" part of the URL specification.)

Examples of prefix are:


If no prefix is found in the column data, and a default prefix is specified with DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX, the default prefix is prefixed to the column value (if not NULL).

For example, if DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX specifies the default prefix "http://toronto":

This clause is useful when loading or importing data previously generated by the export utility, if the user wants to globally replace the host name in the data with another host name. If specified, it becomes the prefix for all non-NULL column values. If a column value has a prefix, this will replace it. If a column value has no prefix, the prefix specified by DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX is prefixed to the column value. For Distributed File System (DFS), prefix refers to the "scheme cellname filespace-junction" part of the URL specification.

For example, if DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX specifies the prefix "http://toronto":

DL_URL_SUFFIX "suffix"
If specified, it is appended to every non-NULL column value for the column. It is, in fact, appended to the "path" component of the data location part of the DATALINK value.

FOR EXCEPTION table-name
Specifies the exception table into which rows in error will be copied. Any row that is in violation of a unique index or a primary key index is copied. DATALINK exceptions are also captured in the exception table. If an unqualified table name is specified, the table will be qualified with the CURRENT SCHEMA.

Information that is written to the exception table is not written to the dump file (for a description of the dumpfile modifier, see Table 7). In a partitioned database environment, an exception table must be defined for those nodes on which the loading table is defined. The dump file, on the other hand, contains rows that cannot be loaded because they are invalid or have syntax errors. For more information, see the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.

FROM filename/pipename/device
Specifies the file, pipe, or device that contains the data being loaded. This file, pipe, or device must reside on the node where the database resides, unless the CLIENT option is specified. If several names are specified, they will be processed in sequence. If the last item specified is a tape device, the user is prompted for another tape. Valid response options are:

Continue. Continue using the device that generated the warning message (for example, when a new tape has been mounted).

Device terminate. Stop using the device that generated the warning message (for example, when there are no more tapes).

Terminate. Terminate all devices.


  1. Tape is not supported on OS/2.

  2. It is recommended that the fully qualified file name be used. If the server is remote, the fully qualified file name must be used. If the database resides on the same node as the caller, relative paths may be used.

  3. Loading data from multiple IXF files is supported if the files are physically separate, but logically one file. It is not supported if the files are both logically and physically separate.

  4. If, when specifying pipename on OS/2, less than the expected amount of data is loaded, clean up system resources (IPL is recommended), and reissue the LOAD command.

  5. If loading data that resides on a client machine, the data must be in the form of either a fully qualified file or a named pipe.

Specifies that the utility should leave the table in quiesced exclusive state after the load operation. To unquiesce the table spaces, issue:
   db2 quiesce tablespaces for table <tablename> reset

Note:Ensure that no phantom quiesces are created (see QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE).

Specifies whether the load utility is to rebuild indexes or to extend them incrementally. Valid values are:

The load utility will automatically decide between REBUILD or INCREMENTAL mode.

All indexes will be rebuilt. The utility must have sufficient resources to sort all index key parts for both old and appended table data.

Indexes will be extended with new data. This approach consumes index free space. It only requires enough sort space to append index keys for the inserted records. This method is only supported in cases where the index object is valid and accessible at the start of a load operation (it is, for example, not valid immediately following a load operation in which the DEFERRED mode was specified). If this mode is specified, but not supported due to the state of the index, a warning is returned, and the load operation continues in REBUILD mode. Similarly, if a load restart operation is begun in the load build phase, INCREMENTAL mode is not supported.

Incremental indexing is not supported when all of the following conditions are true:

  • The LOAD COPY option is specified (logretain or userexit is enabled).
  • The table resides in a DMS table space.
  • The index object resides in a table space that is shared by other table objects belonging to the table being loaded.

To bypass this restriction, it is recommended that indexes be placed in a separate table space.

The load utility will not attempt index creation if this mode is specified. Indexes will be marked as needing a refresh. The first access to such indexes that is unrelated to a load operation may force a rebuild (for more information, see the Administration Guide), or indexes may be rebuilt when the database is restarted. This approach requires enough sort space for all key parts for the largest index. The total time subsequently taken for index construction is longer than that required in REBUILD mode. Therefore, when performing multiple load operations with deferred indexing, it is advisable (from a performance viewpoint) to let the last load operation in the sequence perform an index rebuild, rather than allow indexes to be rebuilt at first non-load access.

Deferred indexing is only supported for tables with non-unique indexes, so that duplicate keys inserted during the load phase are not persistent after the load operation.
Note:Deferred indexing is not supported for tables that have DATALINK columns.

One of four modes under which the load utility can execute. Adds the loaded data to the table without changing the existing table data.

Specifies the table column into which the data is to be inserted.

The load utility cannot parse columns whose names contain one or more spaces. For example,

   db2 load from delfile1 of del modified by noeofchar noheader 
      method P (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
      insert into table1 (BLOB1, S2, I3, Int 4, I5, I6, DT7, I8, TM9)

will fail because of the Int 4 column. The solution is to enclose such column names with double quotation marks:

   db2 load from delfile1 of del modified by noeofchar noheader 
      method P (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
      insert into table1 (BLOB1, S2, I3, "Int 4", I5, I6, DT7, I8, TM9)

INTO table-name
Specifies the database table into which the data is to be loaded. This table cannot be a system table or a declared temporary table. An alias, or the fully qualified or unqualified table name can be specified. A qualified table name is in the form schema.tablename. If an unqualified table name is specified, the table will be qualified with the CURRENT SCHEMA.

LOBS FROM lob-path
The path to the data files containing LOB values to be loaded. The path must end with a slash (/). If the CLIENT option is specified, the path must be fully qualified. The names of the LOB data files are stored in the main data file (ASC, DEL, or IXF), in the column that will be loaded into the LOB column. This option is ignored if lobsinfile is not specified within the filetype-mod string (see Table 7).

MESSAGES message-file
Specifies the destination for warning and error messages that occur during the load operation. If a message file is not specified, messages are written to standard output. If the complete path to the file is not specified, the load utility uses the current directory and the default drive as the destination. If the name of a file that already exists is specified, the utility appends the information.

The message file is usually populated with messages at the end of the load operation and, as such, is not suitable for monitoring the progress of the operation. For real-time monitoring of a load operation, use the LOAD QUERY.


Specifies the start and end column numbers from which to load data. A column number is a byte offset from the beginning of a row of data. It is numbered starting from 1.
Note:This method can only be used with ASC files, and is the only valid option for that file type.

Specifies the names of the columns in the data file to be loaded. The case of these column names must match the case of the corresponding names in the system catalogs. Each table column that is not nullable should have a corresponding entry in the METHOD N list. For example, given data fields F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6, and table columns C1 INT, C2 INT NOT NULL, C3 INT NOT NULL, and C4 INT, method N (F2, F1, F4, F3) is a valid request, while method N (F2, F1) is not valid.
Note:This method can only be used with IXF files.

Specifies the indexes (numbered from 1) of the input data fields to be loaded. Each table column that is not nullable should have a corresponding entry in the METHOD P list. For example, given data fields F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6, and table columns C1 INT, C2 INT NOT NULL, C3 INT NOT NULL, and C4 INT, method P (2, 1, 4, 3) is a valid request, while method P (2, 1) is not valid.
Note:This method can only be used with IXF or DEL files, and is the only valid option for the DEL file type.

MODIFIED BY filetype-mod
Specifies additional options (see Table 7).

Specifies that the load transaction is to be marked as non-recoverable and that it will not be possible to recover it by a subsequent roll forward action. The roll forward utility will skip the transaction and will mark the table into which data was being loaded as "invalid". The utility will also ignore any subsequent transactions against that table. After the roll forward operation is completed, such a table can only be dropped or restored from a backup (full or table space) taken after a commit point following the completion of the non-recoverable load operation.

With this option, table spaces are not put in backup pending state following the load operation, and a copy of the loaded data does not have to be made during the load operation.

This option should not be used when DATALINK columns with the FILE LINK CONTROL attribute are present in, or being added to, the table.

NULL INDICATORS null-indicator-list
This option can only be used when the METHOD L parameter is specified; that is, the input file is an ASC file). The null indicator list is a comma-separated list of positive integers specifying the column number of each null indicator field. The column number is the byte offset of the null indicator field from the beginning of a row of data. There must be one entry in the null indicator list for each data field defined in the METHOD L parameter. A column number of zero indicates that the corresponding data field always contains data.

A value of Y in the NULL indicator column specifies that the column data is NULL. Any character other than Y in the NULL indicator column specifies that the column data is not NULL, and that column data specified by the METHOD L option will be loaded.

The NULL indicator character can be changed using the MODIFIED BY option (see the description of the nullindchar modifier in Table 7).

OF filetype
Specifies the format of the data in the input file:

For more information about file formats, see the "Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats" appendix in the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.

One of four modes under which the load utility can execute. Deletes all existing data from the table, and inserts the loaded data. The table definition and index definitions are not changed. If this option is used when moving data between hierarchies, only the data for an entire hierarchy, not individual subtables, can be replaced.

This option is not supported for tables with DATALINK columns.

One of four modes under which the load utility can execute. Restarts a previously interrupted load operation. The load operation will automatically continue from the last consistency point in the load, build, or delete phase.


Specifies the number of n physical records in the file to be loaded. Allows a user to load only the first n rows in a file.

Specifies that the load utility is to establish consistency points after every n rows. This value is converted to a page count, and rounded up to intervals of the extent size. Since a message is issued at each consistency point, this option should be selected if the load operation will be monitored using LOAD QUERY. If the value of n is not sufficiently high, the synchronization of activities performed at each consistency point will impact performance.

The default value is zero, meaning that no consistency points will be established, unless necessary.

SORT BUFFER buffer-size

Specifies that no statistics are to be collected, and that the statistics in the catalogs are not to be altered. This is the default.

Specifies that statistics are to be collected for the table and for any existing indexes. This option is supported only if the load operation is in REPLACE mode.

Specifies that distribution statistics are to be collected.

Specifies that both table and index statistics are to be collected.

Specifies that only index statistics are to be collected.

Specifies that extended index statistics are to be collected.

TEMPFILES PATH temp-pathname
Specifies the name of the path to be used when creating temporary files during a load operation, and should be fully qualified according to the server node.

Temporary files take up file system space. Sometimes, this space requirement is quite substantial. Following is an estimate of how much file system space should be allocated for all temporary files:

For more information about temporary files, see the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.

One of four modes under which the load utility can execute. Terminates a previously interrupted load operation, and rolls back the operation to the point in time at which it started, even if consistency points were passed. The states of any table spaces involved in the operation return to normal, and all table objects are made consistent (index objects may be marked as invalid, in which case index rebuild will automatically take place at next access). If the load operation being terminated is a load REPLACE, the table will be truncated to an empty table after the load TERMINATE operation. If the load operation being terminated is a load INSERT, the table will retain all of its original records after the load TERMINATE operation.

The load terminate option will not remove a backup pending state from table spaces.
Note:This option is not supported for tables with DATALINK columns.

USING directory

Stops the load operation after n warnings. Set this parameter if no warnings are expected, but verification that the correct file and table are being used is desired. If n is zero, or this option is not specified, the load operation will continue regardless of the number of warnings issued. If the load operation is stopped because the threshold of warnings was encountered, another load operation can be started in RESTART mode. The load operation will automatically continue from the last consistency point. Alternatively, another load operation can be initiated in REPLACE mode, starting at the beginning of the input file.

Specifies that the list of data files contains all the files that are to be loaded, and that the devices or directories listed are sufficient for the entire load operation. If a continuation input file is not found, or the copy targets are filled before the load operation finishes, the load operation will fail, and the table will remain in load pending state.

If this option is not specified, and the tape device encounters an end of tape for the copy image, or the last item listed is a tape device, the user is prompted for a new tape on that device. Tape is not supported on OS/2.


Example 1

TABLE1 has 5 columns:

ASCFILE1 has 6 elements:

Data Records:

   Test data 1         XXN 123abcdN
   Test data 2 and 3   QQY    wxyzN
   Test data 4,5 and 6 WWN6789    Y

The following command loads the table from the file:

   db2 load from ascfile1 of asc modified by striptblanks reclen=40
      method L (1 20, 21 22, 24 27, 28 31)
      null indicators (0,0,23,32)
      insert into table1 (col1, col5, col2, col3)


  1. The specification of striptblanks in the MODIFIED BY parameter forces the truncation of blanks in VARCHAR columns (COL1, for example, which is 11, 17 and 19 bytes long, in rows 1, 2 and 3, respectively).

  2. The specification of reclen=40 in the MODIFIED BY parameter indicates that there is no new-line character at the end of each input record, and that each record is 40 bytes long. The last 8 bytes are not used to load the table.

  3. Since COL4 is not provided in the input file, it will be inserted into TABLE1 with its default value (it is defined NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT).

  4. Positions 23 and 32 are used to indicate whether COL2 and COL3 of TABLE1 will be loaded NULL for a given row. If there is a Y in the column's null indicator position for a given record, the column will be NULL. If there is an N, the data values in the column's data positions of the input record (as defined in L(........)) are used as the source of column data for the row. In this example, neither column in row 1 is NULL; COL2 in row 2 is NULL; and COL3 in row 3 is NULL.

  5. In this example, the NULL INDICATORS for COL1 and COL5 are specified as 0 (zero), indicating that the data is not nullable.

  6. The NULL INDICATOR for a given column can be anywhere in the input record, but the position must be specified, and the Y or N values must be supplied.

Example 2 (Loading LOBs from Files)

TABLE1 has 3 columns:

ASCFILE1 has 3 elements:

The following files reside in either /u/user1 or /u/user1/bin:

Data Records in ASCFILE1:


The following command loads the table from the file:

   db2 load from ascfile1 of asc
      lobs from /u/user1, /u/user1/bin
      modified by lobsinfile reclen=22
      method L (1 4, 6 13, 15 22)
      insert into table1


  1. The specification of lobsinfile in the MODIFIED BY parameter tells the loader that all LOB data is to be loaded from files.

  2. The specification of reclen=22 in the MODIFIED BY parameter indicates that there is no new-line character at the end of each input record, and that each record is 22 bytes long.

  3. LOB data is contained in 6 files, ASCFILE2 through ASCFILE7. Each file contains the data that will be used to load a LOB column for a specific row. The relationship between LOBs and other data is specified in ASCFILE1. The first record of this file tells the loader to place REC1 in COL1 of row 1. The contents of ASCFILE2 will be used to load LOB1 of row 1, and the contents of ASCFILE3 will be used to load LOB2 of row 1. Similarly, ASCFILE4 and ASCFILE5 will be used to load LOB1 and LOB2 of row 2, and ASCFILE6 and ASCFILE7 will be used to load the LOBs of row 3.

  4. The LOBS FROM parameter contains 2 paths that will be searched for the named LOB files when those files are required by the loader.

  5. To load LOBs directly from ASCFILE1 (a non-delimited ASCII file), without the lobsinfile modifier, the following rules must be observed:

Example 3 (Using Dump Files)

Table FRIENDS is defined as:

   table friends "( c1 INT NOT NULL, c2 INT, c3 CHAR(8) )"

If an attempt is made to load the following data records into this table,

   23, 24, bobby
   , 45, john
   4,, mary

the second row is rejected because the first INT is NULL, and the column definition specifies NOT NULL. Columns which contain initial characters that are not consistent with the DEL format will generate an error, and the record will be rejected. Such records can be written to a dump file (see Table 7).

DEL data appearing in a column outside of character delimiters is ignored, but does generate a warning. For example:

   24,55,"sam" sdf

The utility will load "sam" in the third column of the table, and the characters "sdf" will be flagged in a warning. The record is not rejected. Another example:

   22 3, 34,"bob"

The utility will load 22,34,"bob", and generate a warning that some data in column one following the 22 was ignored. The record is not rejected.

Example 4 (Loading DATALINK Data)

The following command loads the table MOVIETABLE from the input file delfile1, which has data in the DEL format:

   db2 load from delfile1 of del
       modified by dldel|
       insert into movietable (actorname, description, url_making_of, url_movie)
       datalink specification (dl_url_default_prefix "http://narang"),
       (dl_url_replace_prefix "http://bomdel" dl_url_suffix ".mpeg")
       for exception excptab


  1. The table has four columns:
       actorname              VARCHAR(n)
       description            VARCHAR(m)
       url_making_of          DATALINK (with LINKTYPE URL)
       url_movie              DATALINK (with LINKTYPE URL)

  2. The DATALINK data in the input file has the vertical bar (|) character as the sub-field delimiter.

  3. If any column value for url_making_of does not have the prefix character sequence, "http://narang" is used.

  4. Each non-NULL column value for url_movie will get "http://bomdel" as its prefix. Existing values are replaced.

  5. Each non-NULL column value for url_movie will get ".mpeg" appended to the path. For example, if a column value of url_movie is "http://server1/x/y/z", it will be stored as "http://bomdel/x/y/z.mpeg"; if the value is "/x/y/z", it will be stored as "http://bomdel/x/y/z.mpeg".

  6. If any unique index or DATALINK exception occurs while loading the table, the affected records are deleted from the table and put into the exception table excptab.

Example 5 (Loading a Table with an Identity Column)

TABLE1 has 4 columns:

TABLE2 is the same as TABLE1, except that C2 is a GENERATED ALWAYS identity column.

Data records in DATAFILE1 (DEL format):

   "Hummel",,187.43, H
   "Grieg",100, 66.34, G
   "Satie",101, 818.23, I

Data records in DATAFILE2 (DEL format):

   "Liszt", 74.49, A
   "Hummel", 0.01, H
   "Grieg", 66.34, G
   "Satie", 818.23, I


  1. The following command generates identity values for rows 1 and 2, since no identity values are supplied in DATAFILE1 for those rows. Rows 3 and 4, however, are assigned the user-supplied identity values of 100 and 101, respectively.
       db2 load from datafile1.del of del replace into table1

  2. To load DATAFILE1 into TABLE1 so that identity values are generated for all rows, issue one of the following commands:
       db2 load from datafile1.del of del method P(1, 3, 4) replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
       db2load from datafile1.del of del modified by identityignore replace into table1

  3. To load DATAFILE2 into TABLE1 so that identity values are generated for each row, issue one of the following commands:
       db2 load from datafile2.del of del replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
       db2 load from datafile2.del of del modified by identitymissing replace into table1

  4. To load DATAFILE1 into TABLE2 so that the identity values of 100 and 101 are assigned to rows 3 and 4, issue the following command:
       db2 load from datafile1.del of del modified by identityoverride replace into table2
    In this case, rows 1 and 2 will be rejected, because the utility has been instructed to override system-generated identity values in favor of user-supplied values. If user-supplied values are not present, however, the row must be rejected, because identity columns are implicitly not NULL.

  5. If DATAFILE1 is loaded into TABLE2 without using any of the identity-related file type modifiers, rows 1 and 2 will be loaded, but rows 3 and 4 will be rejected, because they supply their own non-NULL values, and the identity column is GENERATED ALWAYS.

Usage Notes

Data is loaded in the sequence that appears in the input file. If a particular sequence is desired, the data should be sorted before a load is attempted.

The load utility builds indexes based on existing definitions. The exception tables are used to handle duplicates on unique keys. The utility does not enforce referential integrity, perform constraints checking, or update summary tables that are dependent on the tables being loaded. Tables that include referential or check constraints are placed in check pending state. Summary tables that are defined with REFRESH IMMEDIATE, and that are dependent on tables being loaded, are also placed in check pending state. Issue the SET INTEGRITY statement to take the tables out of check pending state. Load operations cannot be carried out on replicated summary tables.

If clustering is required, the data should be sorted on the clustering index prior to loading.

DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations

For each DATALINK column, there can be one column specification within parentheses. Each column specification consists of one or more of DL_LINKTYPE, prefix and a DL_URL_SUFFIX specification. The prefix information can be either DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX, or the DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX specification.

There can be as many DATALINK column specifications as the number of DATALINK columns defined in the table. The order of specifications follows the order of DATALINK columns as found within the insert-column list (if specified by INSERT INTO (insert-column, ...)), or within the table definition (if insert-column is not specified).

For example, if a table has columns C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5, and among them only columns C2 and C5 are of type DATALINK, and the insert-column list is (C1, C5, C3, C2), there should be two DATALINK column specifications. The first column specification will be for C5, and the second column specification will be for C2. If an insert-column list is not specified, the first column specification will be for C2, and the second column specification will be for C5.

If there are multiple DATALINK columns, and some columns do not need any particular specification, the column specification should have at least the parentheses to unambiguously identify the order of specifications. If there are no specifications for any of the columns, the entire list of empty parentheses can be dropped. Thus, in cases where the defaults are satisfactory, there need not be any DATALINK specification.

If data is being loaded into a table with a DATALINK column that is defined with FILE LINK CONTROL, perform the following steps before invoking the load utility. (If all the DATALINK columns are defined with NO LINK CONTROL, these steps are not necessary).

  1. Ensure that the DB2 Data Links Manager is installed on the Data Links servers that will be referred to by the DATALINK column values.
  2. Ensure that the database is registered with the DB2 Data Links Manager.
  3. Copy to the appropriate Data Links servers, all files that will be inserted as DATALINK values.
  4. Define the prefix name (or names) to the DB2 Data Links Managers on the Data Links servers.
  5. Register the Data Links servers referred to by DATALINK data (to be loaded) in the DB2 Data Links Manager configuration file.

The connection between DB2 and the Data Links server may fail while running the load utility, causing the load operation to fail. If this occurs:

  1. Start the Data Links server and the DB2 Data Links Manager.
  2. Invoke a load restart operation.

Links that fail during the load operation are considered to be data integrity violations, and are handled in much the same way as unique index violations. Consequently, a special exception has been defined for loading tables that have one or more DATALINK columns. For additional information, refer to the description of exceptions in the SQL Reference.

Representation of DATALINK Information in an Input File

The LINKTYPE (currently only URL is supported) is not specified as part of DATALINK information. The LINKTYPE is specified in the LOAD or the IMPORT command, and for input files of type PC/IXF, in the appropriate column descriptor records as described in the "Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats" appendix in the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.

The syntax of DATALINK information for a URL LINKTYPE is as follows:

   '-urlname--'   '-dl_delimiter--comment--'

Note that both urlname and comment are optional. If neither is provided, the NULL value is assigned.

The URL name must conform to valid URL syntax.


  1. Only "http" and "file" are permitted as a scheme name.

  2. The prefix (scheme, host, and port) of the URL name is optional. If a prefix is not present, it is taken from the DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX or the DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX specification of the load or the import utility. If none of these is specified, the prefix defaults to "file://localhost". Thus, in the case of local files, the file name with full path name can be entered as the URL name, without the need for a DATALINK column specification within the LOAD or the IMPORT command.

  3. Prefixes, even if present in URL names, are overridden by a different prefix name on the DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX specification during a load or import operation.

  4. The "path" (after appending DL_URL_SUFFIX, if specified) is the full path name of the remote file in the remote server. Relative path names are not allowed. The http server default path-prefix is not taken into account.

For the delimited ASCII (DEL) file format, a character specified via the dldel modifier, or defaulted to on the LOAD or the IMPORT command. For the non-delimited ASCII (ASC) file format, this should correspond to the character sequence \; (a backslash followed by a semicolon). Whitespace characters (blanks, tabs, and so on) are permitted before and after the value specified for this parameter.

The comment portion of a DATALINK value. If specified for the delimited ASCII (DEL) file format, the comment text must be enclosed by the character string delimiter, which is double quotation marks (") by default. This character string delimiter can be overridden by the MODIFIED BY filetype-mod specification of the LOAD or the IMPORT command.

If no comment is specified, the comment defaults to a string of length zero.

Following are DATALINK data examples for the delimited ASCII (DEL) file format:

Following are DATALINK data examples for the non-delimited ASCII (ASC) file format:

Following are DATALINK data examples in which the load or import specification for the column is assumed to be DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX ("http://qso"):

Table 7. Valid File Type Modifiers (LOAD)
Modifier Description
All File Formats
anyorder This modifier is used in conjunction with the cpu_parallelism parameter. Specifies that the preservation of source data order is not required, yielding significant additional performance benefit on SMP systems. If the value of cpu_parallelism is 1, this option is ignored. This option is not supported if SAVECOUNT > 0, since crash recovery after a consistency point requires that data be loaded in sequence.
fastparse Reduced syntax checking is done on user-supplied column values, and performance is enhanced. Tables loaded under this option are guaranteed to be architecturally correct, and the utility is guaranteed to perform sufficient data checking to prevent a segmentation violation or trap. Data that is in correct form will be loaded correctly.

For example, if a value of 123qwr4 were to be encountered as a field entry for an integer column in an ASC file, the load utility would ordinarily flag a syntax error, since the value does not represent a valid number. With fastparse, a syntax error is not detected, and an arbitrary number is loaded into the integer field. Care must be taken to use this modifier with clean data only. Performance improvements using this option with ASCII data can be quite substantial, but fastparse does not significantly enhance performance with PC/IXF data, since IXF is a binary format, and fastparse affects parsing and conversion from ASCII to internal forms.

generatedignore This modifier informs the load utility that data for all generated columns is present in the data file but should be ignored. For nullable generated columns, this results in NULLs being loaded into the column; for non-nullable generated columns, this results in the default value for the generated column's data type being loaded. At the end of the load operation, the SET INTEGRITY statement can be invoked to force the replacement of loaded values with values computed according to the generated column definition. This modifier cannot be used with either the generatedmissing or the generatedoverride modifier.
generatedmissing If this modifier is specified, the utility assumes that the input data file contains no data for the generated column (not even NULLs), and will therefore load NULLs into the column. At the end of the load operation, the SET INTEGRITY statement can be used to replace the NULLs with values computed according to the generated column definition. This modifier cannot be used with either the generatedignore or the generatedoverride modifier.
generatedoverride This modifier instructs the load utility to accept explicit, non-NULL data for all generated columns in the table (contrary to the normal rules for these types of columns). This is useful when migrating data from another database system, or when loading a table from data that was recovered using the DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY option on the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command. When this modifier is used, any rows with no data or NULL data for a non-nullable generated column will be rejected (SQL3116W).
Note:The load utility will not attempt to validate generated column values when this option is used.

This modifier cannot be used with either the generatedmissing or the generatedignore modifier.

identityignore This modifier informs the load utility that data for the identity column is present in the data file but should be ignored. This results in all identity values being generated by the utility. The behavior will be the same for both GENERATED ALWAYS and GENERATED BY DEFAULT identity columns. This means that for GENERATED ALWAYS columns, no rows will be rejected. This modifier cannot be used with either the identitymissing or the identityoverride modifier.
identitymissing If this modifier is specified, the utility assumes that the input data file contains no data for the identity column (not even NULLs), and will therefore generate a value for each row. The behavior will be the same for both GENERATED ALWAYS and GENERATED BY DEFAULT identity columns. This modifier cannot be used with either the identityignore or the identityoverride modifier.
identityoverride This modifier should be used only when an identity column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS is present in the table to be loaded. It instructs the utility to accept explicit, non-NULL data for such a column (contrary to the normal rules for these types of identity columns). This is useful when migrating data from another database system when the table must be defined as GENERATED ALWAYS, or when loading a table from data that was recovered using the DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY option on the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command. When this modifier is used, any rows with no data or NULL data for the identity column will be rejected (SQL3116W). This modifier cannot be used with either the identitymissing or the identityignore modifier.
Note:The load utility will not attempt to maintain or verify the uniqueness of values in the table's identity column when this option is used.
indexfreespace=x x is an integer between 0 and 99 inclusive. The value is interpreted as the percentage of each index page that is to be left as free space when loading the index. The first entry in a page is added without restriction; subsequent entries are added if the percent free space threshold can be maintained. The default value is the one used at CREATE INDEX time.

This value takes precedence over the PCTFREE value specified in the CREATE INDEX statement, and affects index leaf pages only.

lobsinfile lob-path specifies the path to the files containing LOB values. The ASC, DEL, or IXF load input files contain the names of the files having LOB data in the LOB column.
noheader Skips the header verification code (applicable only to load operations into tables that reside in a single-node nodegroup).

The AutoLoader utility (see "AutoLoader" in the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference) writes a header to each file contributing data to a table in a multi-node nodegroup. The header includes the node number, the partitioning map, and the partitioning key specification. The load utility requires this information to verify that the data is being loaded at the correct node. When loading files into a table that exists on a single-node nodegroup, the headers do not exist, and this option causes the load utility to skip the header verification code.

norowwarnings Suppresses all warnings about rejected rows.
pagefreespace=x x is an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive. The value is interpreted as the percentage of each data page that is to be left as free space.

If the specified value is invalid because of the minimum row size, (for example, a row that is at least 3 000 bytes long, and an x value of 50), the row will be placed on a new page. If a value of 100 is specified, each row will reside on a new page.
Note:The PCTFREE value of a table determines the amount of free space designated per page. If a pagefreespace value on the load operation or a PCTFREE value on a table have not been set, the utility will fill up as much space as possible on each page. The value set by pagefreespace overrides the PCTFREE value specified for the table.

totalfreespace=x x is an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive. The value is interpreted as the percentage of the total pages in the table that is to be appended to the end of the table as free space. For example, if x is 20, and the table has 100 data pages, 20 additional empty pages will be appended. The total number of data pages for the table will be 120.
usedefaults If a source column for a target table column has been specified, but it contains no data for one or more row instances, default values are loaded. Examples of missing data are:
  • For DEL files: ",," is specified for the column
  • For DEL/ASC/WSF files: A row that does not have enough columns, or is not long enough for the original specification.
Without this option, if a source column contains no data for a row instance, one of the following occurs:
  • If the column is nullable, a NULL is loaded
  • If the column is not nullable, the utility rejects the row.
ASCII File Formats (ASC/DEL)
codepage=x x is an ASCII character string. The value is interpreted as the code page of the data in the input data set. Converts character data (and numeric data specified in characters) from this code page to the database code page during the load operation.

The following rules apply:

  • For pure DBCS (graphic), mixed DBCS, and EUC, delimiters are restricted to the range of x00 to x3F, inclusive.
  • For DEL data specified in an EBCDIC code page, the delimiters may not coincide with the shift-in and shift-out DBCS characters.
  • nullindchar must specify symbols included in the standard ASCII set between code points x20 and x7F, inclusive. This refers to ASCII symbols and code points. EBCDIC data can use the corresponding symbols, even though the code points will be different.
dateformat="x" x is the format of the date in the source file.a Valid date elements are:
  YYYY - Year (four digits ranging from 0000 - 9999)
  M    - Month (one or two digits ranging from 1 - 12)
  MM   - Month (two digits ranging from 1 - 12;
            mutually exclusive with M)
  D    - Day (one or two digits ranging from 1 - 31)
  DD   - Day (two digits ranging from 1 - 31;
            mutually exclusive with D)
  DDD  - Day of the year (three digits ranging
            from 001 - 366; mutually exclusive
            with other day or month elements)

A default value of 1 is assigned for each element that is not specified. Some examples of date formats are:

dumpfile = x x is the fully qualified (according to the server node) name of an exception file to which rejected rows are written. A maximum of 32KB of data is written per record. Following is an example that shows how to specify a dump file:
   db2 load from data of del
      modified by dumpfile = /u/user/filename
      insert into table_name


  1. In a partitioned database environment, the path should be local to the loading node, so that concurrently running load operations do not attempt to write to the same file.

  2. The contents of the file are written to disk in an asynchronous buffered mode. In the event of a failed or an interrupted load operation, the number of records committed to disk cannot be known with certainty, and consistency cannot be guaranteed after a LOAD RESTART. The file can only be assumed to be complete for a load operation that starts and completes in a single pass.

  3. This modifier does not support file names with multiple file extensions. For example,
       dumpfile = /home/svtdbm6/DUMP.FILE

    is acceptable to the load utility, but

       dumpfile = /home/svtdbm6/DUMP.LOAD.FILE

    is not.

implieddecimal The location of an implied decimal point is determined by the column definition; it is no longer assumed to be at the end of the value. For example, the value 12345 is loaded into a DECIMAL(8,2) column as 123.45, not 12345.00.
timeformat="x" x is the format of the time in the source file.a Valid time elements are:
  H     - Hour (one or two digits ranging from 0 - 12
             for a 12 hour system, and 0 - 24
             for a 24 hour system)
  HH    - Hour (two digits ranging from 0 - 12
             for a 12 hour system, and 0 - 24
             for a 24 hour system; mutually exclusive
             with H)
  M     - Minute (one or two digits ranging
             from 0 - 59)
  MM    - Minute (two digits ranging from 0 - 59;
             mutually exclusive with M)
  S     - Second (one or two digits ranging
             from 0 - 59)
  SS    - Second (two digits ranging from 0 - 59;
             mutually exclusive with S)
  SSSSS - Second of the day after midnight (5 digits
             ranging from 00000 - 86399; mutually
             exclusive with other time elements)
  TT    - Meridian indicator (AM or PM)

A default value of 0 is assigned for each element that is not specified. Some examples of time formats are:

   "HH.MM TT"
timestampformat="x" x is the format of the time stamp in the source file.a Valid time stamp elements are:
  YYYY   - Year (four digits ranging from 0000 - 9999)
  M      - Month (one or two digits ranging
              from 1 - 12)
  MM     - Month (two digits ranging from 1 - 12;
              mutually exclusive with M, month)
  D      - Day (one or two digits ranging from 1 - 31)
  DD     - Day (two digits ranging from 1 - 31;
              mutually exclusive with D)
  DDD    - Day of the year (three digits ranging
              from 001 - 366; mutually exclusive with
              other day or month elements)
  H      - Hour (one or two digits ranging from 0 - 12
              for a 12 hour system, and 0 - 24
              for a 24 hour system)
  HH     - Hour (two digits ranging from 0 - 12
              for a 12 hour system, and 0 - 24
              for a 24 hour system; mutually exclusive
              with H)
  M      - Minute (one or two digits ranging
              from 0 - 59)
  MM     - Minute (two digits ranging from 0 - 59;
              mutually exclusive with M, minute)
  S      - Second (one or two digits ranging
              from 0 - 59)
  SS     - Second (two digits ranging from 0 - 59;
              mutually exclusive with S)
  SSSSS  - Second of the day after midnight (5 digits
              ranging from 00000 - 86399; mutually
              exclusive with other time elements)
  UUUUUU - Microsecond (6 digits ranging
              from 000000 - 999999)
  TT     - Meridian indicator (AM or PM)

A default value of 1 is assigned for unspecified YYYY, M, MM, D, DD, or DDD elements. A default value of 0 is assigned for all other unspecified elements. Following is an example of a time stamp format:


The following example illustrates how to import data containing user defined date and time formats into a table called schedule:

   db2 import from delfile2 of del
      modified by timestampformat=" hh:mm tt"
      insert into schedule
noeofchar The optional end-of-file character x'1A' is not recognized as the end of file. Processing continues as if it were a normal character.
ASC (Non-delimited ASCII) File Format
binarynumerics Numeric (but not DECIMAL) data must be in binary form, not the character representation. This avoids costly conversions.

This option is supported only with positional ASC, using fixed length records specified by the reclen option. The noeofchar option is assumed.

The following rules apply:

  • No conversion between data types is performed, with the exception of BIGINT, INTEGER, and SMALLINT.
  • Data lengths must match their target column definitions.
  • FLOATs must be in IEEE Floating Point format.
  • Binary data in the load source file is assumed to be big-endian, regardless of the platform on which the load operation is running.
Note:NULLs cannot be present in the data for columns affected by this modifier. Blanks (normally interpreted as NULL) are interpreted as a binary value when this modifier is used.
nochecklengths If nochecklengths is specified, an attempt is made to load each row, even if the source data has a column definition that exceeds the size of the target table column. Such rows can be successfully loaded if code page conversion causes the source data to shrink; for example, 4-byte EUC data in the source could shrink to 2-byte DBCS data in the target, and require half the space. This option is particularly useful if it is known that the source data will fit in all cases despite mismatched column definitions.
nullindchar=x x is a single character. Changes the character denoting a NULL value to x. The default value of x is Y.b

This modifier is case sensitive for EBCDIC data files, except when the character is an English letter. For example, if the NULL indicator character is specified to be the letter N, then n is also recognized as a NULL indicator.

packeddecimal Loads packed-decimal data directly, since the binarynumerics modifier does not include the DECIMAL field type.

This option is supported only with positional ASC, using fixed length records specified by the reclen option. The noeofchar option is assumed.

Supported values for the sign nibble are:

   + = 0xC 0xA 0xE 0xF
   - = 0xD 0xB
Note:NULLs cannot be present in the data for columns affected by this modifier. Blanks (normally interpreted as NULL) are interpreted as a binary value when this modifier is used.

Regardless of the server platform, the byte order of binary data in the load source file is assumed to be big-endian; that is, when using this modifier on OS/2 or on the Windows operating system, the byte order must not be reversed.

reclen=x x is an integer with a maximum value of 32 767. x characters are read for each row, and a new-line character is not used to indicate the end of the row.
striptblanks Truncates any trailing blank spaces when loading data into a variable-length field. If this option is not specified, blank spaces are kept.

This option cannot be specified together with striptnulls. These are mutually exclusive options.
Note:This option replaces the obsolete t option, which is supported for back-level compatibility only.

striptnulls Truncates any trailing NULLs (0x00 characters) when loading data into a variable-length field. If this option is not specified, NULLs are kept.

This option cannot be specified together with striptblanks. These are mutually exclusive options.
Note:This option replaces the obsolete padwithzero option, which is supported for back-level compatibility only.

zoneddecimal Loads zoned decimal data, since the BINARYNUMERICS modifier does not include the DECIMAL field type. This option is supported only with positional ASC, using fixed length records specified by the RECLEN option. The NOEOFCHAR option is assumed.

Half-byte sign values can be one of the following:

   + = 0xC 0xA 0xE 0xF
   - = 0xD 0xB

Supported values for digits are 0x0 to 0x9.

Supported values for zones are 0x3 and 0xF.

DEL (Delimited ASCII) File Format
chardelx x is a single character string delimiter. The default value is a double quotation mark ("). The specified character is used in place of double quotation marks to enclose a character string.bc

The single quotation mark (') can also be specified as a character string delimiter as follows:

   modified by chardel''
coldelx x is a single character column delimiter. The default value is a comma (,). The specified character is used in place of a comma to signal the end of a column.bc
datesiso Date format. Causes all date data values to be loaded in ISO format.
decplusblank Plus sign character. Causes positive decimal values to be prefixed with a blank space instead of a plus sign (+). The default action is to prefix positive decimal values with a plus sign.
decptx x is a single character substitute for the period as a decimal point character. The default value is a period (.). The specified character is used in place of a period as a decimal point character.bc
delprioritychar The current default priority for delimiters is: record delimiter, character delimiter, column delimiter. This modifier protects existing applications that depend on the older priority by reverting the delimiter priorities to: character delimiter, record delimiter, column delimiter. Syntax:
   db2 load ... modified by delprioritychar ...

For example, given the following DEL data file:

   "Smith, Joshua",4000,34.98<row delimiter>
   "Vincent,<row delimiter>, is a manager", ...
   ... 4005,44.37<row delimiter>

With the delprioritychar modifier specified, there will be only two rows in this data file. The second <row delimiter> will be interpreted as part of the first data column of the second row, while the first and the third <row delimiter> are interpreted as actual record delimiters. If this modifier is not specified, there will be three rows in this data file, each delimited by a <row delimiter>.

dldelx x is a single character DATALINK delimiter. The default value is a semicolon (;). The specified character is used in place of a semicolon as the inter-field separator for a DATALINK value. It is needed because a DATALINK value may have more than one sub-value. bcd
Note:x must not be the same character specified as the row, column, or character string delimiter.
keepblanks Preserves the leading and trailing blanks in each field of type CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, or CLOB. Without this option, all leading and tailing blanks that are not inside character delimiters are removed, and a NULL is inserted into the table for all blank fields.

The following example illustrates how to load data into a table called TABLE1, while preserving all leading and trailing spaces in the data file:

   db2 load from delfile3 of del
      modified by keepblanks
      insert into table1
nodoubledel Suppresses recognition of double character delimiters. For more information, see Delimiter Restrictions.
IXF File Format
forcein Directs the utility to accept data despite code page mismatches, and to suppress translation between code pages.

Fixed length target fields are checked to verify that they are large enough for the data. If nochecklengths is specified, no checking is done, and an attempt is made to load each row.

nochecklengths If nochecklengths is specified, an attempt is made to load each row, even if the source data has a column definition that exceeds the size of the target table column. Such rows can be successfully loaded if code page conversion causes the source data to shrink; for example, 4-byte EUC data in the source could shrink to 2-byte DBCS data in the target, and require half the space. This option is particularly useful if it is known that the source data will fit in all cases despite mismatched column definitions.


  1. The load utility does not issue a warning if an attempt is made to use unsupported file types with the MODIFIED BY option. If this is attempted, the load operation fails, and an error code is returned.

  2. a Double quotation marks around the date format string are mandatory. Field separators cannot contain any of the following: a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. The field separator should not be the same as the character delimiter or field delimiter in the DEL file format. A field separator is optional if the start and end positions of an element are unambiguous. Ambiguity can exist if (depending on the modifier) elements such as D, H, M, or S are used, because of the variable length of the entries.

    For time stamp formats, care must be taken to avoid ambiguity between the month and the minute descriptors, since they both use the letter M. A month field must be adjacent to other date fields. A minute field must be adjacent to other time fields. Following are some ambiguous time stamp formats:

       "M" (could be a month, or a minute)
       "M:M" (Which is which?)
       "M:YYYY:M" (Both are interpreted as month.)
       "S:M:YYYY" (adjacent to both a time value and a date value)

    In ambiguous cases, the utility will report an error message, and the operation will fail.

    Following are some unambiguous time stamp formats:

       "M:YYYY" (Month)
       "S:M" (Minute)
       "M:YYYY:S:M" (Month....Minute)
       "M:H:YYYY:M:D" (Minute....Month)
    Note:Some characters, such as double quotation marks and back slashes, must be preceded by an escape character (for example, \).

  3. b The character must be specified in the code page of the source data.

    The character code point (instead of the character symbol), can be specified using the syntax xJJ or 0xJJ, where JJ is the hexadecimal representation of the code point. For example, to specify the # character as a column delimiter, use one of the following:

       ... modified by coldel# ...
       ... modified by coldel0x23 ...
       ... modified by coldelX23 ...

  4. c Delimiter Restrictions lists restrictions that apply to the characters that can be used as delimiter overrides.

  5. d Even if the DATALINK delimiter character is a valid character within the URL syntax, it will lose its special meaning within the scope of the load operation.

See Also



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