Command Reference


Used to delete entries from the recovery history file, or to delete log files from the active log file path.


One of the following:

Required Connection


Command Syntax

            |                       '-WITH FORCE OPTION--' |
            '-LOGFILE PRIOR TO--log-file-name--------------'

Command Parameters

HISTORY timestamp
Identifies a range of entries in the recovery history file that will be deleted. A complete time stamp (in the form yyyymmddhhmmss), or an initial prefix (minimum yyyy) can be specified. All entries with time stamps equal to or less than the time stamp provided are deleted from the recovery history file.

Specifies that the entries will be pruned according to the time stamp specified, even if some entries from the most recent restore set are deleted from the file. A restore set is the most recent full database backup including any restores of that backup image. If this parameter is not specified, all entries from the backup image forward will be maintained in the history.

LOGFILE PRIOR TO log-file-name
Specifies a string for a log file name, for example S0000100.LOG. All log files prior to (but not including) the specified log file will be deleted. The LOGRETAIN database configuration parameter must be set to RECOVERY or CAPTURE.


To remove the entries for all restores, loads, table space backups, and full database backups taken before and including December 1, 1994 from the recovery history file, enter:

   db2 prune history 199412

Note:199412 is interpreted as 19941201000000.

Usage Notes

Pruning backup entries from the history file causes related file backups on DB2 Data Links Manager servers to be deleted.

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