Command Reference


Lists packages or tables associated with the current database.


For the system catalog SYSCAT.PACKAGES (LIST PACKAGES) and SYSCAT.TABLES (LIST TABLES), one of the following is required:

Required Connection

Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.

Command Syntax

           '-TABLES---'   |      .-USER-----------------.  |
      '-SHOW DETAIL--'

Command Parameters

If the FOR clause is not specified, the packages or tables for USER are listed.

Lists all packages or tables in the database.

Lists all packages or tables in the database for the specified schema only.

Lists all system packages or tables in the database.

Lists all user packages or tables in the database for the current user.

Displays the full table name (valid for the LIST TABLES command only). If this option is not specified, the name is truncated to 30 characters, and the ">" symbol in the thirty-first column represents the truncated portion of the table name.


The following is sample output from LIST PACKAGES:

                     Bound    Total                           Isolation
Package    Schema    by       sections      Valid    Format   level     Blocking
---------- --------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- --------- --------
P1         SMITH     SMITH                1 Yes      0        CS        U
  1 record(s) selected.

The following is sample output from LIST TABLES:

Table/View         Schema           Type       Creation time
------------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------------------
DEPARTMENT         SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
EMP_ACT            SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
EMP_PHOTO          SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
EMP_RESUME         SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
EMPLOYEE           SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
ORG                SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
PROJECT            SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
SALES              SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
STAFF              SMITH            T          1997-02-19-
  9 record(s) selected.

Usage Notes

LIST PACKAGES and LIST TABLES commands are available to provide a quick interface to the system tables.

The following SELECT statements return information found in the system tables. They can be expanded to select the additional information that the system tables provide. To enhance SELECT statements use the descriptions of the Catalog Views found in the SQL Reference and the Administration Guide.

   select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time
   from syscat.tables
   order by tabschema, tabname;
   select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect,
      valid, format, isolation, blocking
   from syscat.packages
   order by pkgschema, pkgname;
   select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time
   from syscat.tables
   where tabschema = 'SYSCAT'
   order by tabschema, tabname;
   select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect,
      valid, format, isolation, blocking
   from syscat.packages
   where pkgschema = 'NULLID'
   order by pkgschema, pkgname;
   select tabname, tabschema, type, create_time
   from syscat.tables
   where tabschema = USER
   order by tabschema, tabname;
   select pkgname, pkgschema, boundby, total_sect,
      valid, format, isolation, blocking
   from syscat.packages
   where pkgschema = USER
   order by pkgschema, pkgname;

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