Displays the status of the database system monitor switches for the current session. Monitor switches instruct the database system manager to collect database activity information. Each application using the database system monitor interface has its own set of monitor switches. This command displays them. To display the database manager-level switches, use GET DATABASE MANAGER MONITOR SWITCHES.
One of the following:
Required Connection
Instance. If there is no instance attachment, a default instance attachment is created.
To display the settings for a remote instance, or for a different local instance, it is necessary to first attach to that instance.
>>-GET MONITOR SWITCHES----+-------------------+--------------->< +-AT NODE--nodenum--+ '-GLOBAL------------'
Command Parameters
The following is sample output from GET MONITOR SWITCHES:
Monitor Recording Switches
Switch list for node 1
Buffer Pool Activity Information (BUFFERPOOL) = ON 02-20-1997 16:04:30.070073
Lock Information (LOCK) = OFF
Sorting Information (SORT) = OFF
SQL Statement Information (STATEMENT) = ON 02-20-1997 16:04:30.070073
Table Activity Information (TABLE) = OFF
Unit of Work Information (UOW) = ON 02-20-1997 16:04:30.070073
Usage Notes
The six recording switches (BUFFERPOOL, LOCK, SORT, STATEMENT, TABLE, and UOW) are off by default, but may be switched on using UPDATE MONITOR SWITCHES. If a particular switch is on, this command also displays the time stamp for when the switch was turned on.
For a summary of all database monitor data elements and monitoring groups, see the System Monitor Guide and Reference.
See Also