Command Reference

Command Line Processor Return Codes

When the command line processor finishes processing a command or an SQL statement, it returns an exit (or return) code. These codes are transparent to users executing CLP functions from the command line, but they can be retrieved when those functions are executed from a shell script.

For example, the following Bourne shell script executes the GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command, then inspects the CLP return code:

   db2 get database manager configuration
   if ["$?" = "0"]
   then echo "OK!"

The return code can be one of the following:


DB2 command or SQL statement executed successfully

SELECT or FETCH statement returned no rows

DB2 command or SQL statement warning

DB2 command or SQL statement error

Command line processor system error

The command line processor does not provide a return code while a user is executing statements from interactive mode, or while input is being read from a file (using the -f option).

A return code is available only after the user quits interactive mode, or when processing of an input file ends. In these cases, the return code is the logical OR of the distinct codes returned from the individual commands or statements executed to that point.

For example, if a user in interactive mode issues commands resulting in return codes of 0, 1, and 2, a return code of 3 will be returned after the user quits interactive mode. The individual codes 0, 1, and 2 are not returned. Return code 3 tells the user that during interactive mode processing, one or more commands returned a 1, and one or more commands returned a 2.

A return code of 4 results from a negative SQLCODE returned by a DB2 command or an SQL statement. A return code of 8 results only if the command line processor encounters a system error.

If commands are issued from an input file or in interactive mode, and the command line processor experiences a system error (return code 8), command execution is halted immediately. If one or more DB2 commands or SQL statements end in error (return code 4), command execution stops if the -s (Stop Execution on Command Error) option is set; otherwise, execution continues.

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